Sierra Nevada region struggles to find homes buried under snow 3 stories high

March 30, 2011CALIFORNIA – A drought that loomed over some of California’s most fertile farmland officially ended Wednesday after a winter of relentless mountain storms that piled snow up to three stories high and could keep some ski resorts open until the Fourth of July. More than 61 feet of snow has fallen in the Sierra Nevada high country so far this season, second only to 1950-51, when 65 feet fell, according to records kept by the California Department of Transportation. And more snow is possible in April, raising the prospect of an all-time record. When it melts, the snow will bring relief to hundreds of communities and many farms that provide fruits and vegetables to the nation. The wet winter means state and federal water agencies will be able to provide more water to urban and agricultural areas as the snowmelt fills reservoirs this summer. The Sierra snowpack is crucial for California’s water supply. As it melts, it feeds a vast system of lakes and aqueducts that move water from the north through the agriculturally rich Central Valley and eventually to Southern California, where most of the state’s residents live. – New Tribune
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4 Responses to Sierra Nevada region struggles to find homes buried under snow 3 stories high

  1. Mara Baldomino says:

    I am in contact with my family in Northern California, Sacramento area. They tell me that the levees are overflowing and the American River is at full capacity. Now with the huge amount of snow and higher temperatures, there is a potential for the flooding not experienced since The Great Flood in that region. The high today in that region was 80°F. The temps in the snow regions today was in the 59 °F range.

    There is much concern for my Family, however they have made a choice to remain there. Beloved Alvin is this cause for concern legitimate? This is a link that shows the American River in Sacramento CA my family live about 20 miles from this river I live there for seven years in the 90’s and never seen the river this full.

    Thank you for your information.
    In love,


    • There is cause for concern from looking at the layout of the levee system in the photos. I think if more rain or higher temperatures are forecasted for the area, as likely they will with the onset of Spring —— you should make the suggestion that they take a much needed vacation (if the situation warrants) to visit and let them monitor the conditions outside the circle of chaos. I feel your concern and it’s duly noted.

      In love, Alvin


  2. Byron Wilkins says:

    Since our weather is so unpredictable any more you have reason to worry Mara if rains come before the snow melts naturaly Sactremento will be devastated like it was around 2000 but it could be much worse. This same type flooding took place in europe this winter. Hope for the best but plan for the possible worst. Good luck to your family.


  3. Reynaldo chavez says:

    I’m assuming they still have power?


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