Nearly two million without power after brutal storm hits northeast- 12 dead

October 31, 2011Boston, MAAbout 1.8 million people in at least five states remained without power Monday after a rare October snowstorm buried parts of the Northeast under more than 2 feet of snow. Utilities throughout the region reported significant progress in restoring power, but the cold, snowy conditions and house-by-house nature of the damage was slowing the work, officials said. The weekend storm prompted emergency declarations from the governors of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts, and also put Halloween trick-or-treating plans in jeopardy. At least six Massachusetts cities have postponed the annual ritual, Lt. Gov. Tim Murray said. One of them, Worcester, Massachusetts, asked residents to postpone celebrations until Thursday, when temperatures are expected to climb to 60 degrees. Trick-or-treating, the city said, would “put families and our youth in harm’s way as they negotiate piles of snow and downed limbs.” Murray and Connecticut Gov. Daniel Malloy said they were leaving it up to city officials in their states whether to cancel festivities for Monday night. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said some roads in the state are expected to ice up again after dark, and he warned that downed power lines continue to pose a threat of electrocution in the wake of a storm that he said warrants a federal disaster declaration. “It was a particular challenge not just because it comes unseasonably soon, but because there are leaves on many of the trees, which caused a number of limbs to come down on power lines,” he said. Authorities attributed at least eight deaths to the storm. Time-lapse of the snowfall in New Jersey Some of the heaviest snow fell in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York, but snowfall amounts of at least a foot were recorded from West Virginia to Maine. The Berkshire County community of Peru, Massachusetts, received 32 inches of snow during the storm. “I never have seen this and I’ve lived here all my life, and that’s more than 90 years,” 92-year-old Genevieve Murphy of Westfield, Massachusetts, said in an interview with CNN affiliate WWLP-TV. –CNN
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12 Responses to Nearly two million without power after brutal storm hits northeast- 12 dead

  1. Braindamagedsmotpoker says:

    oh w00t…. I live in the western mountains of Maine, our power was off for a total of four hours while we slept. We do however in my rotten old memory have snow on the ground for trick or treating


  2. Dennis B says:

    OK, lived here (New Jersey) all my life; Earthquake in August, a once in 1,000 year rain fall during Irene, and now “treemagedddon” from all the snapped branches and trees down from a January like snowfall in October. We are rapidly learing how to do without electricity; considering a hand pump for the well, and an out house. What does it take for people to start connecting the dots that something is up?


    • Sadly, most never will. People don’t want to face truth or reality…this will become more and more apparent with time.


    • RainMan says:

      Hi Dennis
      An out house sounds dangerous, I’d stay inside, take care.


    • Evo says:

      The only people connecting the dots are the people who visit here. There can be earthquakes, volcanoes, massive solar flares, tsunamis, and weather events as above. But until it affects their lives, people will remain oblivious.
      So to everyone who shares their knowledge here, my head is bowed. Thank you for all your knowledge and wisdom and please……don’t stop.


  3. Chris says:

    I can’t believe that half the United States got snow before us :O. I live in Saskatchewan, Canada and still isn’t cold enough for snow. That’s a LOT of snow too… Something fishy is going on here…


    • Wiseguy says:

      Hi Chris, in Montreal, we always had the strongest storms coming from U.S. Not anymore, the Jet Stream is a lot lower on northern hemisphere, looks like Ontario and Quebec area have a distinct spiral cloud pattern protecting us from everything coming from the south. Last winter, New York had almost more snow than Montreal, we had to ski on artificial snow. This year will be a lot worst for them, but most won’t wake up.


  4. jenniferb824 says:

    I live in the Western Mass area, in comparison to the June 1st tornado that ripped thru here this October snow storm is by far much worse.

    Almost every street in some towns still have tree limbs with power lines wrapped around them. They’ve postponed trick or treating till the end of the week, area schools are now all closed for the 2nd day in a row, 1 school will not open this week. Power companies are telling local residents expect the power to be restored in 10 days.

    If you even try and book a hotel because you are without power good luck they are all booked.
    The gas station drama around here is reminiscent of the 1970’s gas shortage, and local restaurants are filled with people coming in from a few cities over looking for a warm meal.

    This snow storm will be one for the history books for sure.

    Here is a link to the local newspaper’s online website for you to browse the area damage,



  5. jones2012 says:

    Dennis, if you live with females your outhouse idea won’t be too popular. Might I suggest a composting toilet? You can buy one for a thousand bucks or make your own with a 5 gallon bucket and a toilet seat on top. The key to low odor is a cover of pine shavings, sawdust or pellets for wood stoves after every use and of course, emptying into a straw bale compost heap used only for human manure.


    • This post brought back some memories. Although we had an indoor bathroom growing up, I still had friends who had actual outhouses. We used to go out in pairs or groups. (Yes, we bundled up when it was cold.) Outhouses are definitely better than the woods, especially for us women. We may end up resorting to them again one day. Us “oldsters” will be ready. LOL



  6. JerseyCynic says:

    Thanks for the link Jennifer

    I was wondering what is was like in other towns. We live in Hartford, ct and it is like a scene right out of “the day after tomorrow”. Being a prepper is surely paying off! Luckily our property escaped any damage. Just been without power since Saturday. Best part is the night sky viewing. I just downloaded the star walk iPad app. I just wish I didn’t put the chaise lounge Chairs away –my neck hurts — it’s too cold to lay in the snow

    Omg, the power JUST came on I sh*+ you not



  7. HW says:

    We got over 22 inches of snow in NH, but interestingly, the morning sky was covered with birds flying south just prior to the storm. It was also like a scene out of the movie, The Day After Tomorrow. I always observe the normal bird migration to the south this time of year, but I have never seen anything like this. My horses seemed anxious as well. We need to watch the animals more, they tell us so much. We didn’t lose our power, but if we did, we were well prepared with food, water, fuel for the generator, and wood for the woodstoves. Alvin, I am so glad I found this website, read your book and heeded the warnings. I hope more people will listen.


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