The September 15th Event: planet rattled by swarm of major earthquakes

September 15, 2011FIJIThe shaking continues with a major 7.3 earthquake reported off the coast of Fiji at a depth of 626 km. Even with the downgrade of the earthquake off the coast of Cuba from 6.0 to 5.1 by the USGS, one would be hard-pressed not to see geological forces are now disturbing tectonic plates across the globe- perhaps nudging the planet into a new catastrophic seismic paradigm. 14 major earthquakes have now been reported in the first 15 days of the month of September, with 4 of those events occurring within the last 23 hours. We have crossed a threshold. –The Extinction Protocol
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53 Responses to The September 15th Event: planet rattled by swarm of major earthquakes

  1. david says:

    I believe the 5.0 quakes should start happening more frequent in the USA,I`ll be keeping a close eye on the west coast and the new madrid fault line,things should start to heat up I believe.


  2. King kevin says:

    and I keep thinking to myself maybe it’s going to stop this time…and it just continues. Really makes you wonder what’s in the future


  3. Brandon says:

    Alvin, what does this new threshold mean for us?


  4. Marshallrn says:

    This isn’t the first time this year that I have seen these size quakes pop up on a global scale, yet the intensity of these sets of big quakes do seem to be growing( a 5.1 euake just hot Japa while writing this). Who knows when but I’m going to keep an ear to the ground here in Northern California. Beautiful day here though!


  5. radiogirl says:

    Maybe I should rethink my trip to Aspen.The weather there and this unstable position we are in makes me nervous to be away from my family,which I don’t like to do anyway.


  6. Dawn says:

    David, I agree with you I believe the east coast will start now with 5.0. I would like to see A map showing the last 5 5 earthquakes the tectonic plates in order of first to last today to see if they are setting off each other like a dominos


  7. Sergio says:

    Karangetang Volcano Mayor Eruption Imminent.


  8. Melissa Jacobs says:

    Oki Alvin! Your last sentence, “we have crossed a threshold”, touched my heart, not with fear, but with an instant image of you stepping through a doorway. In one hand you hold a bright lantern and your other hand reaches behind grasping the hand of the next person, and they of the next, on and on like those paper doll chains we used to make in school. I am so happy and grateful for the knowledge you have shared with us. Let our growing EP family prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for what lies ahead of us and comfort those who do not understand. I have died 3 times in my life and have been brought back to this beautiful earth. Yet, I did experience the bright white light and loving warmth of the Creator and all my family and friends who had passed before me. I was devasted when I came back to life, but know that there was a reason for this.

    Please everyone do not be afraid, especially of something you can not change. .Embrace your loved ones and the life you have now for we each individually will pass on when we are called as billions have before us. We are fortunate to have so much advance warning to be the best humans we can be! With great love and respect for all who suffer the pain of trying to warn those who will not see what is in front of their faces.


  9. Kim says:

    I have this earthquake thing on my computer that alerts me to a few and last night I was up late and a 5.0 in New Zealand and than about a 7 mins later a 5.1 in Japan. My eyes are wide open.


  10. Ynot says:

    have a look at the quake drums main page on GEonet NZ – this shows how this big quake in Fiji affects different regions of NZ. Expect strong shocks in regions with the largest seismic recordings during the next few days. Be quick it only fgies the readings for the last 240 minutes – about 40min to go!
    ynots wife


  11. Lisa varley says:

    David. I feel the same way. I’m keeping and eye on New Madrid and Yellowstone


  12. DR says:

    Hey Alvin,
    Have you heard yet that Obama is going to be in Denver Sept 27/28? NASA is also beginning to move all their top employees to Denver.

    Let’s hope it is only a coincidence.



    • Had not heard that but what most people don’t realize is that Colorado’s past geologic history was worst than any in the nation. Mountains, themselves, are a sign of past violent geological events. The La Garita super-volcanic eruption in Colorado eclipsed Yellowstone and is said to have ejected tephra perhaps as far away as the Caribbean. The Rocky Mountains are another enigmatic geological feature that lends itself to no easy explanation on how such a large mountain chain was violently uplifed in the middle of a tectonic plate with no evidence of a corresponding plate collision. The latest theory is that a violent suction force created the range. Consider the noise, earthquakes, and violence of such an event to create the mountain range. Colorado’s scenic beauty today rests on the violent template of the past…


      • radiogirl says:

        Well,that makes me feel a little ill.


      • Well, not trying to scare anyone…some of these issues are dormant, but Colorado may hold other unforeseen surprises. It’s hard to calculate how this will all play out. Revelation says, “Every mountain and island were moved out of their places” when the Lord comes and the only reason people would run “to the mountains and rocks” saying “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand.” is because they mostly likely have witnessed them becoming increasingly unstable and starting to crumble from tremors before the end arrives. Revelation 6:16,17


    • david says:

      Found this article not sure if it`s a reliable news sourse, Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military,anyway he wouldn`t be safe hiding in a bunker from a major earthquake


    • M.A. says:

      I’m in Co and things have gotten a little weird here, at least inbetween CO Springs and Denver. Quite a bit of military presence via troop transporters on the interstate and multiple times the HOmeland Security suvs have been just driving up and down the interstate. This is not normal here, even though I live almost directly between military bases. Much military jet activity, more than usual, and quake activity has started up again. Felt earthquakes 3 nights ago, made car alarms go off, preceded by blue-white orb-like balls of light in the sky and loud bangs like gunshuts emanating from the ground. Earthquake lightning and earthquake booms, perhaps? Reported this to USGS, nothing happened. The closest thing was at that exact moment, a 2.6 quake struck about 180 miles to the south of me, not strong enough to impact my neighborhood the way it did. Was told that if I didn’t feel the 4.0 that happened 2 hours later, I probably wasn’t feeling an earthquake. I asked to at least report it on “Did you feel it?” and they did not respond and they did not open it up for that.

      People are looking to Denver for the coincidental arrival of Obama and NASA, maybe they’re on to something!


      • david says:

        There are so many theories,strange events, it’s hard to figure out what’s real and what isn’t, but I do believe we’re on the verge of something. Whether it’s a sudden event or a relatively gradual change, it’s going to kill a lot of people. Whatever the cause, aliens, NWO, planet X effects, nuclear war, natural or volcanic ocean climate change,or god himself, whatever, we simply cannot sustain this level of population and growth on this planet for much longer. Something’s got to give.


      • Rita says:

        What you are describing makes me think of military – experimental ‘big guns’. Very sci fi stuff, but that is what they do. I appreciate your information. These guys scare me far more than any truly natural event.


      • impressive says:

        look up operation or project bluebeam


    • Dennis E. says:

      Denver is one of the alternate relocation points for the US Goverment.
      Also, one of the most secured locations on planet earth, other than the ural mountains in the former soviet union, Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Many of you saw it on “Star gate SG1” It is the north american aerodefense command(NORAD)
      and the us goverment/military can operate from there and perhaps survive a near WMD strike. Very interesting. Also, sept 29th Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year and it is reported that Jesus Christ was born on Rosh Hashanah.

      and so it goes


  13. Paula says:

    The LISS readings are wild, especially for the Pacific- or at least that’s how it looks to me.
    The planet is reeling. Blessings to all,


    • Paula, when I read your post, I automatically had to think about Isaiah 24:20 – The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. That’s what seems to be happening.



  14. Mike Rigby says:

    It is easy to see that shifting is increasing across the planet with the earthquakes going up and volcanic activity rising but “geological forces” ARE the tectonic plates moving. Something much more powerful than internal movement or heating and cooling is disturbing the crust of the earth. Only something cosmic can bring the changes we are seeing. I say “keep your eye on the sky”. Whatever is pushing us will show up soon enough. Mike


  15. Evo says:

    Hi Alvin,
    I cannot remember how I stumbled onto your site, but it is, for me at least, the only place that I can find people with similar outlooks of the events that are happening right now. For this I am very grateful Alvin. (all the people around me, at the moment, rely on the media to tell them what is going on in the world, if I mention the sun, or earthquakes, I get the *blank look*, and “I did not hear this on the news”) There has been no major reporting of today’s events in the mainstream media, as far as I know. I live in Britain.

    Anyway, looking at how the Earth was stretched today, and finding either puzzlement, or “its happened before” or its “under investigation” from the science people I felt I needed, to at least contribute a few opinions.
    When all, as we know it, breaks down, are we not being given an opportunity now, to plan ahead.? We have the internet now, and it looks as though the clock is ticking as to how long this will be available. Meekly, I ask the people who visit here, can we come up with some plan of communication after the major event?. Is there any way we can reconnect, (if we are still alive!) after all the communication devices we have now fail? Perhaps this is one of the reasons we have internet.

    Your dreams portal is a wonderful. Very upsetting when you read some of the visions people have seen as I believe in dreams. I was shown event that took place three days before my Mom had a serious accident, through a dream.

    And what of God in all this? Well to me, and me only, (as I have no intent of interfering in any persons religious beliefs because I respect everyone’s beliefs) God is the purest form of love that exists, or ever can exist. So, for me its just “trust in God” come what may.


    • Michael says:

      My only plan of communication during these times (assuming we biblical Christians are still here) is prayer. Although, I hear texting might still work.


      • Dennis E. says:

        Michael: Dennis E. Here: I hope, I hope, you have a plan of communication with your family, even if texting doesn’t work because families are going to need each other.


    • Garth Whelan says:

      I’m also from the UK, but am living in the Philippines. I only heard about this from my American FB friends. One of them posted a page from this site, and it’s all confirming what I’ve seen these past months; Matthew 24 is coming to fulfillment right before our eyes.


    • Melissa Jacobs says:

      @Catalyst,,,You are very kind to say this. Sometimes I think I say the dumbest things, but i am trying to reach from my heart to yours, so I try to share my experience so others may take comfort in a scary situation.

      @ Evo… You are a little too far away for me to send you a can with a string attached LOL, but I too, have wondered about communication after global cataclysm. If we are still here I am praying that we will be able to communicate telepathically as I can’t afford a shortwave radio. My friends, most of whom live many miles from me, used to laughingly wish for earthquakes to push our homes closer together. Now I am wondering if that might not happen?!? BTW, I love your description of the Creator and the way you write. I live in Nunda, NY , (western NY state, USA). It would be great if we all had some kind of black box like they have on airplanes, so they could send out signals and data to anyone who survives, so they could locate each other.

      @ Radiogirl… Hi, here is a big HUG from me to you! I feel your love for your children so powerfully. May you and yours be safe in the love you share for each other!


  16. radiogirl says:

    Its difficult not to be fearful.At the same time I like to know whats going on so this is the way the deck appears to be stacked.I do pray and I have a bug out bag and a plan..these things help.Honestly its always my children that I think of when I have moments of distress….Ofcourse I don’t want to see them harmed and yet all four boys wanted to enlist after 9/11 so I suppose they will deal with whatever comes.We will all look after my young daughter.Just thoughts of a mother.

    @Evo…finding like minded people can be a bit of a struggle but I have friends that are doing the same as we are and we talk and offer advice to one another.How will we communicate when the lights go out I don’t know but I’m open to suggestion.

    @Alvin..Colorado ….You do a service …and if I get a little scared well so be it…If it all falls down on me while Im there…..I hope Im happy and fishing.


  17. Mitch says:

    There seems to be a lot of ominous signs, and a prelude to something on the horizon, but I feel as if that “something” may never come. All this reminds of watching the trailer for an exciting up and coming movie….but the production keeps getting pushed back, and the actual movie never happens. When are we going to see something earth shattering take place? The signs are there, yet life goes on as usual. In a strange way it’s almost frustrating…

    If something does happen, it’s going to be a wake up call for human arrogance. We think we’re above nature and in control, but the reality is even with all our technology and understanding of science we are not.

    I think about the ‘what if’ every day now after following this site. I just wonder….when.


  18. Desilk says:

    29th of September is my Birthday…hope nothing is going to happen but guess I’d better prepare anyway. This date has been flying around for quite a while and – given they hype around elenin – I wonder whether something else is coming at us of which they do not tell us about. It may well be that the elenin stories are a distraction seeded out to take the focus away from what is really happening?

    @Evo: I’m in the UK as well and I know exactly what you mean about the blank looks. Or worse, people make fun of us and make out we are crazy when we talk about the earth changes that are happening all around us. Nobody wants to look disaster in the face unless it strikes them personally and they don’t want to be disturbed in the sweet, ordered, consumerist life that they lead. It’s nice to know there are more people out there that are concerned and interested in the earth as a whole and our shared plight as the human race.


  19. luisport says:

    Carl le Strange says:
    September 16, 2011 at 08:21
    Oh my…
    I think you should clear your schedule for the rest of your life

    All are very good questions, but sadly without good answers.
    Yes, it is believed that the volcanic activity cycle is triggered by corresponding cycles in either mantleplume/hotspot activity or rifting episodes (tectonic stress).
    I tend to lean to rifting as the major cause. At least for the ultra-large laki/veidivötn/eldgja (LVE) episodes. Another one that is very much a rifting volcano is Krafla.
    I suspect that Kraflafires was the beginning of a rifting episode, and that it might end up with another rifting in the dead-zone (LVE) during the cycle of increased activity that has either started with Krafla, or is about to start.
    Personaly I think the active period has already started since Grimsvötn and Hekla has already picked up the pace, and Krafla has already gone off. But this is just me speculating. IMO is saying that it is starting now. Here history will tell in the future.
    Problem is that we do not have records of seismicity and GPS that covers even an entire cycle, and to make any certain prognosises of this we would need a lot more than one cycle.
    I would say that we need many years and a heck of a lot of research to even beginn to comprehend your questions fully, and actually answering them…


  20. Dean says:

    It is only the begining…Big ones coming soon…


    • radiogirl says:

      Since this quite possibly is the direction this is going…Im going to focus on being a comfort to others and realize when and if these events take place in my lifetime…that I was not taken by surprize by it all.It will be great to enjoy family and friends this weekend.I hope you all have a wonderful weekend as well.God Bless,R


  21. luisport says:

    Magnitude mb 5.2
    Date time 2011-09-16 11:52:19.0 UTC
    Location 18.30 N ; 119.41 E
    Depth 20 km
    Distances 125 km W Laoag (pop 102,105 ; local time 19:52:19.3 2011-09-16)
    126 km W Batac (pop 10,492 ; local time 19:52:19.3 2011-09-16)
    117 km W Pagsanahan (pop 2,089 ; local time 19:52:19.3 2011-09-16)


  22. Anthony says:

    Remember remember the 15th of September! 🙂


  23. —- Please keep your comments relevant to post. This is not about the U.S. president or underground bunkers, Israel, or feast days ————


  24. luisport says:

    Magnitude mb 5.7
    Region VANUATU
    Date time 2011-09-16 18:23:25.0 UTC
    Location 20.74 S ; 169.87 E
    Depth 100 km
    Distances 943 km W Suva (pop 199,455 ; local time 06:23:25.0 2011-09-17)
    274 km E Wé (pop 10,375 ; local time 05:23:25.0 2011-09-17)
    148 km SE Isangel (pop 1,437 ; local time 05:23:25.0 2011-09-17)


  25. luisport says:

    Magnitude mb 6.2
    Date time 2011-09-16 19:26:42.0 UTC
    Location 40.38 N ; 142.69 E
    Depth 40 km
    Distances 99 km E Hachinohe (pop 239,046 ; local time 04:26:42.5 2011-09-17)
    103 km NE Miyako (pop 51,721 ; local time 04:26:42.5 2011-09-17)


    • luisport says:

      Magnitude 6.6
      Date-Time Friday, September 16, 2011 at 19:26:42 UTC
      Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 04:26:42 AM at epicenter
      Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

      Location 40.288°N, 142.727°E
      Depth 36.3 km (22.6 miles)
      Distances 108 km (67 miles) ESE of Hachinohe, Honshu, Japan
      149 km (92 miles) ENE of Morioka, Honshu, Japan
      177 km (109 miles) ESE of Aomori, Honshu, Japan
      574 km (356 miles) NNE of TOKYO, Japan

      Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 15.3 km (9.5 miles); depth +/- 4.2 km (2.6 miles)
      Parameters NST=447, Nph=447, Dmin=195.9 km, Rmss=0.82 sec, Gp= 32°,
      M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7
      Source Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
      Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)

      Event ID usc0005vv7


    2011 September 16 19:26:42 UTC
    Location 40.288°N, 142.727°E
    Depth 36.3 km (22.6 miles)
    Distances 108 km (67 miles) ESE of Hachinohe, Honshu, Japan
    149 km (92 miles) ENE of Morioka, Honshu, Japan
    177 km (109 miles) ESE of Aomori, Honshu, Japan
    574 km (356 miles) NNE of TOKYO, Japan



  27. Rita says:

    6.6 near the coast of Honshu Japan a couple of hours ago.


  28. Evo says:

    I posted earlier, so sorry if this comment crops up twice. Another 6.6 earthquake in Honshu, followed by two over 5s aftershocks. Massive tectonic movement.
    Apparently, the north pole is moving daily at an astonishing rate, and even weirder, towards the south pole, which is not moving anywhere near as fast. (if this is incorrect, please tell me, as the next question is then irrelevant)
    Anyone out there who could tell me how far from both poles, would an imaginary line be, if drawn through Honshu and Vanuatu? I have attempted it but only in a very amateurish way, I haven’t got the expertise to do it correctly.


  29. Brandon says:

    Alvin, you said this means trouble for all of us. I live in Alabama. Will the U.S. be affected by these earth changes? Is there a safe place on earth?


    • The only safety Brandon is abiding in the secret place of the Almighty and being under the shadow of His wing. Said the prayer of Moses, “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Surely, he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence…thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day, nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is the my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation.” Psalm 91:2-8

      God Almighty is the only One who has ever perserved anyone from global destruction. When everything falls down around us, to be safe and secure, we are admonished to lean that much more on the Everlasting Arm. Let the prayer of Moses be our watchword.

      peace and blessings,


  30. Thomas Petty says:

    There needs to be an investigation of the major quake dates. Sept. 15 and around March 11, actually every 182 days we seem to have a major quake somewhere on the planet, and sometimes multiple large quakes. Why is 182 days significant? Because it is exactly 6 months, meaning the earth is in an exact opposite position from the previous 182 day period, relative to the sun. This implies that there is an unusual force being exerted on the planet that is strong enough to trigger major quakes.
    On Sept. 15, draw a line to and through the sun. When earth travels around the sun and reaches that line, that will be 182 days, and more major earthquakes will occur. Check the dates. This is current reality, not guess and doubtful coincidence. Next peak major earthquake activity is predicted to be March 14, 2012. Mark it on your calendar and prove it to yourself.


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