Solar activity now acclerating on the Sun

March 8, 2011HIGH SOLAR ACTIVITY: Solar Cycle 24 is heating up. No fewer than three sunspots (1164, 1165, and 1166) are crackling with M-class solar flares, and each of them has a delta-class magnetic field capable of producing even more powerful X-flares. –Space Weather   South Africa: The Hermanus Space Weather Warning Centre (SWWC) on Sunday said a large solar flare was currently being experienced in South Africa. The solar flare would result in higher radiation levels from the sun. SWWC’s forecaster Kobus Olckers said people should be careful when they go outside. “People must wear high sunscreen factor at the moment or preferably go shopping,” he said. A powerful solar flare could overwhelm high-voltage transformers with electrical currents and short-circuit energy grids, with one such event in 1989 disrupting power across the Canadian province of Quebec.” – IAfrica
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