One-third of endangered saiga antelope mysteriously die off in a few days, up to 85,000 dead

 Saiga Antelope
May 2015 KAZAKHSTAN Authorities in Kazakhstan says around one-third of the endangered saiga antelope population in this Central Asian nation has mysteriously died off in the last few days. Kazakhstan’s agriculture ministry said Friday the number of saiga that have died may have reached 85,000. The ministry says it suspects the animals, which are recognizable for their distinctive humped snout, may have been struck by an epidemic of pasteurellosis caused by a bacterial infection.
Officials say international veterinarian experts have been flown to Kazakhstan to study other possible causes for the catastrophic die-off. The number of saiga plummeted in the 1990s as a result of poaching. At the latest Kazakh government count in 2014, the saiga population stood at 257,000. Saiga are also found in smaller numbers in parts of Russia. –National Post
contribution Lisa M.
This entry was posted in Animal Extinction, Black Swan Event, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Emerging disease threat, Environmental Threat, Food chain unraveling, High-risk potential hazard zone, Mass animal deaths, Pestilence Watch, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration, Unsolved Mystery. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to One-third of endangered saiga antelope mysteriously die off in a few days, up to 85,000 dead

  1. suez62 says:

    So very sad…I just hate stuff like this! Animals are innocent! Unlike people!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Judy says:

    Check out what is in the chemtrails overhead. Man has a lot to answer for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • suez62 says:

      It is hard to believe when I talk about Chem-trails sometimes, people still ask, what is that??? I say look up and open your eyes!!!


      • Yellow Bird says:

        what responses do you typically get?
        i usually get an odd glance followed by some sanctioned pablum such as “oh, that’s just ice crystals in jet vapor, jets have ALWAYS done that”, or barbed remark as to my own lack of Expertise and how i should Stop Visiting all the Tin-Foil Sites
        i’ve never managed to convince anyone of what (s)he didnt want to see

        Liked by 1 person

      • suez62 says:

        Well, mostly I have gotten, what is a Chem Trail??? When I tell them, I get much of the same as you mentioned…LOL But, once and a while some actually say, really? I didn’t know that. I tell them to look into it and do research, YouTube videos etc. One person actually changed the subject when I was trying to explain them….:( Sad. But, who knows…Ya, my kids probably think I have a tin foil hat hidden somewhere also. But, I keep warning them, something big is going to happen. When it does, I pray they will realize, mom may not be so dumb after all! We can hope!!! 🙂 I think my husband now thinks I may be on to something…LOL So, he did say something to my daughter one day, and she said, well maybe there is something to it…Praise God!!! They might believe him, but not paranoid, Bible thumping mom…LOL


      • Yellow Bird says:

        Suez, my fam is just like yours…. at least the hubs are beginning to take note… maybe soon the kidz will follow
        i pray every day for mine “LORD let the Dark Ones not have them forever!”
        and now i will pray the same for yours!

        Liked by 1 person

      • suez62 says:

        Thank you Yellow Bird, I will do the same for you. I’m trusting the Lord to bring our families in! Praying the Father will draw the onto himself, through Jesus Christ the Son!! 🙂 Give to them a soft heart, and a hunger for the Lord! 🙂


  3. suez62 says:

    So, I noticed a lot of comments have been deleted from this post…very sad.


  4. we really havent seen anything very afraid!


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