Residents alarmed: New Zealand shaken by dozens of earthquakes in 24 hour period

July 19, 2013 WELLINGTON, NZA 4.3 quake hit the east coast of New Zealand tonight, following a 4.5 magnitude quake in central New Zealand this afternoon, and a 5.7 earthquake that rattled people in Wellington and Blenheim this morning. Geonet reported tonight’s quake was 20 km east of Te Araroa, a settlement on the east coast of the north island, near the southern edge of the Bay of Plenty. The quake was 62 km deep and hit at 11.42pm. GeoNet reported this afternoon’s was of a “strong” intensity, 35 km east of Seddon, at a depth of 15 km. The quake hit at 3.21pm. The first quake struck at 9.06 am and was centered 30km east of Seddon, south of Blenheim, at a depth of 8 km. Rated as severe, it turned Wellington office workers white-knuckled as it swayed high-rises in the capital, with buildings also being rocked in Blenheim. The shallow tremor was felt as far away as Christchurch and New Plymouth. In Wellington it was felt as one jolt, gradually picking up in intensity, while those in Blenheim felt two shakes. GeoNet said it received more than 6000 reports after the jolt. It said the fact it struck off the South Island spared the region from its full force, though there were a few reports that it had a damaging intensity. Though it had knocked goods off shelves in Blenheim it was much too small to cause a tsunami, GeoNet said. An offshore earthquake needed to be at least magnitude 7.5 for a tsunami to be considered possible. The quake was preceded by a magnitude-2.9 “foreshock” in the same location 6 minutes before the main shock. An Earthqake Commission spokeswoman said 14 claims had been received following the first quake, but she expected more once people got home from work. By 11am there had been 17 aftershocks in the region, the largest a magnitude 3.7, 30km east of Seddon. Aftershocks were likely to continue for the next 24 hours. Early analysis had the fault movement as “reverse faulting,” meaning each side of the fault was being compressed. In Marlborough, Lake Grassmere farmer Peter Davison said he had never seen his house buck and shake so much. “It was like being on a bloody rollercoaster,” he said. He was looking out the window of his Marfells Beach Rd home when it hit. It was worse than the Boxing Day quake in 2010, which he had been in Christchurch for, he said. “I’ve never felt anything like it,” he said. His fishing rods had fallen and lay scattered around his library and pictures were askew on the walls. “It’s a wooden house and I’ve never seen the walls move like this,” he said. –Stuff NZ
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17 Responses to Residents alarmed: New Zealand shaken by dozens of earthquakes in 24 hour period

  1. Joseph t Repas says:

    And the low full moon is fast approaching…Alvin; do you think that New Zealand is going to be split in two? I hope they can prepare for that for it would be cataclysmic if the oceans suddenly rushed in after a spitting quake. Please know that my prayers are with you often as you continue to take on this daunting task of warning the world. Thanks!


  2. Deirdre says:

    There is so much going on, its almost impossible to digest everything! Was in tiny earthquake in Ohio back in 84. Very unnerving. Praying for those in NZ.


  3. Bone Idle says:

    An old new Zealand resident told me long ago that houses built in that country should be large low wooden structures. – in case of earthquake.


  4. tim says:

    Obviously this is off topic, but has anyone heard that the gulf oil spill stalled the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico? Its claimed that if this is true it will affect world climate. Such as droughts and floods to the point of affecting the world food supply, if it doesn’t re start.


  5. Nicki says:

    There is another swarm going on right now. Seddon (I am in Wellington) had a 5.8 at 7.17am, Sunday 23 July.


  6. kimsgrace says:

    M6.9 – 53km SSW of Brooklyn, New Zealand 2013-07-21 05:09:29 UTC


  7. Tim says:

    You can add a 6.6 Eq at 4 pm their time


  8. docta phil says:

    Hi alvin ::))
    Had an awsome 6.5mag quake just after 5pm today sunday 21st. Was intense and sum damage in wellington and surrrounding areas, Lots of photos on the NZ news feeds. Centred in Cook Straight which divides north and south islands. As you have mentioned an obvious swarm/build up. Followed by several after shocks, doesnt appear to be any fatalities tho at this stage which is surprising. I have been wathcing the over the last couple of days and expected somethink to develop, I find it amazing how so much land area can be affected around the epicenter and the quake still feels intense even when hundreds of kilometers away. A defenite ROLLING sensation which was unusual considering that most ive felt in New Zealand are short violent jolts.

    Kindest Regards ::))
    Docta Phill
    New Zealand


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