66: NASA satellite detects large plume from DR Congo’s Nyamuragira volcano

July 19, 2013 DR CONGO, AfricaRecent NASA satellite images from 11 June 2013 show a thick steam and gas plume rising from a pit crater in the summit caldera of Nyamuragira volcano. No evidence of lava close to the surface was found, while the lava lake in neighboring Nyiragongo remains well active and visible on the same images. Nyamuragira’s plume was rich in water vapor — which condenses rapidly in the humid tropical air — and sulfur dioxide, which lends a blue tint in natural-color satellite imagery. Carbon dioxide, fluorine, and chlorine gas are also found in Nyamuragira lavas and likely present in the gas plume. Located near the eastern boundary of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nyamuragira is one of Africa’s most active volcanoes. If degassing magma was near the surface, then the intense heat would cause a bright red glow in shortwave infrared light. No such glow is visible atop Nyamuragira, but it is present on neighboring Nyiragongo Volcano, which has featured a lava lake for more than a decade. The images were collected on June 11, 2013, by the Operational Land Imager on Landsat 8. In natural color (top), the rainforest is dark green, clouds are white, and the sulfur-rich volcanic plume is very light blue. Barren land at Nyamuragira’s summit and lava flows is brown or black. In false-color, clouds are mostly white and volcanic plumes are cyan. Forest and other vegetation is bright green. Fresh lava flows from the 2011–12 eruption of Nyamuragira are black, and older lava flows appear as brown tendrils running down the mountain’s flanks. Agricultural fields in the southeast (lower right) corner of the image also appear brown. –Volcano Discovery
Seismic swarm near another Alaskan Volcano: A seismic swarm with magnitudes up to 3.5 has been occurring in the Wrangell Arc about 40 km NE of Mt. Churchill volcano during the past few days. The intensity and frequency of the quakes has calmed down yesterday. While some few of the quakes are near the volcano, most are not, and the swarm is probably not linked to the volcanic system of Mt Churchill volcano. Churchill is the fourth tallest volcano in the U.S. and has erupted in more than 1,300 years.  –VD
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Environmental Threat, Hazardous chemical exposure, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Eruption, Volcanic gas emissions, Volcano unrest, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to 66: NASA satellite detects large plume from DR Congo’s Nyamuragira volcano

  1. George says:

    Alvin just a question or two, Are we running out of time more rapidly? And do you think that our atmosphere will be taken over by all the ash and gas plumes being emitted from all these volcanoes at the same time? We all have heard or read what Yellowstone would do if it were to erupt but what happens should five or ten or twenty smaller volcanoes decide to do ‘their thing”?
    Thanks in advance and God bless.


    • IM

      This process will accelerate exponentially, as we move forward. So, in a way; it is speeding up. Undoubtedly, we would be in trouble if we have major eruptions from a handful of volcanoes. So far, we’ve been very fortunate but our luck should not be expected to hold as these processes advance in entropic fashion. We still haven’t seen a major eruption yet from one of many ticking time-bombs that is now arming itself under volatile pressures, even as we speak. There are very dangerous volcanoes in Japan, the Philippines, Alaska, Indonesia, Italy, South and Central America, and especially Iceland that are of particular concern. Subduction pressures across many tectonic plates, both with and adjacent to the Pacific plate, appears to be in early stages of what may be an intensification. When excessive interior heat begins to unsettle the plates, this crisis will be elevated to an entirely new stratum. We could easily face the daunting prospect of several Pinatubo-like eruptions occurring simultaneously on the planet- or worst, something like Tambora. The effects over populated regions would be catastrophic and the ash content in the air would push an already fickle climate to the fritz. Below is the video of the volcanic ash expelled in Iceland, from only a moderate eruption (2010)…

      God bless and take care,


  2. Tony says:

    You are so wise.


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