NASA addresses 2012 fears and Niburu rumors for the third time

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23 Responses to NASA addresses 2012 fears and Niburu rumors for the third time

  1. wayne says:

    hi all you good people and Alvin,,great site btw..ok Alvin now could we please have some of your input on this nassau video please,,i do agree about nibiru as it seems it should be visible to someone at the very least.i have not noticed another brighter strange star in the night sky or in the am..but i have noticed more red colored stars lol of course my eyes are not as young as they once were..also it does seem that the mantel has shifted some what as they have had to change runways that point in a northerly fashion.he left that out and im wondering what else if anything they left out.BLESSINGS in CHRIST


  2. Yamkin says:

    The Mayan Calendar ends it’s complete cycle on the 21st December 2012 and a new dawn will commence.
    NASA has known about Nibiru since 1983. Did you notice he said ‘If it were visible’………
    NASA has warned us all about the solar maximum for 2012/2013. Now he is saying something different. Please make your mind up with your NASA colleagues.
    Planetary alignments are significant to our solar system. NASA does know this, but he is trying to use 21st Dec 2012 as the ‘We do not know what we are talking about’ notion.
    I like the way he brings the ‘Tides’ into his story.
    Watch his eyes shift a few times when he says, ‘The other planets have a negligible effect on the earth’.
    He says, There is no evidence that the magnetic poles will shift on 21st Dec 2012′. The magnetic poles have already started to shift. He must have forgotten this I suppose.
    He then goes on to say, If it (magnetic poles) did shift.


  3. jonny says:

    I find it funny how someone from Nasa can just go on in 3:30 minutes with really no proof disproving the 2012 potential events a people are just supposed to buy off on it? There is HOURS upon hours of research out there on 2012. of all the UFO sightings, to all the personal accounts to all the crazy things that are witnessed by military personal whom are told to keep secret – i have yet to hear NASA go on record and admit their findings??? william cooper always said…to listen to everything but never trust anything until you can prove it yourself. So we will just have to wait and see 9 months from now as to what actually transpires. Christmas as always will be here before we know it…..

    jonny out


  4. MalachiYAH says:

    Although that was a very greasy-clean presentation from NASA; it still doesn’t account for the degrading magnetosphere which allows more radiation and proton levels to directly affect the earth’s core and thus the ripple effects radiating outward till they erupt through the crust in earthquakes and volcanoes. Okay so with all that topped off with the warming effect due to increased CO2 levels, that are and will continue to result, we get the Antarctic ice sheet melting (that is not to mention all the others as well) at increasing rates thus changing the weight distribution of the earth which throws off the wobble effect even more and thus causing a greater intensity of natural catastrophe weather occurrences. So NASA what do you have to say about that? For me..?.. It’s just another sunny day walk in the park….


  5. Chris V says:

    Finally, some good factual data about the purported “end of the world/end of calendar predictions”.


    • Katnea says:

      And you believe NASA? NASA = Never A straight Answer? (laughs) The handwriting is on the wall for those who choose to read the signs. Numerous threats to mankind’s survival abounds all around us. Nothing but nothing that NASA spews out can convince me otherwise!

      I understand that NASA is under strict guidelines to debunk any truth being exposed to mankind. The government will not frighten the sheeple. It’s the sheeple who must continue to work and pay taxes so that the powers-that-be can continue building underground bunkers for their family and other elites. It is the Government that runs the tax paid software making it look like several individuals are scoffing at the information of warnings…. when in fact it is only one person trolling the websites debunking the truth.

      As far as the Galactic Alignment goes….I always thought the possible threat was due to the the sun being in line with the dark rift etc. (shrug)

      I will stick with the old adage, “Hope for the best & PREPARE for the worst.” BECAUSE
      “We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.” -Ayn Rand


  6. Alex says:

    I think one does protest to much the louder u shout the more you have to hide


  7. why address “our fears” if there’s nothing to fear


  8. jason says:

    Planet X is disinformation. When NASA says there is no planet headed toward us, they are not lying…a planet would be visible by now. They need to drop the planet x debunking and address our suns binary companion. The Maya called it the black sun and the Egyptians called it the Destroyer. Both cultures said it appeared suddenly and brought ruin to the planet.
    When this object appears it will be invisible to the naked eye…all we will see is the plasma from the sun surrounding this object, making it appear like a black sun.


    • nanoduck says:

      I think that is very possible that there is a dark, invisible mass travelling in our system. However, the Hopi called it the Red Kachina, and was described in many mythology as being red or having fiery “horns”, so if it is dark and invisible, I wonder how it could become visible? Or maybe it is not the same object, but yet another unknown one?
      An approaching mass could explain the lot of strange events happening in our solar system right now.


    • Paul says:

      I totally agree!


  9. Rapture says:

    The real threat is our solar system entering a huge cloud of energetic gas (10 light-years across). This cloud is effecting our Sun, and causing the mega-flares, which in turn create mega-quakes and magma flows. The additional perturbation causes some asteroids from the belt to be nudged toward Earth. All of these effects of this Local Interstellar Cloud interacting with our solar system are bad news to Earth.

    For more, see Ribbon at Edge of Our Solar System: Will the Sun Enter a Million-Degree Cloud of Interstellar Gas?


  10. Judy Sanford says:

    All I can think is what I have been thinking all along, we will see what happens when it happens and until then it is anyone’s best guess. This guy acts so sure of his own self and that bothers me since the Solar System is so unpredictable and things can happen within a blinking of an eye so to speak.


  11. Smile says:

    Bunkers? Seed Vault ? Apocalypse Plane?


  12. Serioussneep says:

    In all fairness I will say I generally distrust this government and it’s institutions. With that said, in refference to the statement about classified and top secret information being withheld, this scientist said it would be impossible. What a bunch of garbage! Speaking generally, the government keeps things successfully classified all the time and we know this! I find it obsured that he can even make a statement that it would be impossible. Making the statment about being impossible to me only made his arguement sound either ignorant or implies that I am stupid enough to belive that.

    I will have to agree with the previous poster though, if there is no truth to these statements why is this their 3rd video about the subject. Seems to be a whole lot of effort invested in telling people there is nothing to it. Even if there truly is nothing, the effort only further justifies investigation.


  13. wayne says:

    hi Jason,,i would love very much to read the data you have on this and where you obtained it,,i vaguely remember hearing about what you speak of but i have forgotten and so if you would be so very kind and ty very much..Blessings in Christ.


  14. Alstradomus says:

    Ask him to define perturbation and the discovery of Neptune and Pluto. Ask to to study USGS archives in sync with astronomical archives for repetitive patterns. The work by many other noted Scientists challenge his casual approach. Follow the money, people can be bought or considered threats to national security, so you will say what you are told.


  15. Jon says:

    Does it look like this?


  16. Michael Hernandez says:

    And the Academy Award goes to …… NASA REPRESENTATIVES for best acting, best in lies, best in redirection using half truths and for best performance as part of the human race willing to allow other human beings to waste away in the lands of conjecture and speculation.


  17. Candi Bishop-Knowlton says:

    I agree with Michael Hernandez, also allow us to die and control those who survive.


  18. katnea says:

    I too agree with Mr. Hernandez. I don’t believe one word that NASA/Government spews out to the public! Thank goodness for this website as I depend on the much needed information gathered here! The information that is transpiring globally just proves that mankind is on the brink of great changes!

    BTW- I’ve heard that by using the inside of a floppy disk you can make a red filter for any type of camera in order to snap a photo of PX. As I understand it… the best time is dawn and/or sunset. However, I’ve read that the PX trajectory towards earth, along with earths increased constant wobble (due to the supposed magnetic pull of PX)makes it’s difficult to capture the PX image.

    I’ve seen multi photos of PX that were obtained from others worldwide, but I myself have not yet captured a PX photo myself. I will continue to try as I rather have my own tangible evidence to confirm this information. Either way….I will continue to gather as many survival supplies as I can to be prepared for any type of catastrophic event that is about to happen. Even if I die….I feel good knowing that someone else many need them to continue on. ♥


  19. katnea says:

    I too agree with Mr. Hernandez. I don’t believe one word that NASA/Government spews out to the public! Thank goodness for this website as I depend on the much needed information gathered here! The events which are transpiring globally just proves that mankind is on the brink of great changes!

    BTW- I’ve read that by using the inside of a floppy disk you can make a red filter for obtaining a photo of PX yourself. Just hold the red film in front of your camera lens towards the Sun. This method can be used on any type of camera. As I understand it… the best time is dawn and/or sunset. However, I’ve read that the PX trajectory towards earth, along with earths increased constant wobble(due to the supposed magnetic pull of PX)makes it’s difficult to always capture the PX image.(shrug)

    I’ve seen multi photos of PX that were obtained from others worldwide, but I have not yet captured this PX photo image myself. I will continue to try as I rather have my own tangible evidence to confirm this information. Either way….I will continue to gather as many survival supplies as I can to be prepared for any type of catastrophic event that is about to happen. Even if I die….I feel good knowing that someone else many need them to continue on. ♥


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