19 Responses to Groundswell: economic and ethnic tensions spark wave of protests across the globe

  1. Dennis E. says:

    This has come to The United States. Civilization is unraveling as is the climate. It seems its all going down together at one time. I know that there has been issues of greed and selfishness. I know that some employers at time have not been fair to those who have given the best part of their lives to a company. But, this is not happening by accident. It is being orchestrated and the end result will be slavery/restrictions of the masses in religion, economic and social issues and men and women will look to man for human rights and not the creator. I think that refers to communism /socialism.

    and so it goes…………….


  2. John A says:

    The protests are being orchestrated, yes, but from the bottom up, and spontaneously, not the other way around. Why do you think they are violently opposing these peaceful protesters? They would like to keep business as usual (the wealth flowing to the 1%). The only conspiracy is that these greedy bastards had power to begin with, which occurred when we gave away our freedoms in order to be governed.

    Self-direction is the only solution out of the dark tunnel we are heading into. But the planet will likely be far less populated – because of earth changes and possibly war – and just perhaps we will have learned something out of it.


    • Dennis E. says:

      I don’t know. I ponder why this is peaceful(so-far) and the G-8 summits are so violent?
      New York isn’t the only place where these events are occurring in the usa.
      Many of our skilled jobs have been sent overseas. I think that is a major problem and its part of this problem.


  3. luisport says:

    Greece just confirmed that it would miss its 2011 and 2012 budget deficit targets. Its 2011 deficit will hit 8.5% and the 2012 deficit is expected to fall to 6.8%, said the Finance Ministry.

    Its targets, set by the EU and IMF, were 7.6% and 6.5%.

    The story was broken earlier by Reuters.

    The shortfall in the 2011 deficit target means Greece would need almost 2 billion extra euros just to finance its expenses for this year. It also means emergency tax hikes and wage cuts announced in the past two months to hit the target have not been enough to put Greece’s finances back on track.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/greece-will-miss-its-budget-deficit-targets-as-expected-2011-10#ixzz1ZecWNm3O


  4. Top down, bottom up, inside out…

    I’m in agreement Dennis E. I have heard of new protests now, either happening or being planned, for Chicago and Denver. These are carefully orchestrated protests and society has been groomed by our high schools and universities to willingly accept the change. Not only will the masses have no idea what hit them when this change happens, but as natural disasters become more prominent and resourses become slimmer, they will one day know that they were nothing but useful idiots who were only used as a means to an end. And the end will be total control by the elite of religion, economics, and government, a proverbial three-legged stool.

    But there is good news for all of this. Although the elite will one day rule the planet, there is an Almighty God who will come back to Earth and defeat the army of the Beast. Now is the time to be prepared. Now is the time to know which side of the fence you are on. Things are going to get really rough one day soon, but our Lord will provide.



  5. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Greece to take additional EU6.6b in deficit-cutting measures this year and next to ensure new budget targets are met: FinMin via BBG
    há 12 minutos » zerohedge zerohedge
    Euro Gap Down Confirmed In Premarket Trade http://www.zerohedge.com/node/438642
    há 26 minutos


  6. robinb333 says:

    I had a dream and visions regarding a bridge. The image kept appearing but I was never told what the significance was. This morning as I scrolled through your post, I saw it…..So now I’ve created an updated post for others with a link back to ya’lls site. This is the 3 time I’ve had dreams and visions where I was actually able to confirm but reading ya’lls blog. Thank you for keeping us and the world inform….Robin


  7. RainMan says:

    Kick the can, down the road, again.


  8. RainMan says:

    30,000 protesters march thru streets of Manchester- Agence France-Presse reported


  9. luisport says:

    Q4 is off to a dismal start after a huge loss in Hong Kong.

    The Hang Seng ended down 4.6%, pushing the index down nearly 30% from recent highs.

    Mainland China was closed.

    The carnage continues in Europe.

    Germany is down 3.5%
    France -2.7%
    Italy -2.4%
    Shares of the big Belgian lender Dexia are getting hammered are off on reports of a new bailout.

    US indices are pointing to a loss of about 1%.

    Meanwhile, as noted, China has suddenly reared its ugly head as a primary concern for investors.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/morning-markets-october-4-2011-10#ixzz1ZhsbOxWq


  10. NickK0 says:

    I hate to say this, but the protesters should have expected this. 😦

    I mean, Wal-Street is a part of the USA, where laws against criminal behavior (such as making Trillions vanish through fraudulent ‘derivatives’) is NOT prosecuted.

    Since they can STEAL billions and trillions with IMPUNITY, and be PROTECTED…. why should any *OTHER* laws, ALSO apply to them ?? ( regarding civil discourse, consumer protection, monopolization, etc. ) ❗

    – Nick


  11. luisport says:

    UPDATE: Since our initial post, the market’s gotten much worse, with the Dow of over 200+, NASDAQ down 2% 2.4%, and major selling in the bank stocks.

    Morgan Stanley, which got killed on Friday, is down about 6% 8%.

    Bank of America is off 5%.

    Citigroup is off 5%.

    Another huge loser today is airline AMR, which is off 38% on bankrupcty rumors.

    The market is so revolted by risk right now, that even good economic news (which we got today) is having no positive effect.

    ORIGINAL POST: Here we go again.

    The selloff is on.

    Major markets are off 1.5%.

    The Dow is off about 100.

    Financials are tailspinning.

    Morgan Stanley, the big worry from last week, is off 1.4%.

    Watch out.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/selloff-on-markets-down-15-dow-off-100-financials-tailspining-again-2011-10#ixzz1ZkKQc7Xd


  12. luisport says:

    The Q3 selloff spilled into Q4.

    First, the scoreboard:

    Dow: -258
    NASDAQ: -80
    S&P 500: -32

    And now, the top stories:

    The biggest news over the weekend was probably the most unsurprising news. Greece announced that they would miss their 2011 and 2012 budget deficit targets. Although, many speculated this would happen, it definitely wasn’t a positive development as the beleaguered country struggles to convince its neighbors to lend it more money.
    Investors also continued to worry about China. Some of the biggest names on Wall Street disputed the idea of a Chinese hard landing. But even a soft landing is likely to have major ripples throughout the global economy.
    On the upside, US economic data was much better than expected. The August ISM reading came in at 51.6 versus an expectation of 50.5. Construction spending unexpectedly jumped 1.4%, beating expectations for a decline.
    Markets applauded the economic data, sending shares into the green temporarily. But the rally was short-lived.
    Economically sensitive commodities like copper and oil each fell by 2%.
    The US banking sector struggled. Morgan Stanley fell another 8% as investors continued to worry about the bank’s exposure to European banks. Bank of America fell below $6 per share on no obvious news. The consumer banking giant continues to struggle to get its website back online. Also, another analyst slashed his Q3 estimates for Goldman Sachs from a profit to a 70 cent per share loss.
    American Airlines shares took a breathtaking dive as rumors circulated that the company could soon file for bankruptcy. Shares closed down 33%, plummeted as much as 41%.
    Automakers reported their September US sales figures though out the day. The US automakers beat expectations, while the Japanese automakers, which have been struggled with supply chain disruptions, missed there low expectations.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/closing-bell-03-2011-10#ixzz1ZkfFknef


  13. RainMan says:

    “It’s going to get a lot worse”…ECRI (Economic Cycle Research Institute) Mr Lakshman Achuthan say’s, new recession unavoidable.
    The NBER, National Bureau of Economic Research, officially makes the call- recesssion- according to where they think we stand in the business cycle.
    The last kick of the can is over.


  14. Amy P. says:

    No, I think this has been planned. “Top down, bottom up, inside out”. Anyone hear that before?


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