More comets entering interplanetary space? Sun to swallow yet another new comet

September 30, 2011SUNDIVING COMET : This morning a quartet of amateur comet hunters (M. Kusiak, S. Liwo, B. Zhou and Z. Xu) independently noticed a comet in SOHO coronagraph images. The icy visitor from the icy solar system is diving toward the sun–probably a one-way trip. Kusiak expects the doomed comet to brighten to first magnitude between now and the early hours of Oct. 1st. –Space Weather
CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot 1302, quiet now for three days, still has a ‘beta-gamma-delta’ magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of such eruptions.Space Weather
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6 Responses to More comets entering interplanetary space? Sun to swallow yet another new comet

  1. kenny moore says:

    Entering the galactic rift! Happens every 13000years.(half of the 26000 yr. cycle.


  2. Mavis says:

    Why are so many email notifications from this site now chopped off on the right-hand side? (As was this one.)



    If this comet diving into the Sun has a magnitude 1 brightness (the article mentions first magnitude) – that’s an exceptionally bright comet. Elenin, by comparison, was 8 to 10 times as dismal in magnitude brightness.


  4. Dennis E. says:

    Comets striking the sun create cme’s? Or what is the effect? I looked on the internet and could find a suitable answer.


  5. RainMan says:

    Sun 1, Comets 0, good start for October. (EST)


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