25 Responses to France warns Iranian threat may lead to pre-emptive strike

  1. Dennis E. says:

    Don’t believe it will happen.


  2. Larry says:

    The ground forces in Iran are highly efficient and quite a match for the US Military indeed.
    The Islamic Republic of Iran Army is the ground force of the Military of Islamic Republic of Iran. In Iran, it is also called Artesh, which is Persian for “army.” As of 2007, the regular Iranian Army was estimated to have 465,000 personnel (235,000 conscripts and 230,000 professionals) plus around 350,000 reservists for a total of 815,000 soldiers according to the CSIS.[1] Conscripts serve for 18 months and have professional military training.[2]

    Iran has two parallel land forces with some integration at the command level: the regular Artesh (Army), and the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, also known as the Pasdaran (IRGC).

    The Islamic Republic of Iran Army is the ground force of the Military of Islamic Republic of Iran. In Iran, it is also called Artesh, which is Persian for “army.” As of 2007, the regular Iranian Army was estimated to have 465,000 personnel (235,000 conscripts and 230,000 professionals) plus around 350,000 reservists for a total of 815,000 soldiers according to the CSIS.[1] Conscripts serve for 18 months and have professional military training.[2]

    Iran has two parallel land forces with some integration at the command level: the regular Artesh (Army), and the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, also known as the Pasdaran (IRGC).
    God help us all and Mankind if another war breaks out.The US seem bent on destroying and demolishing anything and everything in its path.The British Goverment and now the White House are the best in the world at minding other peoples business.The British always took that stance and the US have learned from the British.Mindless interfering bastards.

    God help us all in the near future

    Lots of love



    • There are no winners if this happens and the days before us are unfortunately and regretably a countdown to worlds in collision.


      • Dennis E. says:

        Hi, Alvin. Larry posted a very good article.
        Earlier, I placed a post saying it won’t happen.
        My reasoning for that is that Iran (Persia) MUST march on Israel in Ezekiel’s conflict outlined in Chapter 38 and 39 and come with Libya,Ethopia,Gomer(Turkey?),house of Togarmanh from the far north(Russia?), Gog, of the land of magog and perhaps a few others. Because scriptures say it must.
        Some have written that If Persia(Iran) is destroyed, then God’s word would be fallible in this one matter. Now, if Persian troops are posted in friendly Arab nations, they could still march on Israel and meet the conditions of scripture, if any are posted.
        Of course we know, God’s word is perfect.
        I’ve done some reading on this and it makes sense to me. Others may disagree.
        A good discussion point.
        Some have gone as far to say, that God would supernaturally intervene to prevent such an attack in order that his word be fulfilled.
        God bless you Alvin and keep it coming!


      • Thank you friend. May God richly bless you in return.



      • I agree with you Dennis E. You have said it better than I would have. Of course, there’s always the possibility that the Ezekiel war will happen before anyone could instigate a preemptive strike, but we do know that they are pretty much destroyed. I also believe that, after this war, the real hell on earth will start. The only winner will be God and those who trust and have put their faith in His Son.

        Things are really getting interesting.

        Be blessed and Maranatha


    • Greg says:

      Yeah, right! Iran couldn’t even beat Iraq in all the years that those two countries fought.


  3. Jake says:

    “NATO is planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad with a long-reaching goal of preparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran,”, Russia’s envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin said. “The noose around Iran is tightening. Military planning against Iran is underway. And we are certainly concerned about an escalation of a large-scale war in this huge region,” Rogozin said.

    The pieces of the chessboard continue to be moved into place. Personally, I’m watching this Syria/Iran situation with extra intrigue and fascination.

    The world is a very interesting place, but I’m glad I’m not staying in it forever!

    Come quickly Yeshua


  4. Gen says:

    Dennis E, this article identifies Togarmah as Armenia and Magog as Russia. (right near the end of article. Don’t know if it is right.



  5. TTB says:

    It is only the dead who have seen the end of war.



  6. Kelly says:

    Iran makes me sick to my stomach. I have no idea what is happening to the poor souls stuck in that country but I know it’s not good. So I pray for them. My heart is heavy because this world is depressing me more and more each day. I hear words from the Lord and they comfort me. praying for the poor souls suffering.


  7. A_lad says:

    Hi All…. I agree with Dennis too. Things are shaping up to fulfill the Ezekiel Prophecies. I also believe that Damascus will be destroyed as scripture directs, soon and before Ezekiel.

    September seems to be a pivotal month in so many areas. As the world turns on Israel we can expect more serious Earth Changes… It may be a bumpy ride…

    May the Lord Keep all of you safe as we watch his plan for humanity unfold. Their is no other place I’d rather be than in his presence. Upon every Volcano, Earthquake, and Storm I praise Him knowing and hoping of his soon return.

    God Bless All…


  8. Art says:

    World War lll might be just around the corner – just because of a handful of nuts that run some of the major countries that are power hungry 😦


  9. nibikwe says:

    Pray for the beautiful citizens of Iran, a land in the cradle of civilization. So much art, culture, music and as ‘western’ a country as the U.S.A. How would American’s feel to have other warring nations destroy their country in answer to all of their crimes continually being perpetrated on this planet and it’s inhabitants? Rape, loot, plunder…..is that all Amerika’s War Department and Corporations can do?

    We’re all God’s children and have potentials beyond imagining…..too bad thoughts are so skewed towards destruction of the Creation. Absence of Love, blood lust, GREED….these are all machinations of beings choosing to live in darkness. Let’s send them Light to permeate their dark hearts, and imagine PEACE. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
    Love and Light


  10. Warren says:

    U.N. atom agency seeks rare Mideast nuclear talks

    (Reuters) – The U.N. nuclear agency has invited all its members, including Israel, Arab states and Iran, to attend rare talks later this year about the volatile Middle East and efforts to rid the world of atomic bombs, a document showed on Friday.

    While Israel and some Arab nations have indicated readiness to take part in the proposed forum in November, Iran said it saw no justification for such a meeting now.

    In its response to the invitation from Yukiya Amano, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran’s envoy to the IAEA took a swipe at Tehran’s arch-foe Israel, which is widely believed to have the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal.

    Nuclear weapons are especially controversial in the Middle East. Arab states often criticize Israel over its presumed nuclear arsenal. Israel and the United States see Iran as the region’s main proliferation threat, accusing Tehran of covertly seeking to develop nuclear arms. Iran denies this.

    Read More at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-nuclear-mideast-iaea-idUSTRE78124R20110902


  11. Carlos W. says:

    Maybe all nuclear power plants are really good for nothing BUT, “making the bomb & poisoning the Earth”. All it takes, to really power the world, is one of these per household;


  12. goodbyemilkyway says:

    this video disturbed me…Head Boss of NASA warning NASA workers to get ‘their’ families prepared…sound like he is giving them the go ahead to tell them what ‘they’ know..and get ready…’our people, our families mainly….but most of all be PREPARED”…Aug 30



  13. Ken says:

    The Prophecies of Ezekiel

    The prophecies of Ezekiel parallel the prophecies of Revelation. The difference between the two is the perspective of the narrative. Ezekiel is written from the point of view of the people of God. Revelation is written from the perspective of the wicked under the same circumstances. For example, Revelation 13 is a warning about receiving the mark of the beast. Ezekiel 9 is about receiving the mark of God.

    All of my life so far has been colored by Revelations. Only heard of Ezekiel very recently. Does this mean I’ve been mostly surrounded by the wicked and their perceptions of the world the majority of my life? I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. Anathema Mananatha!

    (Aramaic for The Lord cometh to execute vengeance upon them)


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