Giant dust storm enshrouds Algeria and Mali – desertification worsening under climate change

July 12, 2011AFRICA – In places, the airborne dust forms a camel-coloured cloud thick enough to completely hide the land surface below, especially near the Algeria-Mali border. The dark land surface northeast of the storm is the relatively high, rocky ground of Tassili n’Ajjer National Park where stone forests. Source points for the dust storm are not obvious in this image, but a massive sand sea known as Erg Chech covers parts of northeastern Mali and western Algeria. The shifting dunes of this region provide plentiful material for dust storms. –IWO
NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott. Instrument: Terra – MODIS
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3 Responses to Giant dust storm enshrouds Algeria and Mali – desertification worsening under climate change

  1. A_lad says:

    And we think we have it rough?


  2. PansPermia says:

    My prayers, thoughts and concerns are with them as well as other people in similar situations.


  3. kathrin says:

    Peoples will start moving all over the planet, to escape the changes.
    Everything changes.
    But me, I´m looking for the change.
    It has to.
    The Earth has to heal herself and we have to listen to her and to help her.
    Where she is not able, to feed us anymore, we have to leave to find a better way for her and for us.


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