River runs through it: U.S. flood crisis worsens along the Mississippi

May 6, 2011MEMPHIS – The rising Mississippi river lapped over downtown Memphis streets on Thursday as a massive wall of water threatened to unleash near record flooding all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Water lapped over Riverside Drive and onto Beale Street in Memphis, and threatened some homes on Mud Island, a community of about 5,000 residents with a river theme park. The island connects to downtown Memphis by a bridge and causeway. Emergency officials in Millington near Memphis were “going door-to-door, asking people to leave,” according to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. Large amounts of rain and melt from the winter snow has caused a chain reaction of flooding from Canada and the Dakotas through Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas and Tennessee. It is expected to soon hit Mississippi and Louisiana at the mouth of the Mississippi River. “The flood is rolling down, it is breaking records as it moves down and it is one of those wait-and-see type of things as to how massive it is going to be when it’s all said and done,” said Charles Camillo, historian for the Mississippi River Commission and the Mississippi River and Tributaries Project. In Arkansas, westbound traffic on a section of one of the nation’s major trucking arteries, Interstate 40, was closed for a second day due to flooding. The White River was expected to crest at its highest ever level of 40 feet at Des Arc, Arkansas on Thursday night, breaking a 1949 record. A levee overflowed near the White River, forcing a mandatory evacuation of the town of Cotton Plant, the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management said. Officials at the Shelby County Office of Preparedness, that includes Memphis, predicted that the flood could affect 2,832 properties if it crests at 48 feet this coming weekend. A crest of 48 feet would be the river’s highest level since 1937, according to the National Weather Service. The service currently puts the river level at Memphis at 45.21 feet, with an expected rise to 47.6 feet by Monday morning. The flooding is also affecting towns not directly on the Mississippi. Residents in south Dyersburg, Tenn., about 20 miles from the Mississippi, have been asked to evacuate because of the projected crest of the North Fork of the Forked Deer River, which runs into the big river. North of Memphis upstream, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers blew up a third section of a Missouri levee Thursday afternoon to let flood waters back into the Mississippi. –Reuters
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22 Responses to River runs through it: U.S. flood crisis worsens along the Mississippi

  1. archangel says:

    The madrid is gonna wake up soon


    • J Guffey says:

      archangel: I have an uneasy feeling about that too. The term “sleeping giant” keeps coming to my mind. Sure hope we are both wrong.


  2. Kim says:

    Epic flood, historic. everything is a record/worst.

    It’s a site not often seen; the Wolf River and Nonconnah Creek are flowing backwards. The swelling river cannot take on much more water…

    Jesus says “Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me (John 14:1)


  3. A_lad says:

    Our local weather man said that there us a big storm heading down through the N.W and Tracking N.E. They have more storms on the Horizon.


  4. Carol says:

    Alvin, has there ever been any indication that massive flooding could cause seismic activity?


    • It could cause erosion, sinkholes and subsidence, where the ground shifts or splits in sinking fashion. This will create ecological stresses to the ground rather than activating faults. Beyond that, it’s just one more indication the forces of nature are becoming unfurled everywhere.


  5. Chondra says:

    why did the corps of engineers blow up a levee in the ILL area to save a tiny town when it would only make the states to the S. of the river 10 times worse?


  6. David says:

    Here is an article of interest for our readers,not sure where to put this but it should be read, Unfortunatly, a vast majority of people are completely ignorant about what’s going around them (until it’s too late)…
    #11 is my favorite point, what’s yours?
    The problem with our modern world is that our technologies and innovations have taken away “natural selection”. This is why we are over-populated. The dumb survive just as easily as the intelligent.our planet is choking with 7b people.



    • David, I think it’s a very timely and relevant article and should be head-turner if for no other reason that it’s printed in a Natural News blog. I think natural disasters are more than enough to start unraveling the tenuous fabric of society. I devote an entire chapter in my book called Dark Ages 2.0 to the collapse of global civilization as we know it. It’s nice to see someone else outside the beltway echoing the same sentiment.


      • David says:

        This is so…. ?….I cannot find the words to even begin to describe how this makes me feel….
        But I know I am not alone, I know we share the same feeling, regardless of whether we can spell it out. Those of us that are aware, we share a oneness of sorts; we truely are in this together, one for all & all for one. I have your awsome book and am very aware of most of the many epic situations going on in this world, I go back to different sections for reference, thank you very much, David


      • Thank you, David. You’re right, we’re not alone and the world can breathe a little bit easier knowing there are people like yourself on the case. When the seas become choppy, the world will turn to many of you for the reassurance of having a steady hand on the wheel of the boat.

        blessings and peace,


    • Raven says:

      David thank you so much for posting this link! What a brilliant article that basically sums it all up doesn’t it? I too especially like # 11, it perhaps helps soothe the feeling of fear that is sometimes choking for us all that are watching all of this with open eyes, minds and hearts.Those of us that can no longer live our normal day to day lives pretending this all isn’t happening, that carry that gut wrenching instinctive knowledge that we are walking through a doorway. Those of us that know we are led to this information because not only do we feel it in our entire being but because we are mean’t to know! But it still remains instinctual to question..to wonder if perhaps you are just a little insane, even though your entire life force is pulling you towards this information and what it means. Nothing abates the fear of catastrophe that may await. Nothing changes the fear that grips me that so so many are blind! Number 11 reminds us all that we have kept our souls awake…our connection alive…and for that I stand proud in the humbleness of what may come. You are not alone, we are not alone David, all of us around the world that feel this way are somehow connected, I like to believe we are all holding hands though this time.
      Peace to you and blessings.


      • Megan says:

        Thank you, David for sharing the link; and thank you, Raven for putting into words how I feel!


      • David says:

        We take so much for granted and tend to quickly dismiss anything that does not directly affect us. The thing is, we need to understand that we are all connected and when we loose the empathy that should be a natural part of us all, we are not really living anymore.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwnLi2hMZXw
        This is a great tribute to those lost in Alabama,unfortunately there will be much more devistation to come,God bless us all,David


    • goodbyemilkyway says:

      if everybody in the world stood side by side back to front..Everybody would fit into Kansas..

      the world is not over-populated


  7. Lisa says:

    Alvin and David, please do not forget that God is the natural selector, and He shows no favor to the kings or peasants. Life is a blessing and we can have all sort of innovations, but He has the last word on whom does and does not remain longer here. God Bless you guys., Lisa


  8. KIm says:

    Thanks David for that link. You know I looked down and saw someone who commented below that article and this one guy actually said that the writer was wrong about the weather being more extreme and about the food shortages, etc. I don’t know where that guy lives but I think he lives in a cave with lots of food. Or he is completely ignorant of what is happening in parts of Africa and the Middle East where they are already seeing food shortages and higher food prices. And it’s kinda obvious the weather is more extreme I’ve only been alive for 20 years but I’ve never seen weather like this worldwide (not that I was aware as a young child or anything) Oh also I keep hearing people say the Earth goes through cycles and all this stuff is normal and that is true the Earth does go through cycles however man wasn’t on the earth before and now we are and things are different.

    God Bless.


    • jamie says:

      Alvin Conway, Extinction Protocol;2012 and Beyond

      “There are many who`think the changes befalling Earth are normal cyclic spans of Earth’s climate or ice ages but cycles are feminine and preserve life. Gestation is a cycle of birth (feminine ). Death is a flat-line ( masculine ). The heat death, which the Earth is experiencing, as an entropic process- a line.” pg. 601


  9. MatthewB says:

    @Chondra-The levee they blew up was in MO, and I don’t get it myself. The city they were saving is a dying city. Cairo, IL has some historic value is all I can think of. Back in the ’30’s it had a population of 15,000, but now the populace around 3,000.
    The levee that was blown up flooded around 100 homes and 138,000 acres of fertile MO farmland. I understand that if Cairo flooded it would displace 3,000 people, but after Katrina over 7,200 people were displace out of New Orleans.
    The federal Judge said that the lives of the people were more important then the crops, and I get that. But the fertility of that land may not be the same. Atleast for awhile. I maybe wrong on that, but the Mississippi is not that clean of a river.
    When you live at the junction two major rivers, you’ve got to expect that you maybe flooded out. In my opinion, the city of Cairo was not worth saving over the flooding and fertility of over 100,000 acres of farmland.


  10. D. Grant Chee says:

    Stuff happens..


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