5.4 magnitude earthquake rattles Costa Rica

November 2, 2011COSTA RICAA 5.4 magnitude earthquake struck off the west coast of Costa Rica. The depth of the earthquake was 39.6 km (24.6 miles). The epicenter of the earthquake was 83 km (51 miles) WSW of SAN JOSE, Costa Rica and 162 km (100 miles) S of San Carlos, Nicaragua. The earthquake was tectonic in nature and represents yet another stress release on the Cocos tectonic plate which experienced a 6.3 earthquake at Revilla Gigedo Islands west of Mexico on November 1. Costa Rica is a tri-junction tension point lodged between the Cocos, Caribbean and Nazca tectonic plate. There were no immediate reports of damage. –The Extinction Protocol
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to 5.4 magnitude earthquake rattles Costa Rica

  1. Robert says:

    Sorry, if this is the wrong place to post. I really enjoy your site. I usually check daily with my iPad and have run into a problem after upgrading to the new OS. I have checked everything and only encounter issues with your site. I have placed an icon on my home screen and upon launching your site everything works fine. The problem is I can read only one story, after I “X” out of the first story and select another story it briefly appears and then goes away. I wanted to bring it to your attention if it was a problem with your site, and if not maybe you would know of a solution for me. I have an iPad2 with iOS 5. Thanks


  2. Kaly says:

    Those poor people I hope everyone is okay….


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