First documented case: 20-year-old asymptomatic woman infects 5 members of her family


Deadly transmission: The SARS-CoV-2 virus can be transmitted person-to-person via the aerosol route by asymptomatic carriers – which is why everyone in public should be wearing masks.

A 20-year-old woman, who showed no symptoms of the new coronavirus and had normal chest CT imaging results but ended up passing the infection to five of her relatives. Ever since scientists have been asking if a person can have this infection and not be ill. The new case study offers decisive evidence that the virus can be spread asymptomatically, which could make efforts to curb the outbreak even more challenging, say experts. The researchers of the current study are calling it the first documented case of transmission from an asymptomatic person with normal chest CT findings.

“A novel coronavirus has resulted in an ongoing outbreak of viral pneumonia in China. Person-to-person transmission has been demonstrated, but, to our knowledge, transmission of the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from an asymptomatic carrier with normal chest computed tomography (CT) findings has not been reported,” say the researchers in their findings published in JAMA.

Asymptomatic 2

“One previous study reported an asymptomatic 10-year-old boy with COVID-19 infection, but he had abnormalities on chest CT. If the findings in this report of presumed transmission by an asymptomatic carrier are replicated, the prevention of COVID-19 infection would prove challenging. The mechanism by which asymptomatic carriers could acquire and transmit the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 requires further study,” says the team. The team includes experts from Department of Medical Imaging, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, China; Department of Radiology, Anyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China; Department of Radiology and Interventional, the Fifth People’s Hospital of Anyang, China; Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, China; and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.

A previous report by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — which analyzed a total of 72,314 cases till February 11, 2020 — found that 889 cases or 1.2% were asymptomatic. The current research letter describes that patient 1 (the presumed asymptomatic carrier), a 20-year-old woman, lives in Wuhan and traveled to Anyang on January 10, 2020. She initially met with patients 2 and 3 on January 10. On January 13, she accompanied 5 relatives (patients 2 through 6) to visit another hospitalized relative in Anyang District Hospital. There was no report of COVID-19 at this hospital.

“In January 2020, we enrolled a familial cluster of 5 patients with fever and respiratory symptoms, who were admitted to the Fifth People’s Hospital of Anyang, China, and 1 asymptomatic family member,” say medical experts. All patients underwent chest CT imaging. Real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests for COVID-19 nucleic acid were performed using nasopharyngeal swabs, describe the doctors. The relatives — patients 2 to 5 — developed a fever and respiratory symptoms between January 23 and January 26 and were admitted to the hospital on the same day. All these patients had test results positive for COVID-19 within one day. –Meaww

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4 Responses to First documented case: 20-year-old asymptomatic woman infects 5 members of her family

  1. Dennis E. says:

    saw this article—been hearing about the dire effects of 5G for awhile.

    Free time this morning, blogging a lot.


  2. Judy Clarke says:

    The COVID-19 once caught, goes into the cells of the hosts body and in some cases, they die from it and in others they regain their health, BUT the virus remains for the rest of their lives in their blood cells, ready to rise again when their immune system is threatened. Meanwhile can infect hundreds, as the virus comes through to their skin when they sweat, that dries and lifts like dust, it goes into their clothes, it can be caught just by walking past them as the dust on their skin swirls behind them when they walk and we can breath in those dust particles, it can also be caught through a kiss, droplet infection through talking, sneezing, coughing etc, tears, urine, faeces, they are infectious for the rest of their lives, spreading it wherever they go, although otherwise themselves seeming asymptomatic. When they are in an area of 5G, the virus responds to it somehow and speeds up its reproduction capability. If in doubt, do your research into when Wuhan went crazy with cases, – 2 weeks after the first few cases their 5G began. its now uncontainable. Prove me wrong.
    The victims of the disease believe they are well and seem happy and unaffected and can breath normally, but they are infectious and spreading it for the rest of their lives wherever they go. its a pandemic in the biggest and worst way possible and those responsible for this must be punished. The Wuhan lab where it was created was funded by 2 major countries outside of China……………… you will be very surprised, but within 24hrs of the outbreak a sonic boom resounded over Wuhan that thousands heard, as the lab was blown up and all evidence destroyed. Do they honestly think the rest of humanity are brain dead.


  3. niebo says:

    “889 cases or 1.2% were asymptomatic”

    Not funny. But at least the young lady in this particular incident only infected 5 people (assuming that each of them did not also infect 5 people, which sorta changes things). Typhoid Mary would dismiss her as a slacker,

    So, in a way, this is actually good news. . . right?

    Liked by 1 person

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