Event Emergency declared – October 13, 2016

Utopiathecollapse: Commence with any and all emergency preparations for disaster crisis scenarios
This entry was posted in Black Swan Event, Civilizations unraveling, Drumbeat of War, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, Extinction Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, New World Order -Dystopia- War, Pestilence Watch, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Event Emergency declared – October 13, 2016

  1. Jennifer says:

    Alvin, can you elaborate please? What is it that’s happening? (other than what we already know)


    • https://utopiathecollapse.com/ We are on the verge of a nuclear conflict with Russia

      The condition of the world mired by debt, conflict, and the collapse of civil order will only further deteriorate from here. Even more dire calamitous events are on the horizon.


      • Jennifer says:

        Got it. Thank you and thank you for all you do. You are a blessing!


      • You are welcome, Jennifer.

        Peace and blessings,


      • Whyte says:

        Had my eye on the western skies for the last 4 years…time has come power consuming other’s power to be the ultimate power.

        Excellent coverage on Utopia as always Alvin! Tough realities for the masses. I fear none. It will be what it will be. This is not my chess game just a simple pawn in it.


      • Very wisely stated. Funny, you should write. I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondered how you were doing.

        All the best,


      • Whyte says:

        You know your number 1 with me faithfully a follower to your sites you create conversations no false security, local media I call” fluff.”
        Been following closely, learning from so many of you here on site, to look at all views, actions and consequences. What can one say to the madness before us. There is nothing that can be undone or redone which equals done. The stage has been setting up and all the players taken their places. No matter who USA votes in the results will be the same WAR. The energies are dark, heavy and angry there is no reasoning with that force. Cleansing is needed just all the wrong lives are sacrificed to the fulfill psychopaths agenda’s who seem to be the leaders of governments, military and religions.
        Hear this USA we all are one and Canada will always stand by your side but please stop fighting among yourselves. How can you win a war when your country stands divided east vs. west? You all matter to us here in Canada,my ancestors started their journey from Scotland to USA in the 1600’s we are blessed I shall never forget their greatest sacrifice for my life in North America.

        Funny just set up all your books for my winter reread if only human kind could treasure the world like you do we all would be better off. Life has been busy we got snow, working hard on the new company and husband just lost a kidney to cancer. So life has been a test just hoping to live up to the demands I getting to old for this crap lol.

        You keep them talking and asking the real serious questions Alvin I see the shifts happening up here their heads are starting to rise. I believe in you dear Alvin.


      • You’re so sweet. I’m so blessed to have you in my life.

        God bless you. My prayers and thoughts are with you always


  2. Yellow Bird says:

    alvin, in the city i live, more and more people are acting bizarrely. i’m not referring only to the mentally ill community, but to ordinary residents in the community at large. i’d say this odd deterioration in normal common sense first became noticeable to me maybe a year or 1-1/2 ago. around the time of one of those blood moons, interestingly enough. but it has continued to escalate, now to a point where even my usually oblivious teens are remarking on crazy little encounters and very odd road behavior. the strange “wtf” moments keep occurring more and more frequently around here, at least so it does seem to me.
    i am in the Pacific NW. do you know if other people in other areas are making similar observations?


    • People are losing their minds. There’s no question about it. You’re not imagining things. It’s the current degenerative state of the world.


      • Yellow Bird says:

        its hard enough for sane people to function in survival mode…
        what happens when war and disaster come to a people who have allready lost a solid grip
        i shudder to think!


      • We all shudder to think. However, Christ said all these things are only the beginning of sorrows. Worse things were forecast to come. I think the entire planet will be engulfed in some type of conflict before this Age is over.

        I will be expanding on this Event Emergency in more detail in the last post…


      • Yellow Bird says:

        i am so glad for the work you do to keep this site going, alvin. the news elsewhere is so often unbelievable, filled with so much propaganda and strange opinioning and outright revisionism. even on our local neighborhood site, discussion of unpopular events get shouted down, edited, sometimes disappear making one wonder if one remembers correctly what he was sure he read… your forthright updates here are a life rope keeping me and undoubtedly many others from feeling utterly lost at sea.
        i know you sacrifice a great deal to continue regularly online- i will contribute financially again just as soon as i am able. in the meantime, know that i keep you always in my prayers


      • Thank you, YB.

        Joy and blessings,


  3. Taffy-Duff says:

    Oh! I was hoping there would be one solid media tribute that thought that this was just rhetoric and nothing to worry about, but NO! Its on all the top agendas, the proper alternative media that looks deeper into the picture. How do we prepare for something like this !!!???


    • Do the best that you can. It’s better to be somewhat prepared than to not be prepared at all. Think of the panic that will ensue under such bewilderment with little or no preparation. The world is asleep. Look at the trending searches on Google to see where’s people’s heads are at:


      As the gladiatorial games were the downfall of Rome, sports obsession will be America’s

      I will be addressing the area of preparation more in the very near future.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dennis E. says:

        As the gladiatorial games were the downfall of Rome, sports obsession will be America’s

        prophetic words indeed –if I may add, video gaming.


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