More earthquakes strike California and Oklahoma

Quake California 2
December 2015 CALIFORNIA – A moderate earthquake shook an inland area of Southern California near San Bernardino on Tuesday night, giving a start to thousands across a heavily populated area with more than one person comparing it to a rumbling big rig. There were no immediate reports of damages or injuries, however. The U.S. Geological Survey says in a preliminary report that the magnitude-4.4 quake hit in foothills northwest of San Bernardino about 5:38 p.m. at a depth of about three miles, a report from the U.S. Geological Survey said. Aftershocks of magnitude 3.8 and 3.2 came minutes later, and dozens of tiny aftershocks followed in the next few hours. People reported feeling the earthquake throughout the suburbs east of Los Angeles, which is about 50 miles southwest of the epicenter.
Brenda Torres, 24, a waitress at Papa Tony’s Diner in San Bernardino said customers were a bit shook up but kept calm. Nothing in the restaurant rattled or broke and the quake was so short there wasn’t even time to take cover under a table. “At first I thought it was a semi-truck that had hit the building or something,” Torres said. Laura Melgoza, 23, a college student and cashier at WaBa Grill in San Bernardino, said she and her co-workers headed toward the front of the building as the restaurant shook. “I was just panicking,” she said. “It was the biggest one that I’ve felt.” Tim Franke, a dispatch supervisor with the San Bernardino County Fire Department communication center, said there were no reports of damage or injuries, but the shaking was felt “numerous times” at the department.
“It was like a big truck was coming in,” Franke said. Police in the area also said they had no reports of problems from the quake. The quake came near the intersection of the San Jacinto, San Andreas and Cucamonga faults, three of the largest in Southern California, but it was too small to determine which fault was responsible, the USGS said. There have been nine earthquakes above magnitude-4 In the general area in the last 10 years. “There’s nothing particularly different about it that we can see at this point,” Lucy Jones, a USGS seismologist, told KNBC-TV. Traditionally earthquakes of this size are a monthly occurrence in Southern California, but “it’s been quieter for the last few years,” Jones said. There is a 5 percent chance that the quake, or any quake, is a precursor of something bigger, Jones said. –ABC News
Oklahoma rattled by several quakes: The Edmond area has been rocked all day by several earthquakes, including one magnitude 4.3, according to the U.S. Geological. The first powerful earthquake rattled many Oklahomans out of bed early Tuesday morning. The USGS reports a 4.3 earthquake hit near Midwest Boulevard and Covell Road at 5:39 a.m. Surveillance video from a Subway store near the epicenter shows light fixtures swaying back and forth, dusty flying off the walls and the main display case shaking.
An Edmond spokesperson says right after the quake hit, 4,400 customers in east Edmond were without power. Power was restored an hour-and-a-half later. Damage was seen inside several homes and stores. “It’s the loudest one we’ve heard and felt, of all the earthquakes,” Drew Sterkel, owner of Drew’s Wine and Spirits, said. Sterkel feared the worst, owning a store consisting mostly of shelves and glass bottles, but it wasn’t as bad as he expected. –OKC Fox
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Dormant fault activation, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Infrastructure collapse, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to More earthquakes strike California and Oklahoma

  1. Yellow Bird says:

    i am really starting to wonder if there might be truth to the claims some are making as to the EQ scales being offset by a full magnitude point…

    i grew up in a time and region that was frequently affected by 3+ and 4+ earthquakes, and they were No Big Deal. those were considered small, just another “ho hum” event…
    we had quite a few 5+ also, that’s where things started picking up, stuff would fly, occasionally windows broke, superficial messes would need cleaned up after.

    it wasn’t until you got into the upper 5+ range, approaching 6, when real structural damage would start to occur. those earthquakes would be termed “strong” or “powerful”.

    but not 3’s and 4’s of that time. those might have been attention-getting… but not particularly scary
    could it be that the scales HAVE changed?


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