Volcano-like underground fire is put out after a month

Coal Seam
July 2015WOODBURY, N.J.Crews have put out a fire that burned underground in southern New Jersey for a month, melting the ground around it and reaching 1,000 degrees. Woodbury Mayor Bill Volk tells the Courier-Post that the fire was extinguished Thursday, a month after it started during a severe storm. He says it “looked like a volcano.”
It began when a power line snapped, sending electricity into the ground and igniting a mixture of coal and cinder used as the foundation for train tracks in a wooded area. The mayor says neighbors called authorities when they saw smoke coming from the ground. Firefighters went to the scene seven times over a month before county and state officials helped put it out. –Wish TV
Nine others are still burning in Pennsylvania: CARBONDALE – On cold, clear winter days, the underground fire burning near Russell Park is easy to see. Smoke and steam shoot through fissures in the rocks, smelling of sulfur. Moss thrives in the cracks, warmed by the gases. Smoldering since 1995, this fire is one of eight active coal fires in Lackawanna and Luzerne counties on record with the state Department of Environmental Protection.   –Time Tribune
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6 Responses to Volcano-like underground fire is put out after a month

  1. Yellow Bird says:

    any updates on the one burning in myanmar?


  2. Yellow Bird says:

    so, wanting to learn more, as usual ended up uncovering some other Horrible altogether…

    coal fires aren’t the only long-lasting underground burns- landfills do it too. in St Louis MO the Bridgeton Municipal Landfill (town garbage dump) has been burning since 2012. Officials there prefer the euphemism “Subsurface Smoldering Event”. .. evidently, it only has to be dealt with if its actually called a fire.
    Wait tho, it gets worse. the burning Bridgeton dump is located right next door to the notorious Westlake Nuclear Landfill, a quarry that since 1942 has become the final dumping site of some 143,000 cubic yards of toxic radioactive waste from assorted nuclear programmes. And the burning “garbage soup” is gradually travelling downstream, as it were.

    May 2013: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/st-louis-is-burning-20130510
    May 2015: http://america.aljazeera.com/multimedia/2015/5/st-louis-burning-the-ticking-time-bomb.html

    um, what happens when 143,000 cubic yards of radioactive material eventually meets 300f burning garbage seep?
    i bet it will be messy.

    as it is, the updated story points out that incidence of weird cancers (ie of the Appendix-!) are on the rise, and in young otherwise healthy people.
    Stupid, GREEDY, Fat Politicos & Big Business. They fail to realize that no one forever gets away with murder, and they will not want to be dealt recompense by the Creator of All.


  3. DANIEL says:

    So drill down and put in a pipe and you got a steam well connect up a generator and power the neighbourhood easey peasey free energy supply!


  4. Reblogged this on Willow Andreasson's Journey Into The Mysteries of Life and commented:

    Interesting article posted by The Extinction Protocol’s Alvin.. and one that needed to be brought to a greater public awareness. I wonder how many of these ‘coal fires’ are occurring around the world…?


    • casey h says:

      Misswillow, if you are interested in the coal fires I suggest you looking up Centralia PA. Coal fire has been burning there since the 70;s and is expected to go on for another 250 years. At this point I believe the whole town (initially over 10,000 people i beleive) is finally relocated after about 9 holdouts stayed for a couple years. Don’t believe any of the wild conspiracy theories about the government intentionally doing it in order to seize the land or stories about UFO’s i have seen in the past. Just an accident due to loose and unsafe environmental practices and regulations. However, it is pretty cool to visit there, I went up one time at night (I’m a native of the area) and the smoke from the fire was coming up out of the graveyard. Pretty spooky.

      Liked by 1 person

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