Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano still inflating – lava lake close to overflowing

Hawaii Volcano
April 2015HAWAII A lava lake on Hawaii’s Big Island is mere feet from overflowing. On Tuesday morning, the lava’s surface briefly reached the lake’s rim, the highest it’s been since the current eruption began in 2008. It has since returned to about 10 feet below the rim. “Magma is rising up into the lava lake from a magma chamber a mile or so beneath the summit of Kilauea volcano,” research geologist Matthew Patrick told The Huffington Post. According to Patrick, an overflow is a definite possibility because Kilauea has been consistently inflating for the past week, meaning that magma keeps flowing into the lake from an underground chamber below. In the event of an overflow, the lava would stay within Halemaumau Crater, the larger crater in the floor of which the lava lake sits, so it would pose no safety threat. But visitors to Volcanoes National Park would get quite a display.
Typically, the lava surface is 100 to 200 feet below the rim of the crater lake and therefore can’t be seen from the public viewing area around the volcano. Since the lava has risen, Patrick said, “its incandescent cracks and often vigorous spattering” can easily be seen from the overlook. An overflow would “likely provide an impressive scene for park visitors.” While this is a notable development in the current eruption, it’s not particularly unusual in the history of Kilauea, Patrick said. “In the 1800s and early 1900s, there was nearly continuous lava lake activity for about 100 years, and oftentimes that lava was spilling out of Halemaumau Crater,” he explained. As exciting as an overflow sounds, it is also possible Kilauea will abruptly deflate, Patrick said, bringing the lava’s surface back down to typical levels. –Huffington Post
Hawaii Lava Lake Overflows
Lava Lake overflows – explosions: (April 29, 2015) A lava lake at Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has risen and now appears to be spilling out of the Overlook crater. The lava is overflowing onto the floor of the Halema’uma’u Crater. Thermal images from a webcam show how the lava is spilling out, with the red and yellow parts showing the hottest areas, volcanologist Rebecca Williams told IBTimes UK. The darker blue areas are cold and the magenta parts show where the laver is overflowing – it is cooler because it is thinner and flowing over the colder rock below, she added. The lava lake rose to its highest level several days ago and has been dangerously close to overflowing for a while. The molten pool first appeared in 2010 and normally is about 100ft below the rim of the Overlook crater. The USGS has yet to confirm it is overflowing.
However, earlier in April, it rose to just a few feet below the edge and authorities closed of the area to tourists. Yesterday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) released footage showing an explosion at the lava lake, where part of the crater wall collapsed. “This happens because lava is full of gas. That gas can bubble out at the surface gently, or sometimes, builds up and spurts out, causing the splatter that we’ve been seeing at the lava lake,” Williams said. –IB Times
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Dormant fault activation, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earth's core dynamics, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Lava flow, Magma Plume activity, New volcanic activity, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Tectonic plate movement, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Eruption, Volcanic gas emissions, Volcano unrest, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano still inflating – lava lake close to overflowing

  1. interesting / thank you.


  2. The Earth is a Living Planet.. and is constantly reshaping and reforming.. Unfortunately for us Humans we have located to places along these fault lines..

    We are now in that time of change.. where we see these Earth Changes happening more rapidly.. Also we as a species are changing and are also ‘Venting’ and spewing out Anger in a bid to find ourselves and break free from our constraints of past indoctrinations..

    We are living in very interesting times Alvin.. And the World at large is a Mirror of our thoughts.. as we see reflecting back that which we think..

    Many thanks for all your updates..
    Blessings Sue


  3. Yellow Bird says:

    Solar Winds are still decreasing… Todays reading at Space Weather.com = 282.8kps… far below avg 350+kps

    if conjecture accurate about volcanic activity increasing during slow Solar Winds,
    be looking for more large eruptions soon
    Yesterday’s eruption at Sinabung Indonesia:
    “A series of strong pyroclastic flows occurred yesterday 28 April 2015, reaching 3-4.5 km distance. The largest, at 18:20 local time touched and burnt the (evacuated) village of Guru Kinayan on the southern slope of the volcano.
    The flows, at least 9 in total, were results of the partial collapse of the recently emplaced lava lobe on the steep upper flank.” (VolcanoDiscovery.com > Volcano News)


  4. vigyanayak says:

    We humans, are so engrossed in ourselves, that we fail to open our eyes and mind to facts around us. Only thing constant in LIFE is Change, is true. What does phenomenal change in heavenly body; mean for us, as humans? These cycles are happening since ages and will continue to happen, forever. Only we, as young civilization, need to understand these. We have only recently realized significance of Sun and Moon, in climatic movement. What’s the significance of remaining planets, based on which names of days were kept, (Mercury to Saturn)? What is process of Rahu and Ketu, for New Moon and Full Moon? We require to broaden our vision and equip ourselves with knowledge of planets and their processes, to understand further. Can Astrology, science of planets since ages, provide us some insight?


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