Outbreak of a respiratory illness escalates among children and mystifies scientists

September 2014 HEALTH – An outbreak of respiratory illness first observed in the Midwest has spread to 38 states, sending children to hospitals and baffling scientists trying to understand its virulent resurgence. As of Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had confirmed 226 cases of infection with enterovirus 68. But it is likely that many times that number have been stricken. One case involved an adult, and no deaths have been linked to the infection. “What the C.D.C. is reporting is clearly the tip of the iceberg,” said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, the division director of infectious diseases at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. The hospital was the first to alert the agency last month to an unusual increase in children with trouble breathing. Since then, Dr. Jackson has received calls from colleagues nationwide seeking guidance. Some report that the influx of children to hospitals is “almost outweighing the resources available,” she said. A hand-washing marketing campaign launched in Ghana in 2003 by anthropologist Val Curtis and and the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing With Soap.
Three times in the past month, the University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital has had to divert ambulances to other hospitals because its emergency room was filled with children, most of them younger than 5, with severe respiratory illness. Before the outbreak, the hospital had not had to divert ambulances in 10 years, said Dr. Daniel Johnson, the interim section chief of pediatric infectious diseases at the hospital. Enteroviruses are common, but this strain is not. Symptoms in the current outbreak resemble those of a bad cold, including body aches and cough. But some children progress to wheezing and having breathing difficulties. Scientists say they do not know why it is happening. “Parents would love to know why this virus is causing severe disease and why there are more cases,” said Rafal Tokarz, an associate research scientist at Columbia University who has studied the virus, “but we won’t be able to answer that until a lot more research is done.” From Aug. 18 to Sept. 24, roughly 3,600 children were treated at emergency and urgent-care facilities at Children’s Hospital Colorado.
Most were sent home, but roughly 10 percent were hospitalized because they needed continuous breathing treatment, supplemental oxygen, or even to be placed on a ventilator in the intensive-care unit. The hospital has had a “bed crunch” and is struggling to maintain supplies of albuterol, a rescue medication used by asthma sufferers, said Dr. Christine Nyquist, the director for infection prevention and control. Experts said children should rest at home if they had run-of-the-mill cold symptoms like a runny nose, cough and body aches, but were hydrated, eating and breathing comfortably. “If your child has mild respiratory cold symptoms, they do not need to be rushed to the E.R.,” said Dr. Marian G. Michaels, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The hospital’s emergency department has seen 50 to 70 more children a day for respiratory illness than is customary this time of year. –NY Times
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18 Responses to Outbreak of a respiratory illness escalates among children and mystifies scientists

  1. Mxox A says:

    No one should be surprised. The current administration let infected children enter the US, with who knows what, and now US children are ill. Enough said.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. John Graham says:

    The key line in this article is
    “Enteroviruses are common…..but this strain is not” ??????
    What are they saying? this is a custom made virus?


  3. Joseph Sonny Skies says:

    Like I mentioned last year…The health care system is the next big bubble to burst…Few have the money to pay for these treatments, especially if other medical situations arise in the families involved. The money is gone…There is no real health insurance any more. It will not take much to burst this bubble.


  4. Dennis E. says:

    Already talks here and there if Ebola comes here and of a quarantine that could include entire cities/states.


  5. dan from ohio says:

    now several children are showing polio like symptoms,thanks Obama.


  6. usnveteran says:

    Millions of Children Infected With Vaccine Safety Experts’ Rotateq Vaccine, patented by Dr. Paul Offit. The vaccine contains “a baboon endogenous virus strain M7” …: Dr. Offit is noted for saying that you can vaccinate a baby with 10,000 vaccines … and it would be safe (?).



  7. Colleen says:

    Very scary times indeed. Psalm 91.


  8. Elainehawk says:

    They should check to see how many infected children had just had the flu vaccine before they came down with this entero virus….this years vaccine has insect DNA in it, now that cannot possibly be good for you, now can it???!!!!


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