Another pandemic? H1N1 sweeping across U.S. and Canada in deadly wave

January 4, 2014HEALTHCases of the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, across Canada and the U.S. are increasing at the approach of the peak flu season of February. The Centers for Disease Control reports that in the U.S., the flu season has hit southeastern states Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas the hardest so far, and it is expected to spread across the nation in the coming weeks. Swine flu has not just affected the southern part of the United States. According the seasonal map issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), many states are seeing widespread flu activity. In Wisconsin, 81 people have been admitted to a hospital over a period of a week with a majority of the cases attributed to the H1N1 virus. The biggest concern is the increase in the number of H1N1 incidences, which has doubled in the past two weeks, according to a Jan. 2 WBay report. A death from swine flu was just reported in Santa Clara, CA, as well. In Michigan, emergency departments are filled with hundreds of patients with flu-like symptoms. However, infants on life support because of the H1N1 virus are causing the most concern. North of the border in Toronto, the Montreal Gazette reports that 36 percent of 210 confirmed cases of influenza were H1N1. One swine flu victim has died. This is an increase of 33 percent from this point last year in Canada’s largest city.  
Out west in Alberta, there are 965 lab-confirmed cases of H1N1; 270 of those patients have had to be hospitalized. As of January 2, five people have died from the flu in Alberta. This has led the province to open five mass immunization clinics in four communities. Infectious diseases expert Dr. Alison McGeer tells CTV News that the amount of flu activity in Alberta this year is actually not that much higher than previous years. However, this is the first time that H1N1 has been the predominant strain of flu since the 2009 pandemic. This comes two months after it was reported that the pandemic 5 years ago might have killed 203,000 people worldwide – more than 10 times higher than first estimated. The results were based on lab tests by an international group of scientists. No statistics have been released in terms of the number of people getting flu shots in America. However, in Canada, a Harris-Decima poll found only about 44 percent of Canadians have either had a shot already or intend to get one this season. This is not much higher than last year’s number of 41 percent. Nevertheless, the high number of Canadians not getting a vaccine is creating a concern. Swine flu spreads fast because it is highly contagious. When an infected coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets of the virus are released into the air. Anyone who comes into contact with these droplets or touches a surface recently touched by an infected person can catch H1N1. While the seasonal flu affects older people, H1N1 affects the younger population, and particularly children. This is the biggest difference between this year’s flu season and past flu seasons. The CDC has sent a health notice to clinicians, reiterating its call for everyone aged 6 months and older to receive a flu vaccine.  –Guardian
Three more deaths in Michigan: Potentially deadly H1N1 — the influenza virus strain behind the 2009 pandemic — continues its resurgence in Michigan, with three more deaths reported by hospital officials. About a dozen adults and children — patients who previously were healthy — have been on life support at the University of Michigan Health System’s hospitals because of the virus, according to the hospital system. Three adults have died, according to a health system spokeswoman. An infant from central Michigan also has died from H1N1, according to the Michigan Department of Community Health. “These deaths are among previously healthy individuals. This is not the group that the public usually thinks about as being susceptible to serious illness with influenza,” said Dr. Matt Davis, chief medical executive for the state health department and a U-M professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases and of internal medicine. Many of the hospitalized patients were transferred to U-M from other hospitals because their flu was so severe. In addition to traditional ventilators, the U-M health system offers extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, technology for patients who can no longer breathe on their own. The machinery supports not only the patient’s lungs, as a ventilator does, but also the heart, Davis said. “This looks like 2009, but this time we have a vaccine,” he said. At the same time, patients in less-severe condition are recuperating in other area hospitals. According to state surveillance reports, 11 Michigan hospitals — part of monitoring efforts — reported 121 hospitalizations because of flu as of Saturday. –DFP
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29 Responses to Another pandemic? H1N1 sweeping across U.S. and Canada in deadly wave

  1. MIchael says:

    More HYPE. Go get your Mercury filled flu shot, with cancer causing carcinogens included in all those yummy shots. It is a FACT which has been around for years, but is now hitting main stream, that the Flu shots weaken your immune system, and after getting one, you are 3x more likely to get sick from the Flu. In 2012’s winter, it was reported that hundreds of children died from the flu in the North West (Washington state, Oregon, etc.), but the ones that died had gotten their flu shot just weeks or days before. They children that didn’t, all lived. So go ahead, get jabbed.


  2. MIchael says:

    By the way, they don’t tell you that MOST of the people that died from the Flu where over 70 years old and they did not get much sunshine, exercise of eat right. Many of those old people just ate toast for breakfast.


    • pupu says:

      Al learn Al when you give news you have to do it well , do investigation , listen to you r readers , No happy new year to u Al I don t like you


  3. Dennis E. says:

    I recently read an on line article that The CDC suggests the new strain of Swine Flu is a novel virus(one to which no one has an established immunity or resistance) and that it is possible that those with strong immune systems may over react to the virus, resulting in a what the article said a cytokine storm? that adversely effects the lungs? It didn’t spell that out but, I would say, overdosing on over the counter meds….

    There was an article from a media source in Raleigh NC that the current virus sweeping through the Carolina’s was novel virus. Wonder is this is a super bug?

    Biological warfare on the population? I know we have a annual flu season, but…..
    Regional Quarantines…… I would under estimate this……..

    I would suggest that if meat is cooked, make sure there is no blood on the bone, very well done.
    Some like it medium, some like it rare, but I think those days are passing quickly.

    Happy New Year Alvin…..


  4. Teresa says:

    So do we get the flu vaccine or not?…


    • Dennis E. says:

      I have no had a flu shot in almost 20 years.
      I have had a virus but those who got the flu shot got it too.
      Mainly extreme forceful vomiting. Like the body is a bar bouncer, kicking everything out.
      Usually comes with a upset stomach. Terrible to have both at the same time. Usually 72 hours
      One of my friends had it and his wife and child and he recanted how they shared the only bathroom. Every home should have at least two bathrooms…..
      Last year, it was suggested that I go to wendys and get a chocolate frosty. I did and I held it and drank two more and was later able to hold solid food(figure that!).
      Your call about the shot… I don’t think it makes a difference, really………


    • Me says:

      I get the flu shot every year as I work in healthcare. I haven’t had the flu in decades. I eat well, stay hydrated, do get my vitamin D (sunshine) for a few minutes a week when it’s warm enough. I take fish oil but no other supplements.


  5. TLindemann says:

    This causes me to ponder how many we’re vaccinated for the flu shot prior to getting sick. Also, with respect to Alberta, chem trailing was heavy and frequent. Many Albertans also have been subjected to much stress during the flood that didn’t need to happen, at the very least, be as catastrophic, and who knows how many had exposed to moulds and bacteria, etc. Bottom line, this looks appears to be a false flag event.


  6. Nam Marine says:

    Got it on Saturday thanks to my room mate !


  7. Mark says:

    MORE INFO A variant of H1N1, H3N2v, has struck hard in Oklahoma and 28 other states, mainly out West, leaving doctors grasping as their is no vaccination available for this variant of the swine flu.


  8. Influenza killls thousands of people in the US and Canada every year. The H1N1 killed far fewer people, according to the CDC, than previous flews, and far less than the Spanish flu of 1918 which killed between 50 to 100 million worldwide. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic infected at most 34 million people worlwide, with a median death toll of 3,900 people. That number is about the US death toll from the flu on any given year. The death rate as a percent represented only a 0.01% death rate. That is so low, that it doesn’t even justify a public health effort to contain the flu. Here is the reference: So here lies the problem: these public health attempts at mass vaccinations expose the human body to small doses of mercury (used to stabilize the vaccine). If these vaccines are taken often, then these small doses end up accumulating in the biological system (your body cannot excrete mercury). Mercury, is a deadly poison, and so in small doses that accumulate over time in the body, they can make a person sick. I encourage people not to take vaccines. The other thing, is that the CDC’s estimate of what the flu’s true indentity at the time of the pandemic, is often times wrong. They create vaccines that don’t really match the flu’s true strain. Haven’t you all heard of people still getting the flu despite receiving the flu shot.


  9. Sam Vats says:

    How my family just beat the H1N1 put Neosporin on a Qtips coat the inside of your nose many time a day ,That kills it out of your nose then mix honey and Cayenne Pepper with warm tea or coffee water and sip it 24 /7 this kills it out of your throat and stomach . Then you have to deal with the lungs , We took pure raw Frankincense and burned it on our wood stove until the smoke was thick and you breath the smoke as long as you can then go get some fresh air and repeat several times , then a few hours later you will find you can breath and the junk in your lungs is clearing up very fast . we also ate fresh home made chicken or beef or tomato soups with lots of garlic and onion and extra salt . I not saying this is a cure or for you to try it , but all my family members are doing well .


    • Dennis E. says:

      I think it is a fine idea because it has been reported that enhaling the smoke from pine needles is an effective way natural to treat lung disease.


  10. Ngallendou says:

    We regret every death by disease and actually pray for the sick to be spared.
    We also remain wary of pharmaceutical profiteers, of political opportunists, and
    of journalistic spin artists.


  11. Rachael Barlow says:

    What percentage of those getting H1N1 were immunized with the current flu vaccine?

    I have seen a variety of answers to this question in the mainstream and alternative media but find it fascinating (and probably telling) that this statistic is rarely mentioned in articles of this sort.


  12. Lucy says:

    I just recovered from this flu and it was miserable. I went to the doctor and since I’m in my 20s they told me just to drink fluids get rest and I’ll get over it which I did. They were running low on Tamaflu & wanted to save for elderly and children. This was the first time I’ve had the flu so I wasn’t sure at first because I was sick before with just a cold. I’ve gotten the flu shot since I was a kid and this year like two years ago I didn’t get a shot. I just wanted to give my opinion since so many are fear-mongering against the flu shot. I’ve never had a bad reaction and my parents who are in their 60s haven’t either. So please be careful before you take advice from people on the internet or tv against or for the shot research for yourself and take action from there.


    • R. Fowler says:

      Long term effects of flu shot include a much higher probability of coming down with Alzhiemers of some other neurological ailment. The flu shot is the most ineffective of all vaccines and most vaccines have a dismal track record if any records are kept at all.


    • kennycjr says:

      I’m so glad you posted, I’m thinking we all just went through this, we had thought that it was some sort of crazed 72-hour stomach flu. Only I’ve never been that susceptible to cold or flu, and what I’ve gotten from the stomach flu before wasn’t much worse than what most people get just from the flu.

      We, both me and my wife are both quite healthy, and our one-year old, who actually caught it first from my wife’s work, she’s a home care attendant for an autistic boy. One of the kids wasn’t feeling well from the stomach flu, whatever, anyhow, it’s since gone through their house too, I think their mom actually got it twice. Anyhow, we wouldn’t get the flu shot, I don’t know if they did or not. If they didn’t, then I’m guessing one of their kids just picked it up from someone at school who had gotten a flu shot. Just think about that, it could very well be that the uptick in swine flu this season could be because those who are getting their flu shots are spreading it.

      I actually nearly avoided it, until our baby threw up in our bed, in the middle of the night. We just cleaned it up the best we could, and waited till the next day to change the bed. The next day I started showing symptoms, damn. The only thing different in my diet than my wife and baby is drinking citrus water, our baby has had bad reactions to citrus in the past, so it’s been out for both of them. And we keep a humidifier running, should actually run it more though.


  13. R. Fowler says:

    Doesn’t matter what type of flu you get what matters is whether or not it is a more deadly strain and clearly H1N1 is not. This whole pandemic hype is doing nothing but causing an unnecessary scare in people who are ignorant of how viruses work or how vaccines do not.


  14. As I woke recently I had a novel thought. I remember when growing up in the 50’s and 60’s that flu season hit in february. Then came the flu vaccine rage. “Take your flu shot before the flu season arrives” was the axiom. So that’s what a lot of folks did. Now the hype for taking your flu shot begins in August and the flu season seems to be well under way by October. Hmmmm…. THe only thing stranger than fiction can be truth. The last time H1N1 hit, my family and I were in NE China at the end of the road. We never had it. The cases of H1N1 isolated in a nearby city in China were all Chinese and Korean Americans who had taken the flu shot in the US before returning to China on a flight while they were shedding the virus for 21 days following the vaccination.

    Just imagine for a minute the number of people who are exposed by those who are shedding the virus for 21 days following receiving their vaccination. The number of people who get sick is amazingly small compared to the number who are exposed. God’s Mercy on a nation under serious attack from within.


  15. Ritchie says:

    Can any of you vaccine deniers quote facts or proof that back up your claims.
    Vaccines weaken the immune system?!? Doesn’t it do the opposite! Mercury causes Alzheimer’s! That’s big news! Any sources?
    Unfortunately some people will decide not to be vaccinated by believing these unfounded opinions and maybe some of them they will die from this years flu because H1N1 affects the healthiest the hardest… It’s not your typical flu strain that affects the week… The facts are there if you bother to look them up…
    It was H1N1 that killed over 50 million healthy people between 1918 and 1920.


  16. John says:

    For those asking about proof that vaccines don’t work. Just Google it and you’ll find many medical professionals that have been hollering for years to many different medical institutions world wide about how ineffective these injections really are. How studies were controlled by those doing them to show positive results when the majority were negative. Fact we have no vaccines that can stop a virus. Anti biotics kill off beneficial anti bodies as well as bad ones which is why we now have antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria out there running rampant over us. Just look at the side effects of the current medications being prescribed do you not see a pattern here? There is no money to be made curing diseases. Just follow the money and you’ll see. From our medical colleges all the way to our so called protectors of the fda it’s not about saving lives it’s about how much money that’s made treating your illnesses not curing them. I’m not telling anyone to not take medicine or not get shots ect… what I am saying is research stuff before you just blindly take that pill or vaccine. Educate yourself on how things are really working in the medical fields these days. It’s not hard to find the truth if your really seeking to find it.


    • Tofor says:

      Can you be more specific about the medical institutions that are saying these injections don´t work. Are you talking about Flu vaccines or all vaccines?
      If the smallpox virus wasn´t eradicated because of a vaccine how was it eradicated?
      Can you tell me which class of antibiotics are destroying antibodies? Are all types of antibodies being destroyed or those specific to a particular pathogen? What are these ´bad´ antibodies that you are talking about, the antibodies involved in auto-immune disease?
      Are you suggesting that there is alternative explanation for antibiotic resistance other than the widely accepted view that it is through the mutation of bacteria?
      I´m not sure how the side effects of medication fits in to all of this, could you elaborate?
      Can you tell me more about how the medical field is operating these days?
      I agree that the pharamceutical industry is in the business of making money, they are mostly commercial organisations and I agree that people should educate themselves but it is just as important to be able to assess the source of the information for its validity and reliability.
      I apologise for the abundance of questions here but as a pharmacology graduate and an educator with pharamceutical industry experience, I´m finding it difficult to comprehend much of what you are saying. I appreciate that much of this is purely your opinion but there seems to be some misconceptions here too.


  17. Holly says:

    To take the vaccine or not, so hard to make an informed decision. So much controversial information. But it is scary because 5 more people have died here in Saskatchewan, making the total to date 12. But here is something that I have done for years and it does work with regular viruses. The instant you feel that tickle in your throat, gargle with hydrogen peroxide. I read articles that German doctors discovered back in the 1930’s that viruses can be stopped by using hydrogen peroxide, by either gargling or putting it in your ears for several minutes. But it has to be done the instant you have that feeling like you might be getting sick. Is this a substitute for the vaccine? I don’t know, I really don’t know. But I do know that this won’t hurt you. This is not a preventative.


    • kennycjr says:

      I’ve heard about and done this, though I haven’t ever tried gargling. My trouble, is that I’m so healthy, I often don’t even notice that I might have a cold, flu until I’ve already had it for a week. I just take it easy for a day or so, then I’m over it. And why don’t we all know about this already? Because they can’t patent hydrogen peroxide, they can’t make any variants that they can patent. It’s not in the interests of anyone’s pockets to promote it.


  18. We’re in In California, Sacramento to be exact, where there is a media storm and ensuing stampede to get flu vaccinations.
    We note that as of Monday, the Sacbee reported that 21 had died, and that 2 did not take the vaccine, but they did not know about the 19 others. That’s so bogus! Anyone who was hospitalized and died of the flu would have been asked such, and it would have been recorded! My suspicion is there is a really bad batch of vaccines, interpreting “bad” as either problems in manufacture, gone bad, or more likely, the variant of flu that is going around is “encouraged” by the tattered immune systems of those so inoculated. Now, I am not averse to vaccines. If I travel to remote areas of the world where rabid dogs travel, you bet I have gotten a rabies shot. Among others. But it is destructive to take mass produced poorly thought out flu shots for somethign as easily personally managed as the flu. This flu vaccine stampede is just mass mind medicine at work, I think, hoping just the power of positive thinking will subsitute for healthy living. But we also keep healthy. And food is medicine. Oregano, garlic and onions and ginger are the most healthy items, and we use them in everythign, along with various seeds, such as mustard, fenugreek, cumin, fresh and other dried herbs… health is balance. Yes we were exposed and came down with sniffles, coughs, a slight suspicion of nausea, mild fever, runny nose, under the weather, I suppose in hysterical Sacramento they call this the flu, it’s just a bloody cold, stay thehell out of the hostpitals… let the fever run, drink fluids, keep your kidneys warm, eat warming, cleansing foods (chooseyour veggies and fruits),stay away from dairy, supplement to the max, thousands of mg of C and zinc, and colloidal silver. Yeah, we’re in our 70’s. Can’t afford to retire or get sick! BTW one of the poor folks who died was 47 and touted she was the picture of health. Well, I saw her picture. She was not, in my opinion, a picture of health. She looked 57.
    (Cannibalwatch was a blog I intended to start to document the consuming of consumer by the cannibals in charge. )


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