Australia’s NSW goes up in flames- the worst bushfires in decades

October 23, 2013 AUSTRALIA New South Wales is bracing for a potentially devastating day of bushfires, with the state’s fire commissioner urging people not to travel to the Blue Mountains due to conditions that are set to be “as bad as it gets.” The fire danger warning for the greater Sydney area, the Blue Mountains and the Hunter valley has been set to “extreme” – the second highest level. Shane Fitzsimmons, commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service, said the forecast for Wednesday was worse than previously thought, making it the most dangerous day yet in the bushfire emergency that began last Thursday. “The temperature will be in the mid to high 30s, humidity down to 10% and wind strengths of 80 to 100km/h,” he said. “The forecast and scenario for tomorrow is about as bad as it gets.” All schools and childcare centers in the Blue Mountains will be closed, with Fitzsimmons urging residents to seriously consider fleeing their homes. “If you are going to leave, leave early,” he said. “Leaving early is always the safest option. Know your fire safety plan and be decisive. Procrastination won’t be helpful,” he said. “We will do everything we can, but it would be wrong of me to provide a guarantee that we will deliver on providing a truck to every home, a message to every person. It is simply something we cannot guarantee, but we will do our absolute dandiest to make sure we can.
“Anyone who does not have an important reason to be in the Blue Mountains – don’t be there. Stay away from the Blue Mountains and Kurrajong Heights areas. To do so, otherwise, is simply putting yourself in harm’s way and indeed putting others in harm’s way.” An additional 1400 firefighters will be deployed across NSW in areas considered to be particularly at risk as conditions deteriorate. The perimeter of the various fire areas stretches for 1600km. About 60 fires are burning in NSW, 17 of them uncontained. Since the start of the bushfires, more than 200 homes have been destroyed, with one man losing his life. Wildlife carers have warned that thousands of koalas, possums, reptiles and other animals have been killed or seriously injured in the fires. Meanwhile, an 11-year-old boy accused of lighting two fires, one of which destroyed 5,000 hectares of land near Newcastle, has been granted bail. Insurance claims worth more than $100m already have been lodged, according to the Insurance Council of Australia. Further financial assistance is on its way to residents of fire ravaged areas, with the Salvation Army raising $1.2m in aid. –Guardian
contribution Pagan
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, Extreme Weather Event, Gale-force winds and gusts, Hazardous chemical exposure, High-risk potential hazard zone, Infrastructure collapse, Record high temperatures, Time - Event Acceleration, Wildfires. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Australia’s NSW goes up in flames- the worst bushfires in decades

  1. Louise Page says:

    These terrible fires in NSW unfortunately bring back raw memories for many who endured the Black Saturday, Ash Wednesday, Canberra and other states worst fire scenarios.
    The poor fellow who lost his life died from a heart attack while he was valiantly trying to fend off the fires from his property.
    We in Oz owe a tremendous gratitude to all the firefighters and other emergency personnel who also put their lives on the line to save lives and property. Many have fought on even though some of their own homes were being burnt to the ground.
    Other organizations like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross (and other groups) also work tirelessly to help those in need. The wildlife carers are another group/s who deserve our admiration too for all the wonderful work they do in caring for animals great and small.
    Having been personally touched by disastrous fires, as have many other Aussies, the vision of this disaster revisits feelings of past fire storms and the devastation they cause.
    My heart goes to the NSW folks and all involved up there.
    Aussies are a pretty tough breed. Homes can be rebuilt, even though many personal memories have been shattered. Livelihoods lost can hopefully regain their place in our communities through solid support, and beautiful landscapes will regenerate to be the stunning places they once were.
    Peace to all,
    Louise from the outer east of Melbourne, Oz.


  2. Joseph t Repas says:

    To Pagan: Thanks for sending this..Hope you are safe out there!


  3. Brandon says:

    Fires have been a major problem this year. All that smoke reminds me of the fire and brimstone of Revelation, the lies that issue out of Satan’s mouth.


  4. Irene C says:

    This, like the fires we have witnessed here in the U.S., is so sad. And to think that two of them were started by an 11 year old boy is even sadder. Praying that the Lord will provide rain and cooler temperatures for these people.


  5. James - Blue Mountains says:

    Having lived in the blue mountains for over 30 years, i can say that these fires are without a doubt the worst ever. I fought the ’93,’00,’04,11 fires and participated in the forced evacuation of 100’s of people from within the mountains.

    Whilst having fires in the mountains are part of life there, its infuriating to know that kids are the ones responsible for starting these fires (as is most cases of fires in the Blue Mountains) Although the State Mine Fire (Lithgow) was started by the defence force conducting live fire drills in the area (idiots)

    I watched the fire burn through over 15km (9-10miles) of bush in a little under 10 minutes….it moves like a freight train going top speed, and when you couple that with the Eucalyptus trees that its burning, it really does turn out to be a mega fire.


  6. Mike says:

    my wife and I met in Springwood and we have family and friends in the Blue mountain’s, all we can do is pray for them and every one else.


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