28 killed, hundred injured by swarms of giant hornets in China

September 26, 2013CHINA Twenty-eight people have died and hundreds have been injured in a wave of attacks by giant hornets in central China, according to reports. Victims described being chased for hundreds of meters by the creatures and stung as many as 200 times. Most of the attacks in the past three months were in remote, rural, wooded areas in southern Shaanxi, the province’s China Business newspaper reported. In the city of Ankang alone, 18 people have died from the stings, health official Zhou Yuanhong told Associated Press. People in the cities of Hanzhong and Shangluo have also been injured. The insects’ highly toxic stings can lead to anaphylactic shock and renal failure. An official from Ankang’s disease control centre urged people to seek medical help if they received more than 10 stings, and warned that emergency treatment was required for those stung more than 30 times. One woman in her 50s said she had spent almost a month in hospital and was still incontinent after receiving more than 200 stings. A man from her village died of kidney failure.
The hornet attacks are a recurring problem in the area from May to as late as November. According to Ankang police, 36 people died in the city and 715 were injured by the creatures between 2002 and 2005. But Zhou said the issue had been particularly severe this year, possibly because of weather changes. Experts have suggested in the past that warmer temperatures in the area have led to hornets breeding more successfully, that laborers have been moving deeper into areas where they may disturb nests, and that the insects are sensitive to chemicals found in food and cosmetics. Li Jiuzhou, deputy director of the Shaanxi Bee and Wasp Industry Association, said that hundreds or even thousands of hornets could live in a single nest. They attack humans only if disturbed, he added. But they are carnivorous and can quickly destroy bee colonies. Ankang’s fire service has removed over 300 hornet nests this summer, but experts said that the problem was unlikely to end entirely until the temperature drops. Wang Zhengcai, an official from one of the affected villages, said authorities had warned people to be careful if they enter the woods. Local authorities have also promised to help patients pay for the treatment, because of the heavy cost for the rural poor. The culprit appears to be the Asian giant hornet or Vespa mandarinia, which grows up to 5cm long with a 6mm sting, although the area is also home to the smaller Asian hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax. –The Guardian
contribution Jenny M.
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36 Responses to 28 killed, hundred injured by swarms of giant hornets in China

  1. Kiaya says:

    Here, in the US many are saying insects are becoming more aggressive. Among those who eat healthy and avoid toxic substances such as toxic personal care products, insects seem to accept those people as part of nature..as if those individuals pose no threat. We also question, along with other environmental triggers, is exposure to toxins causing insect venom to be more toxic, too.


    • “We also question, along with other environmental triggers, is exposure to toxins causing insect venom to be more toxic, too.”

      Very good point: chemical sensitization all around.


    • Jessica says:

      Ummmm what?? Who’s saying that? And do you have any proof eating “healthy” and avoiding “toxic” substances makes insects less aggressive towards you, or did you just make it up?

      And you’re the first person I’ve seen that questions whether exposure to toxins can make insect venom more toxic.


      • Jos says:

        Ignore her. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about and is just speculating things without any scientific basis. I’m quite certain she doesn’t even know what a covalent bond is so her opinion is null.


    • Jesse says:

      Do you have a source for any of that? I’d be very interested to see it…


    • I hope you’re aware that the word ‘toxin’ means literally nothing in the context that you’re using it. Everything is toxic in the right quantity. And you know what? If a Tibetan monk who communes with nature every day were to walk into a nest of these things, he would get stung just like everyone else. Get your pseudoscience out of here.


    • Ann says:

      What exactly is a “toxic” substance? Is it the cause of all those “toxins” I hear about? Oh noes!


    • Aras says:

      How do you flag a comment for ignorance and misinformation? I want flag the parent comment.


    • Ryan says:

      I don’t believe you, and neither should anyone else unless you cite reliable, peer reviewed sources.


    • Lissu says:

      Its just like that locusts movie…


    • j says:

      I don’t think eating healthy and avoiding toxic substance help at all. I eat healthier than most of the people I know and I do not take anything near toxic like drugs or anything else bad. But, I still get bites that can get so swollen that makes my feet or arm look like it’s a pig’s hand or feet.. I really don’t think those are the causes..


  2. Irene C says:

    Now this is something that would cause me to have nightmares. I have a definite fear of anything that flies and stings. I walked into a nest of yellow jackets when I was a youngun. Gives me the chills just thinking about it.


  3. MarkJS says:

    You don’t need insecticide to get rid of these, you need a bat.


  4. nanoduck says:

    Treat nature with respect, and it will respond in kind. Abuse nature and it will come back to you with wrath.


  5. freshwatergamefish says:

    Yea, unto him. They should arm everyone a badminton racquet. They’re light weight and they can dice a bee in no time.
    The word of The Lord.


    • Sam says:

      That would work against the giant one maybe, if the strings didn’t just break from the force. That is until it just became clogged with bee corpses and you were basically left with a paddle.


  6. Dublinsmick says:

    I saw one in my back yard in Florida and I killed it deader than a hammer. I knew what it was at the time.


  7. Helen Parks says:

    They do not look “natural”, real


    • Anne says:

      Helen, you know I thought the same thing. How many of us thought that? If demons can take on the appearance of UFO forms as well as dogs – why not hornets. Sometimes I think we’ve forgotten that certain demons can disguise themselves to afflict God’s children.


  8. Anne says:

    In south Alabama, we are experiencing large spiders and their massive webs outdoors and in homes, as well as gnats that seem to attack us like never before. Very unusual behavior animals as well.


    • http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/python-crushed-60-pound-pet-siberian-husky-death-article-1.1455254
      This happened two weeks ago…

      Book Quote: “And while some species populations are collapsing, others on Earth are exploding…the snakes released into the Florida Everglades by disenchanted pet owners have nearly taken over the Florida Wetlands…the problem may already be beyond control…around the world, the reports coming in of urban encroachment of alligators, coyotes, bears, large game cats, as well as plagues of locusts, wasps, jellyfish, and other pests are testament that the homeostatic balance which once regulated the natural world is breaking down and the borders that separated man from natural wildlife habitats are dissolving.” –The Extinction Protocol, page 256, 2009


  9. Rhonda says:

    I saw what I thought were hummingbirds. WRONG! They were the biggest hornets I’ve ever seen. Have the Asian Hornets made their way to the US, yet? I’ve also been invaded by stink bugs. My cats gave them a wide berth after one good spray. Too funny. We have noticed different behaviors in yellow jackets, also..


  10. Epenephrine says:

    None of that is true, Kiaya.


  11. Dennis E. says:

    Considering this……..and I had not, have you ever wondered how a child can lead a full grown horse with just a leash or other activities with we do with animals? I know that some will want to explain the difference between domesticated and wild animals. But my point is this. animals, if they wanted to, could inflict at will, if they wanted to severe or even fatal injuries to humans and that includes the cat in your house. When I say the animal kingdom, I also include all others, reptiles, etc…..I read where there was and this person used the word agreement or another person used the words “natural fear” God placed this restraint on the Animal Kingdom.
    Consider this, suppose you are walking on a woodland trail and all of a sudden snakes begin to come out of the wood line and attack, or birds,foxes,etc. We already know some insects have been doing this for years. But, the point is, if and when animals start to lose their fear of humans, then we have a problem.
    I think, as had been posted on this site, as the world sinks into political,spiritual,economic,earth changes and social chaos, we will see more aggressive animal behavior as one blogger has posted. We already know about The Killer Bee’s but this is first I’ve ever heard of these types of hornets. God help us if they came here.


    • Kathy says:

      Sadly, we are running the animals out of there natural habitat. We are over building everywhere we can. I hope we can learn to live with the animals we have displaced. If not it may be the end of us.


      • k z says:

        this is where overpopulation comes in, we just can’t “import” millions of people and not expect our lives to change. Save me the bleeding heart songs, when I grew up you needed a sponsor and started at the back of the line, and had to know English etc. So that they didn’t strain our recourses. Now the liberals say open the doors let millions in give them everything you are taking from the tax paying citizens. our very lives are at risk with overpopulation and the gov is to blame. In our era the right thing to do was to only have 2 children. Not a football or baseball team mostly to get assistance.


  12. The Happy Farmer says:

    I live in MA. I have the same type of hornets living in my raspberry patch. I do not know how they got here to the US. They do not seem to be aggressive and I notice they eat Japanese Beetles which seems to be a good thing.
    One way of protecting yourself from any bee, hornet or wasp is to avoid eating bananas or putting them in your compost pile. Most bees emit a banana like smell to signal an attack. This is what I have been told by friends who practice bee keeping.


  13. Alter some more of our food, and plants…you want to play God and get all kinds of scientific credit for being able to genetically alter the life of things…well, take credit for this too…because you have to take the good with the bad, but how much good, and how much bad before it all come crumbling down on us all…


  14. Rick says:

    Most people in the USA think they encounter hornets when they actually are Cicada Killer Wasps, a very large yet generally harmless and non-aggresive wasp that is very common and shows up around April-August. They fly around, bump into windows and might buzz you but its rare to get stung, and even if you do its not as bad as a real hornet sting.


  15. k z says:

    We also have on the farm huge flies, as big as you thumb, they attack the horses on the withers (a place where horses can’t reach, so the horses throw themselves on the ground to dislodge them. They arrive in late spring and I did kill one once just to prove they do exist, but could not do it this year.


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