Dead Sea being eaten by sinkholes: huge chasms appearing in the region at a rate of one per day

September 20, 2013IsraelThe Dead Sea is drying up at an incredible rate leaving huge chasms of empty space in its wake. These chasms appear in the form of large, devastating sinkholes and are increasing in number throughout the region. Experts claim they are now forming at a rate of nearly one a day, but have no way of knowing when or how they will show up. Estimates by Moment magazine suggest that, on the Israeli side alone, there are now over 3,000 sinkholes around the Dead Sea. This compares to just 40 counted in 1990, with the first sinkhole appearing in the 1980s. The Dead Sea spans more than 60 miles through Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. Its waters are 10 times saltier than the northern Atlantic Ocean because it has no outlet. This means that any minerals that flow there, stay there. The increase in sinkholes is directly related to the Dead Sea drying up at a rate of one meter per year. Sinkholes are basically bowl-shaped features that form when an empty space under the ground creates a depression. The depression is the result of a reaction between freshwater and salt buried in a subterranean level beneath the surface. When the freshwater dissolves the salt, it creates a void, causing the landscape around and above it to suddenly collapse. Over the last few decades, increasing numbers of people have been drawn to the Dead Sea causing its salt water to dry up. This leaves more fresh water in the area to dissolve the salt and create more cavities. –Daily Mail
contribution Jenny M.
This entry was posted in Acquatic Ecosystem crash, Civilizations unraveling, Desertification, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, Land fissures, cracks, sinkholes, New land rises from sea, Time - Event Acceleration, Water Crisis - Conflict. Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Dead Sea being eaten by sinkholes: huge chasms appearing in the region at a rate of one per day

  1. I found the whole story very interesting from Moment Magazine Thank you!


  2. Dennis E. says:

    Interesting…….I have heard ministers who study latter day prophecies that at the second coming, when Jesus returns to Earth and physically touches the Mount of Olives, it will split North/ South and the reservoir of fresh water that is located underneath it would flow as far to the Dead sea and replenish it and life would reappear. We shall see……..


  3. Crazy says:

    Sounds like the world is caving in on itself like a dying star.


  4. vee says:

    Oh how sad,but can someone explain how people visiting the dead sea can cause this please.


  5. lrey112 says:

    Why since 1980, Israel, the most capable country in planet Earth, NEVER considered/built an outlet towards the gulf of Akaba to release the pressure?


  6. ncmissouri says:

    This may seem out there, but after reading about the range of natural disasters, pandemic possibilities, radiation accidents, and climate change possibly to a mini ice age, it seems Israel may become the only inhabitable place on the planet.


  7. M says:

    Lay down
    Your sweet and weary head
    Night is falling
    You have come to journeys end

    Sleep now and dream
    Of the ones who came before
    They are calling
    From across the distant shore

    Why do you weep?
    What are these tears upon your face?
    Soon you will see
    All of your fears will pass away
    Safe in my arms
    You’re only sleeping

    What can you see on the horizon?
    Why do the white gulls call?
    Across the sea a pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    Hope fades
    Into the world of night
    Through shadows falling
    Out of memory and time

    Don’t say
    We have come now to the end
    White shores are calling
    You and I will meet again
    and you’ll be here in my arms
    just sleeping

    What can you see on the horizon?
    Why do the white gulls call?
    Across the sea a pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    And all will turn to silver glass
    A light on the water
    Grey ships pass into the west

    Read more: Annie Lennox – Into The West Lyrics | MetroLyrics


  8. Ruth Adams says:

    Ezekiel 6-9 tells us the dead sea will become alive. Maybe the time is almost here!


  9. Bob Heater says:

    It is amazing to see all of the things (‘natural disasters, pandemic possibilities, radiation accidents, and climate change possibly to a mini ice age’) culminating all at once. In the midst of it all I like to remind myself of these verses from biblical scripture… “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 & “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Pslam 46:10. Blessings…


  10. Cary Grant says:

    If they built a channel from the Red Sea to the dead sea and flooded it. Bringing the dead sea up to sea level. They would also be flooding the Seas of Galilee which is 693 ft below sea level and is fresh water. The Dead sea is 1388 ft below sea level. How much arm land would then be lost so to the rising salt water.


  11. Palm to head!

    Israel is to get absolutely rocked when the day of the Lord arrives, aka The Galactic Superwave. The Earth is simply shifting/reacting to the galaxies heart beat, as is the Sun.

    But the last time i knew, no one had constructed a desalination plant along the shore of the dead sea. However, a population increase, could deplete the fresh water supplies, that would flow into it.


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