U.S. Aircraft Carrier Killer: China deploys anti-ship ballistic missile along southern coast, facing Taiwan

April 20, 2013CHINAThe Chinese military has deployed its new anti-ship ballistic missile along its southern coast facing Taiwan, the Pentagon’s top military intelligence officer said today. The missile, designated the DF-21D, is one of a “growing number of conventionally armed” new weapons China is deploying to the region, adding to more than 1,200 short-range missiles opposite the island democracy, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the Defense Intelligence Agency director, said in a statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee. Flynn’s reference to the DF-21D follows one made by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, in congressional testimony on April 9. He highlighted the “initial deployment of a new anti-ship missile that we believe is designed to target U.S. aircraft carriers.” Flynn’s brief reference to the DF-21D today is significant because it advances the DIA’s assessment last year, when U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess, then the agency’s director, said China’s military is “probably preparing to deploy” the weapon. The disclosure may spark increased scrutiny in Congress this year about the vulnerability of the Navy’s aircraft carriers, including the new Gerald R. Ford class being built by Newport News, Virginia-based Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. The Navy estimates that the first new carrier will cost at least $12.3 billion, and the service’s budget request for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 includes $1.68 billion for new aircraft carriers, more than double this year’s $781.7 million request. Of that, $945 million would pay for continued design and construction of the second Ford-class carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy. Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of operational testing, warned in his January 2012 annual report that the Navy lacked a target needed to check its defenses against the DF-21D. The Navy had an “immediate need” for a test missile able to replicate the DF-21D’s trajectory, Gilmore said. Last July, Gilmore told Navy Secretary Ray Mabus in a memo that testing to evaluate the new carriers’ “ability to withstand shock and survive in combat” would be postponed until after the Kennedy is built, and may not be completed for seven years. The DF-21D is intended to give China “the capability to attack large ships, particularly aircraft carriers, in the western Pacific,” the Pentagon’s 2012 China report said. The report cites estimates that the missile’s range exceeds 930 miles (1,500 kilometers). The missiles are designed be launched to a general location, where their guidance systems take over and spot carriers to attack with warheads intended to destroy the ships’ flight decks, launch catapults and control towers. U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert told defense reporters in March 2012 that the Navy is evaluating how to defeat the missile during all phases of flight, using methods such as jamming the missiles’ sensors, reducing the electronic emissions from U.S. ships, and intercepting the missile. “Some call that links of a chain,” Greenert said. “You want to break as many links as possible.” In its fiscal 2014 Budget Highlights book, the Navy said it’s working a “kill chain” against an unspecified weapon. The Navy, the book says, wants to integrate the capabilities of the Falls Church, Virginia-based Northrop Grumman Corp.’s (NOC) E-2D Advanced Hawkeye surveillance aircraft; Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed Martin Corp.’s (LMT) Aegis surveillance and missile defense system; and Waltham, Massachusetts-based Raytheon Co.’s (RTN) Cooperative Engagement Capability sensor network linking ships and Standard Missile-6 interceptors “to keep pace with the evolving threat.” –Bloomberg
Book Quote: “The (Chineses) Dong Feng 21 missile is effectively meant to keep the U.S. naval fleet out of the East China Sea and prevent the U.S. Navy from intervening in a Chinese strike against the Taiwanese island. The U.S. is developing its own hypersonic cruise missile, the X-51, but at present; there are no known effective countermeasures that could knock the hypersonic Chinese Dong Feng 21 out of the sky. In the future, American ships may be equipped with the only known effective defense against such hypersonic missile threats- laser canons.” -The Extinction Protocol, pp. 50-51, 2009
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7 Responses to U.S. Aircraft Carrier Killer: China deploys anti-ship ballistic missile along southern coast, facing Taiwan

  1. Marybell says:

    Prophetic events are happening so fast now and they do not phase me anymore. Maranatha


    • Irene C says:

      So true Marybell. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Maranatha


  2. Joseph t Repas says:

    Right on Alvin…and of course what country has the resources to rebuild weapons or defenses once damages are done to billion dollar machines of war….Not the USA..We are busted broke.


  3. prayntongues says:

    Wow, just last week or so, TEP revealed a the new naval weapon, a laser cannon. The only problem with the American weapon is that it must be locked onto a target to destroy it but what if a bunch of war planes come all at once? It use is somewhat limited to lasering one plane/jet/drone at a time.


    • niebo says:

      Hey, prayntongues:

      According to one article (published by the Army), Raytheon (the manufacturer of the Close-In Weapons System [CIWS] to which this laser is adapted) plans for the laser to replace the convential cannon, but one watch of the video and your point is made quite clear: it take too long to destroy a target. The link below details the Army’s version of the system, which is trailer-mounted for mobile transport.

      Contrary to Raytheon, the Navy has other plans, to use the Laser Weapons System (LaWS) to complement its existing system, to “create a layered ship defense capability”, one which will incorporate lasers while also spitting a fair amount of iron, just in case.

      “Phalanx is the only deployed close-in weapon system capable of autonomously performing its own search, detect, evaluation, track, engage and kill assessment functions,” so it is able to track multiple targets, but it can only shoot one-at-a-time; switching targets takes one second.

      According to Raytheon, they are, as a company, the world leader in integration of radar systems. Assuming this is true, there is no reason that the CiWS/LaWS system could not combined with the Army Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance (AN/TPY-2) as used by the THAAD missile-defense systems, to give a comprehensive system of protection.

      However, the Russian “Sunburn” anti-ship missiles are formidable weapons; North Korea and China possess these in their arsenals.


  4. Dennis E. says:

    Is it possible that this is the signal that a Chinese military move against Taiwan could occur this year. A deployed weapon is a weapon read for use.
    Now, rumor through internet reports is that some nations have the ability to place an electro-static shield to stop incoming missiles, planes. The problem is that not only will it stop incoming missiles, planes but destroys outgoing objects also. It is believed that some of the principles of H.A.A.R.P. works in this manner.


  5. starsword says:

    I had a dream about this a few days ago, and some of the Lord’s people were on both sides of two Asian countries getting ready for a big missile war (not North Korea though) and the overall consensus in the dream was that it was all fake, but there was still tension in the air.


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