7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Iran-Pakistan border: largest quake in 50 years; hundreds feared dead

April 16, 2013IRAN A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which struck along the Iran-Pakistan border, was felt in several countries in Asia Tuesday, rocking buildings in the Indian capital of New Delhi and striking with powerful force in Iran, reports said. The earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale on Iran’s border with Pakistan, and appeared to be centered in the Khash, Iran, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The earthquake was felt as far away as the Persian Gulf states, according to the Reuters. The depth of the earthquakes was 82 km (51 miles) below the earth’s surface. In New Delhi, which is periodically shaken by temblors, the distant quake could be felt through the city, as buildings shook for more than 10 seconds and, in some areas, frightened people ran into the streets. No injuries were initially reported, nor were there any early reports of property damage in the Indian capital; however, that could potentially change, as the regions are surveyed for damage. Seismic events appear to be on the rise in Iran. On April 9, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake killed 37 people in southeastern Iran. Most of Iran’s nuclear-related facilities are located in central Iran or its west, including the Bushehr nuclear power plant on the Gulf coast. A U.S. Institute for Science and International Security map did not show any nuclear-linked facilities insoutheastern Iran close to Pakistan border. –TEP
Strong deadly quake: An Iranian government official said on Tuesday he expected hundreds of deaths from a major earthquake that struck Iran near the border with Pakistan. “It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40 years and we are expecting hundreds of dead,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. According to officials in Iran, 87 deaths have been reported so far; however, that number is expected to rise.  –Reuters, Emirates 14/7
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34 Responses to 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Iran-Pakistan border: largest quake in 50 years; hundreds feared dead

  1. Kim says:


    Also, a serious of earthquakes hit central Oklahoma this morning. A 4.2 jolted me out of bed at 5:17 AM.


    • I saw there was a series of quakes hitting Central Oklahoma. The planet is growing more restless. Glad to hear you’re okay, Kim.

      All the best,


    • madmelly says:

      Okay, first of all, the earthquake in Iran, near Pakistan, was not shallow. The USGS said it was 80 km deep, which is 51 miles. Several people have posted the 9.4 miles, and I don’t know where they are getting that figure. Here is what the USGS said about the earthquake, “Location 28.107°N 62.053°E depth=82.0km (51.0mi),” ” The April 16, 2013 M 7.8 earthquake east of Khash, Iran, occurred as a result of normal faulting at an intermediate depth in the Arabian plate lithosphere, approximately 80 km beneath the Earth’s surface.” While I’m sure the planet is getting more restless, I believe lots of these earthquakes were not natural.

      Oklahoma, could be because of oil drilling, or the building of underground bunkes/cities/tunnels. There was a moderately sized EQ in N. Korea, right after the US was spotted dragging their mobile HAARP globe, towards the Korean Peninsula. That one I believe was a warning. Typically the HAARP EQ’s are shallow, so with this one being deep, I don’t know if it was man-made. It occurred near a subduction zone, and that’s where you naturally get the largest EQ’s. Iran & N. Korea are on the list of countries who refuse the private banking scheme. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt & Libya, used to be on that list as well. BTW, I have a degree in Geology, and I’ve always had an interest in earthquakes. So, it took me a long time to accept that humans could & would be able to make an earthquake occur.


      • Brian82 says:

        80 km is shallow in the grand scheme… Earth is 6,371 km to its core.. or in this EQ’s case 5% depth – I would say thats shallow.

        “Typically the HAARP EQ’s are shallow”
        Do you know something about HAARP you want to share???
        Haarp is scientific reserch experiment the loonies have tagged a conspiracy theory onto, no device could adjust tectonics.. and even if such a device existed, do you think the mad boffins in the background wouldn’t be thinking “Butterfly Effect”

        Its a moderate Subduction Zone EQ – Lets not get excited..


  2. Is it possible that this quake is nuclear activity related?


  3. MAD says:

    How much of it has to do with all the boomes they have been testing under ground? In Iran,


  4. Dennis E. says:

    This is the second 6.0 plus earthquake in the past 7 days I believe in Iran. 7.8, a big one!
    There was a 6.0 posted posted somewhere else I believe also within last 30 days there has been five 6.0 EQ’s to include this posted one.
    One blogger posted information regarding the 4.3 in Oklahoma this morning which is nothing to take lightly either having gone through one last year.


  5. wayne pearson says:

    Just as I said the other day Alvin a BIG quake has struck the planet. The SEVENTH MAJOR(6.0 and above) or GREAT(7.0 and above) earthquake to hit our planet in the last 11 days!


  6. Do you still believe that geophysical weaponry is NOT being used?


  7. Hannah says:

    I just heard about the 5 earthquake’s in Oklahoma which seems a lot in such a short time span, little worried when you consider NK, Iran, Bird flu, on the edge of war, Boston etc. It’s all coming together, its overwhelming to look around and witness the events fortold unraveling


    • IMG

      The light shines in the darkest hour of the night. As humans; hope must and should prevail within all of us. We cannot roll back the clock or change the state of the world we’re in; but we can let this experience lift up to higher ground, so we rise above the fray. The shifting world is precipitating a change in the good-hearted, increasing awareness, stimulating acts of kindness in response… and that’s cause for smiles, even amidst the darkest of gloom.


      • Magenta says:

        Thank you Alvin, for the positive words. As we see the world unraveling, becoming a victim of fear, will not help you. I think we all have been conditioned to thinking in a fear based reality. Seems threats are coming from a lot of different sources right now, it is almost overwhelming. I am praying for all the people who are suffering now at the hands of others. I try to keep positive thoughts in my mind and not let the evil in the world taint me. Sure is easy to trip up into the negative with current events, If you slip up, just get back up on the right side. Pray for the people who are creating the suffering in the world. Pray that their minds and hearts will be open to love and not to hate.


  8. Jess says:

    I’m surprised nothing was posted about the Boston bombings yesterday.


    • IMG

      There is no shortage of coverage of this in the news.

      Instead of another story, we extend our deepest sympathies, condolences, and prayers to those who have been adversely affected and impacted by this heinous tragedy.

      May the blessings and peace of God bring comfort to the bruised and broken of heart and body



      • Instead of another story you write, you pray for those in Boston. Seems the best thing one can do. Everyone knows what happened and by continually repeating the horrible images you spread the hate instead. The hate for terrorist, the hate for America, the hate for freedom, for the liberty to choose your daily tasks and the hate for vengeance. Vengeance is never good. An eye for an eye isn’t the answer. Finding a way to live together is the only answer. In peace and without war. Thank you for your work you do


  9. SheepAlert says:

    Seismic servers http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php are now running wild, delayed? During the quake time period there was nothing on it. Explanation?


  10. Me says:

    Interesting. I was just going to sleep when the 4.3 hit at just before 2am this morning. I see nothing that would’ve hit at 5:15 am in Oklahoma. That 4 pointer REALLY frightened me, and I was raised in California. I have never felt a jolt like that. Didn’t sleep well, to say the least, then learned there was 5 eq’s overnight, tho I only felt the one.


  11. Me says:

    I stand corrected, tho it’s not listed on the global incident map as such: The fifth earthquake of the morning in Oklahoma has been confirmed Tuesday. Jana Pursley, a geophysicist at the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., said the U.S. Geological Survey reports a 4.2 magnitude quake hit at 5:16 a.m. 4 miles east, northeast of Luther. Check NewsOK.com for updates.


  12. Brandon says:

    Literally everything is spinning out of control at this point. Earth, Governments, Economics you name it. No reason to fear, sit tight. Don’t let them see you sweat on your first cruise.


  13. barbara says:

    April IS the cruelest month…


  14. Shelley says:


    Thank you for always keeping us up to par with the changes, always appreciate your insight and your postings.

    I have noticed the increase in the quakes around the world and also in the past week in Hawaii. There was a 2.8 between Oahu and Molokai and a 4.4 this past Saturday on the northern tip of the Big Island…. along with the increase in swarms again on the southern part of the Big Island. All natural of course because of the active volcano.

    It’s just interesting to see where the swarms flare up, subside and flare up again. Mother Earth is in turmoil and I wish humanity would pay more attention to the larger picture in life.

    All the best to you Alvin, blessings…


  15. Irene C says:

    I hadn’t been on my computer yet when I heard about this quake while watching The Weather Channel. Then I did some reading when I came upon this verse:

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. Psalm 46:1-3


  16. Antilluminati says:

    I Think this eathquake is man made. There is only 1 or 2 aftershock. When Santa Cruise eathquake was there are many aftershocks??? Sorry for my Englisch, i’m from The Netherlands


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