Magnitude 6 earthquakes strike Kuril Islands and Vanuatu

Kuril March 24
March 24, 2013 KURIL ISLANDS A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of far-eastern Russia early Sunday, the US Geological Survey reported. The quake, which hit at 0418 GMT at a depth of 9.7 kilometers (six miles), was centered 269 kilometers from the eastern Russian city of Ozernovsky, on the southern tip of the Kamchatka peninsula. The USGS said an underground formation there called the Kuril-Kamchatka arc is considered one of the most seismically active regions in the world. Since 1900, seven powerful earthquakes of magnitude 8.3 or greater have occurred along the arc, the USGS said. Four hours later, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck near the South Pacific island enclave of Vanuatu. –Global Post
Tremors continue at El Hierro, to the tune of over 160 in the last 24 hours. The scenario of an eruption in the near future is becoming increasingly likely: Volcanic tremor continues, suggesting magma is still moving although mostly laterally for the time being to an area just north of the western tip of the island. Small local (including at least one deep low-frequency event) earthquakes dot seismograms at and around Mammoth Mountain volcano (CA) (station MRD), and the Long Valley mountain was rattled by a very shallow 3.1 magnitude earthquake (at a depth of 5.8 km) on March 24. Meanwhile, low-level swarm activity continues at Coso Volcanic Field (CA). –Volcano Discovery
Quake swarm rattles Nevada: The earthquake swarm continues to move the California side of Peavine Mountain near Bordertown.  According UNR’s seismology lab, equipment detected more than a dozen quakes Saturday and another dozen Sunday morning. They are mostly too small to feel with the largest recorded at magnitudes of 2.1. The swarm includes more than 150 of the small earthquakes, and has lasted a week. –KOLO
Tobago tremor: A moderate earthquake has rattled Trinidad & Tobago, causing some alarm but no reported damage or injuries. The US Geological Survey says the magnitude-4.8 quake struck early Sunday and was centered some 81 kilometers northeast of Roxborough, an eastern town on the tourism-dependent island of Tobago. It was also felt on the Caribbean country of Barbados. Its epicenter was about 46 kilometers below the surface. In Tobago, police said they received calls from some jittery residents who lingered outside after the quake. –The Hindu
Northern California tremor: A magnitude4.3 earthquake centered just offshore rattled the Northern California coast Sunday morning but caused no damage, authorities reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake’s epicenter was in the Pacific Ocean about 28 miles southwest of Ferndale, a quaint town of 1,370 people filled with dozens of well-preserved Victorian homes and store fronts. The temblor occurred at about 10:25 a.m. –KTLA
Seismic Watch 3
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7 Responses to Magnitude 6 earthquakes strike Kuril Islands and Vanuatu

  1. tdenbeck says:

    I have been quietly aware of the continued activity and have had 2 dreams. I can only hope. My mood is pensive to say the least as things begin to evolve.


  2. Irene C says:

    Fascinating information, Emanni. Thank you.


  3. George says:

    Have you noticed how the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and other areas in the region rocked by earthquakes all lie above the huge new magma plume that is forming, reported on recently; is there any connection, e.g. expansion of the Earth’s crust?


    • I

      Not expansion of the crust; it’s fragile and brittle. Expansion of the magmatic reservoirs, under the crust…which will cause massive fracturing, hyper volcanism, mega-quakes, and the tearing of continental landmasses. O we have no idea of the danger of being on the edge of the precipitous cliff, whereby the winds of change have blown us!


    • bobby90247 says:

      Hey, George!

      I think “simple logic” would dictate that there IS a connection! But, don’t look to the government or media for confirmation “…if you know what I mean!”


  4. Emanni says:

    Weather service says Fargo should prepare for 1 of its 5 worst floods; city calls for sandbags
    With its ominously titled slideshow, “Get ready for a big one,” the National Weather Service told flood-weary residents in the Fargo area Thursday to prepare for one of the Red River’s five largest crests this spring, an outlook that prompted city and county officials to plead for permanent flood protection.


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