27 Responses to World in dangerous drift towards war: Kissinger warns world fast approaching ‘turning point in human history’

  1. Tim says:

    I like the white horse in the ABC video. Makes me think of Obama in Denver and the White horse in Revelations


  2. Brandon says:

    Good post. I’ve been noticing the trend myself and how could we not? Not only is war escalating but so is the global financial crisis. While at the same time we have signs all over earth and in the heavens. This age is about complete folks. Don’t worry about war, Jesus said this would happen, but the end is not just yet…


    • le el in G says:

      it is written Elijah must come before the great and terrible day of the Lord.so he must be out there somewhere.ok moderate me .thanks


  3. archie1954 says:

    What utter disinformation! I can’t believe the blatant American propaganda set out in all of the above articles. There is absolutely no mention of the fact that Iran has no history of attacking other countries, at least not for the last 300 years, but that its nemesis Israel does and that proliferation started in that area of the Middle East with Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. Also no mention of the American nuclear missile systems being installed right on Russia’s borders forcing a new arms race on Russia. Really this website is totally perverse!


    • Please spend your time more wisely, educating yourself to history before you sling accusations that have absolutely no merit in common sense; let along history. 1). The U.S. missile system in Europe, if it ever comes to complete fruition at all consists of kinetic non-nuclear interceptor missiles. However….

      “In 2009, President Obama cancelled the deal the U.S. had with Poland and the Czech Republic to build an interceptor site and radar that would provide protection of the U.S. homeland and allies from rogue ballistic missiles. Polish and Czech leaders took on the task of educating their populations of the necessity of defending their populations from Iranian missiles, of collaborating with the U.S. to do this, of having American soldiers on their territory, and—the hardest of all—that the blowback from Russia over the sites was worth it.” -The Foundry

      source: http://blog.heritage.org/2012/08/08/polish-president-blasts-obama-on-missile-defense/

      “The reformulated project announced most prominently by Vice President Biden in October, 2009, would entail smaller, mobile SM-3 interceptors, to be emplaced by 2018. The whole of the Obama plan “envisions stationing existing SM-3 interceptors as part of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense on Aegis-equipped ships in the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere by 2011, and on land in Central Europe by 2015. A more advanced system would be deployed by 2018, and another generation, theoretically capable of shooting down intercontinental missiles, by 2020.” -Wikipedia

      source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_missile_defense_complex_in_Poland

      U.S may throw Eastern Europe under the bus, and abandon defense missile sites in Europe altogether: http://csis.org/blog/obama-throwing-eastern-europe-under-bus

      Are you referring to the same Iran, that conquered Babylon and Greece of antiquity and took the U.S. embassy hostage in 1979, went to war with Iraq over a border dispute from 1980 to 1988, and is currently supplying arms and military advisors to Syria, North Korea, the Hezbollah, the Taliban, and Venezuela? They are the military arms pimps of the Middle East, just like every other ungodly human corrupt government. The only innocent ones on this planet I know of are the children and the holy ones currently visiting it from heaven, to warn of its imminent destruction.


      • archie1954 says:

        Wow, even more very foolish propaganda! If you are so interested in history perhaps you might remember that it was the Iranian students, who sick of the Shah and US malevolent influence on the country, decided to show their anger, not the government. Also at the commencement of the Iranian/Iraqi war, Iraq was a proxy for the US and attacked Iran, not the other way around, and did it because the US egged them on and supplied the money and weapons to do so. So the American aegis and other missiles to be situated next to the Russian border are not nuclear, nor could be article is so foolish.


    • Just me says:

      Really. Have you really been paying attention. And if you are a reader of this site you know that it does not contain disinformation. You see references and other readers beliefs. Please move along if your not finding the viewpoint you wish to see.


    • Archie1954: Two of the articles came from the BBC and RT not American news sources. And as far as Alvin being foolish your so wrong. He is a very educated kind hearted man. This website is NEVER been misleading or as you call it “blatant American propaganda “. Alvin doesn’t write the stories he gets them from other sites and shares them. He knows his history, past and future events very well.
      God Bless!


    • Daphdong says:

      The Balfour Declaration gave a landless people to an empty land. When you look at a map of the world circa 1900 you will no Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Israel. The whole area was known as the Ottomon Empire. According to travellers in the 1800’s there was nothing in the Holy Lands, even cactus and olive trees had a hard time surviving. With the return of the Jewish people, the rains that had been withheld from the area for the last 1800 years returned. 1948 when Israel became a nation, Islamic armies, better equipped with 1,000,000 troops tried to drive the 600,000 men women and children Jewish people into the sea and failed. They tried again in 1967, and again in 1973. After that they realized that Israel was not going anywhere so Yasxser Arafat invented the ‘palestinians’, yes there were a few arabs in ‘palestine’ in 1917, but the majority came in when the land began to prosper under its promised occupants, they were employees, with their families that the Jewish people employed. The whole of the Holy Land used to include Jordan, but the UN divided that giving 80% to the Arabs and 20% to Israel. Israel gave back Gaza and got rockets in return. They gave back the Sinai to Egypt. Israel now comprises 6% of its original size. But that is not enough for the arabs, they want the whole of Israel. Obama will force Israel to give alf of its land to the ‘palestinians’. That will not bring peace to the Middle East. Hamas has sworn it and so have all the Muslims in the area.
      Old saying but true. If the Arabs learnt love not hate and threw away their weapons, there would be peace. If Israel threw away its weapons there would be no more Jewish people


      • Kajajuk says:

        Time to do some fact checking. Start with the border map comparisons after each of the conflicts relative to the countries inception. 6% of its original size? compared to the time of Solomon?
        Sounds like you have all you need for a cleansing of the ‘people’.


      • Daphdong says:

        I have no wish to see any ‘cleansing’ or genocide of any peoples. However I do believe that all people should be able to live in peace. Arab and Jewish people have been neighbours and friends before the PLO, Hamas put their hands on the governments of the Muslim population. Many even now would like to see a return to those days. However, murderers should be punished.


    • tonic says:

      This website only reports. Sorry,……… this is all it does. (and no, I have no part or parcel in this site) Venting on us is just that, venting on us. Would you prefer we hushed all this up and brushed it all under a mat? Lets pretent none of this is real, then all is ok in the world.

      Our world is f>>>ed. It,s f<<<ed because everyday a new country approaches nuclear weaponry. A fool will eventually trigger hell, (and it will be a fool) unless God pulls a halt to the whole thing. And all this venom you are so desperate to let loose on all the bad people that exist in your eyes only, will amount to nothing.


  4. John says:

    People in the USA have nothing to fear from a growing Russian military presence on Eastern Europe. Nor, do they have anything to fear from a rapidly growing militaristic China, nor from a radical North Korea, nor from a nuclear wanna be Iran, nor from all the hundreds of nuclear weapons hidden through out Pakistan. The people of the USA have nothing to fear because they have the smartest man in the world leading them: Barack Hussein Obama.


  5. Stephen Buchholz says:

    I never thought Kissinger was or will be credible. He’s a life member of skull and crossbones bilderburg group


  6. Irene C says:

    We’re approaching a turning point in human history? I believe we’re already there and the clock is ticking.


  7. Dennis E. says:

    Well, I never…………Of all the people who would throw up the Dove of Peace and Love, I would not have thought Henry Kissinger would be one of them because according some sites, he is reported as one of the strongest supporters of The New World Order. It has been said that countries that are resisting usually are sanctioned or an invasion.

    Speaking of a world in a dangerous drift. It is being reported that 7 of 8 of our Fleet Carriers are in Port in regards to the current staged budget crisis to include, if not all, the amphibious assault groups. Well, that is a Pearl Harbor setup if I ever saw one and if all this is true.

    Furthermore, it is being reported that The Federal Goverment took equipment from some National Guard Units for use overseas and now are saying that it is too expensive to ship them back? I don’t know but pictures are coming on the net of lightly armored vehicles with the DHS symbol, over 2,700 of them reportedly being shipped throughout the country and it has been reported that some of the operators speak in a Russian/Eastern European accent and we do know Russian Troops have been training in the USA because the news reported it. But these tactical vehicles are capable of withstanding small arms fire and perhaps small mines/IED’s and have firing ports.
    For those of you who live in LA or New York and other large cities, the Police have similar vehicles for use in urban areas.

    I think everyone should be concerned about The Presidents forthcoming trip to Israel.
    It is being reported that he is going to:
    1) Demand a Israeli withdraw date from Judea and Samaria and return to pre-67 borders.
    2) Announce the creation of a State of Palestine in 2014.
    3) Give the Israeli’s a green light to strike Iran or a US strike, but why go there, call them?

    North Korea is going to cause more trouble than many people think according to some prophecy sites.

    yes, we are in a dangerous drift………


  8. larry says:

    This is all political bs we realy don’t know what is going to happen ,but as for now we just have to wait an see


    • Kajajuk says:

      Some opinions are never shared and much information is proprietary, so not only do we not know what is going to happen our ‘knowing’ will be managed.


  9. Katherine says:

    Hooray! Death and destruction for everyone! Some misery for little Suzy!
    Some despair for little Johnny! And of course, death and destruction for
    E V E R Y O N E!!! Enjoy kiddies!


    • IM

      Obstacles or challenges? True greateness is achieved by overcoming adversity. If we don’t like the way the world is going; it’s up to us to change it by personal involvement, influence, and a redirection and reallocation of energy and resources. Sadly, sometimes human fail to realize – we really do build our own trophies and write our own epitaths.


    • Kajajuk says:

      oh no, not again 😦
      im still getting over the winter solstice.


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