8 Responses to Are China and Japan moving closer to war? Japan proposes military hotline with China

  1. SoSO says:

    So sad we as a human race are not further along in realizing brotherly love, peace on earth 😦
    What crazy little creatures we are


  2. Leon Cane says:

    S. korea deploys Bal. missile, that can strike anywhere in N. Korea–Global Times.


  3. Irene C says:

    Praying that this does not lead to war. And praying that the hot line will be a good thing and open up communication between the two countries.


  4. john henry says:

    –we need the war there is nothing onTV


  5. Dennis E. says:

    I have my thoughts about this……..
    Perhaps Japan doesn’t realize how far China is willing to go here.
    I don’t think Japan has the military capability to withstand a Chinese assault unless they are
    considering US military support.
    Just a thought, could we be seeing the beginning of China’s military muscle in the world. We know they are very unhappy about US ships in the yellow sea as the Russians are unhappy when US ships enter the black sea.
    Watch and see situation………


  6. Kajajuk says:

    China is understandably nervous. Nan King must be wanting some tank decorations for their city.


  7. i think japan can stand the military power of china remember in world war 2 right?
    if the war will begin i think. and i hope it will not start the world war 3… japan is like a small giant.. and the china is also the sleeping giant… it’s a perfect war between two great nation….


  8. DannyDix says:

    Two civilised first world nations should have worked this out by now for heavens sake. Both are trading partners. Someone BUY the islands from the other or lease them or run a fence across them act as good neighbours or donate them to a third country currently being flooded by rising oceans……or even both use them for military target practice and bomb them flat and all walk away without gain. Any of the above options are surely better than hurting even one person in the threatened alternative. Act like adults in this. The islands are tiny. Be good neighbours and work it out, you’re both bigger than this.


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