Newly discovered aquifer could supply arid region of Africa with water for centuries

July 23, 2012 AFRICA A newly discovered underground source could supply water to northern Namibia of the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa for hundreds of years, experts say. The water in the aquifer dubbed Ohangwena II, which lies under the boundary between Angola and Namibia, is up to 10,000 years old but safer to drink than many modern sources, scientists say. On the Namibian side of the border the aquifer covers an area of about 43 miles by 25 miles. “The amount of stored water would equal the current supply of this area in northern Namibia for 400 years, which has about 40 percent of the nation’s population,” said Martin Quinger from the German federal institute for geoscience and natural resources, which has been helping the Namibia government in its search for sustainable water supplies. The 800,000 people who live in the area currently obtain their drinking water from a 40-year-old canal that carries the scarce resource across the border from Angola, the BBC reported. The natural pressure in the aquifer would make it easy and inexpensive to extract, Quinger said, but a smaller salty aquifer that sits above the new discovery means careful drilling would be required to avoid contamination of the freshwater aquifer. –Terra Daily
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13 Responses to Newly discovered aquifer could supply arid region of Africa with water for centuries

  1. Cookie's mum says:

    I have been praying that the people of Africa in so many areas receive Divine intervention to assist them just in the basics of staying alive even…this is wonderful news..see you did it again..Alvin…laughing, my #1 news source, bless you xox


  2. df says:

    Africa, my africa! I was so so so happy to hear this. It made me realize how little good news is out there right now. I pray this water source will be used effectively and fairly for the people in many areas of Africa who truly need it. What a blessing!


  3. El'sFriend says:

    This is such good news!!!


  4. k-80-123 says:

    I wonder how long it will take the rich to purchase and drill for this water? I believe drinkable water will be a scarce resource in the near future.


  5. Gary says:

    …… Now we await a reason for the UN (US?) to overthrow a “dictatorship” in Namibia and then offer to “rebuild” the country (aid for water anyone!) in exchange for pumping rights (water will be the new oil soon mark my words). And Africa will be lucky to see a drop and be allowed to remain forever dry and parched. Would make me lol though if Africa now sprang up to be a world “superpower” though through this…….. Would really put a bee in the bonnet of those global elites lmao.


    • Viktor says:

      This is what I was thinking too.

      Qaddafi started his “Great Manmade River” project to supply Libya with water from the Nubian aquifer, which has the river Nile capacity for over 400 years! And then he got a war, the main participants in which were the French, whose companies control 40% of the world water supplies (coincidence?)
      I’ve been in Namibia and I like this country, but I do not doubt that soon we will see some “dictatorship overthrown” there, as you say.


  6. Phil says:

    It won’t take 5 years for coca cola to move in and build a huge plant there.


  7. James says:

    That is awesome to hear. How long before the gloablist pollute that as well?


  8. isis2012 says:

    Blessed be the Positive Love of the Highest heaven … the Righteous sun has delivered aid to the seed of my seed … this is just the beginning of the Mother Land’s healing … the righteous Gods born of the one almighty GOD are awakening … even Oduduwa has return to the spiritual/celestial world … what beautiful and good news …


  9. Cj Randolph says:

    When I first heard about this ancient, undiscovered aquifer beneath Africa, my mind immediately ran back to meet Father’s formula…T=W (time equals water). I thought wow…now the rest of the world will have to wait & see how Africa responds to holding the world’s greatest blessing.

    When her babies were dying prematurely for the lack of food & clean water, the world respondedly sluggishly…desiring to pursue oil instead. Yet she remained humble. Now, as the world’s water becomes tainted with chemicals, Africa holds the golden key to YHWH’s blessing.

    I pray for the many people of the earth to seek truth & rest in Y’shua’s hands, for He is the SON of salvation, He is the Living Water given for us by YHWH our Abba Father. selah & awe-mein


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