Temperatures in Kansas hit 118 F: 32 communities from Colorado to Indiana post highest temperatures ever

June 30, 2012 CLIMATENorton Dam, Kan., hit 118 F (48 C) on Thursday, and 32 communities from Colorado to Indiana just posted their highest temperatures ever. Forecasters say back-to-back La Niñas are partly to blame. These records appear to be falling into step with a longer-term trend in which record highs are being set more often than record lows for each decade since the 1970s – a trend many climate researchers have attributed to global warming. As June 2012 draws to a close, it feels more like mid-July or August to people in wide swaths of the country. Between June 27 and June 28, 32 communities stretching from Colorado to Indiana posted the highest temperatures on record ever for their locations – with a handful tying or topping records set only a few days before, according to data kept by the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. Norton Dam, Kan., for instance, recorded an all-time record of 118 degrees F. on Thursday, two degrees above Death Valley’s July average. The 118-degree reading shattered Norton Dam’s previous record of 113 degrees F. – set just three days before. More than 350 sites across a broad swath of the continent’s interior have posted daily record highs since June 27, with heat advisories on Friday covering all or parts of 23 states from Kansas east to the Carolinas and into the Northeast, and from Wisconsin south to Mississippi and Alabama. At the same time, other parts of the country are reporting record lows for this time of year. Anyone looking for relief might put the Northwest on their itinerary. Over the same two-day period, 57 locations, largely clustered in Washington state and northeastern Oregon, posted at least one daily high temperature that tied or beat the lowest for the date on which it was measured. Waterville, Wash., posted the biggest drop among the group – a high of 51 degrees on Wednesday, nine degrees below the previous record-low high of 60 degrees on June 27, 1946. And it’s all coming out of a spring that was the warmest on record in the US, bringing a heat wave to the center of the country in March the likes of which the US hasn’t seen since 1910. Indeed, Spring 2012 in the US was 2 degrees warmer than the previous record-holder, the spring of 1910. One reason for the seemingly relentless high temperatures is the presence of a broad ridge of high pressure inching its way across the continent, forecasters say. With skies generally clear, sunlight has a clear path to travel on its way to baking what in many places is an already parched surface. As of Tuesday, a broad swath of the US was experiencing either severe or extreme drought, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center, based at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. –CSM
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37 Responses to Temperatures in Kansas hit 118 F: 32 communities from Colorado to Indiana post highest temperatures ever

  1. Stewart says:


    I can’t help but to think of how many more entries you could add to TEP from 2011 to present! Incredible how hot it is in South Carolina. We broke our record by 5 degrees today. It was 106 here and in some places in Georgia it got to 112. All of the world / US issues continue to pick up in speed and number. It would appear the way the economy, climate, NWO plan and the populace in general are headed we may be down to the last few months before something major happens in the United States. Most of the information I’m getting from many sources are saying something big is coming this fall. The last half of 2012 looks like it’s going to re-write history.

    What are you’re thoughts on the last half of 2012?

    Thank you as always!

    Blessing in Christ



    • W

      I think it will grow progressively worse and before long, people will start wondering if something has gone seriously wrong with our planet. When human solutions, remedies, and proposals are cast against the wall and nothing sticks and remains but the handwriting inscribed on the wall of impending judgment…the fear will began to set in. We should expect shock events like what happened to Japan to repeat themselves, sometimes in rapid succession. With each passing day, the planet is becoming more unbalanced and disorder across the spectrum of planetary processes will ensue- from climate to the stability of land masses.

      As the world’s future grows more uncertain, brighter grows the promises of God to his faithful children. Stand firm and steadfast in the faith.

      Grace in Christ,


      • Margaret says:

        Something that keeps coming to mind when I read these “epic, biblical, and apocolyptic” events that the planet continues to create, is when I was in college (eons ago) I had a climatology professor who repeatedly told us that the earth will stabalize itself. If it gets too hot, it creates massive storms to get rid of excess energy, if it is too cool, then there is milder weather. I am afraid the earth is running a major fever!! I don’t think it is just a weather issue either. I don’t understand why scientist don’t work together across different fields of earth science and space science as well. Everything is connected.


      • Everything is connected but science will never correctly diagnosed what’s happening to the planet in time. Sadly, we’re on our own.


  2. James says:

    That is a very scary thought. I read a report from a trends forecaster a few months ago that this was going to be one of the hottest summers on record. It looks like he may have been correct.


  3. Emanni says:

    Drought Grows Nationally Even As Florida Gets Soaked

    Extreme rainfall from Tropical Storm Debby virtually wiped out long-standing drought across Florida, but continued dry weather across the rest of the contiguous U.S. led to the most widespread area of abnormal dryness in the 12-year history of the U.S. Drought Monitor report.


  4. Joseph t. Repas says:

    The biggest change with the weather is the positioning of the weather making systems. There are two types of high heat that are created in such large systems. When this upper air high pressure was farther west the air sunk down from very high in the atmosphere where there is very little water vapor. As the air sinks it warms by compression. Dry air heats up much faster and higher in sunlight than moist air so add the fact that this high pressure developed at the time of maximum sunlight hours per day, highest sun angle and the air rotated clockwise from the desert areas in the southwest so few if any clouds.

    the other way high heat is seen is what we are getting in the eastern US as the high pressure moves eastward. The main difference being that the clockwise rotation for us comes in from the gulf of Mexico so high humidity causes our heat by keeping temperatures high at night, so, even though the same amount of sunlight might only raise our humid air say 20F as opposed to 30F for dry air we start our days at temperatures no lower than the dewpoint which currently is about 70F whereas the depoints in Colorado were about 8F.


  5. mike says:

    Im from northeast kansas its been very hot here


  6. carolyn says:

    Not to be repetitious, but this is a truly great news site.


  7. spaceotteradam says:

    Northeast Kansas here too. It’s wearing on everyone already and it’s still June. 100°+ heat isn’t abnormal at the end of July through early September but this is crazy. This heat with the fetch we get from the Gulf is enough to fry your brain.


  8. Joe M. says:

    I grew up in southwest kansas near Dodge City, I remember a lot of hot summers up I never went through 118F in June, honestly I don’t think I ever remember anything near 118F. I’m in Nebraska now and the past couple nights I’ve seen the thunderheads and lighting to west but as the storm passed no rain came. It truely is a weird summer, I pray for everyone out there it’s only going to get worst. God Bless Alvin,



  9. hilly7 says:

    Well here in East Tn I think we broke a record today, and know Mt LeConte did in the Smokies. Not only is it hot its dry. Tomorrow is suppose to be yet another one, been like this since Wed. What ain’t dried up is now baked.


  10. Sam Beckett says:

    Yes, it very hot this summer. I live in the valley in CA & it is always hot here from June till October. This time of year is when I am forced to do yard work early, starting between 5:30 am to 6:00 am on the weekends..bring out the lawnmower, blower, & other tools to get everything done by 10:00 am…in fact I got yard work to do tomorrow, going to be hot, gonna start around 5:30am. I feel bad for being noisy that early with mower, trimmer c etc..but no choice, when you got hours of work to do, you are forced to do it when it is hot


  11. 103 here (Illinois) the last couple days and crops are withering in the fields….no real rain in over a month….:(


  12. Stacy Sms says:

    I am in North Georgia and have an outside temp reading in my car. This afternoon close to 4pm it registered 110. Record breaking temperatures here for the next couple of days.


  13. tellthetruth1 says:

    Just done the conversions to Centigrade so I can understand them. That is unreal. Between 45 &49 degrees? That’s getting on for India’s temps. Poor people.


  14. Sue says:

    Alvin said “As the world’s future grows more uncertain, brighter grows the promises of God to his faithful children. Stand firm and steadfast in the faith.” AMEN!

    …brighter and closer to the promises of God to his faithful children.

    It is an amazing time we find ourselves in with lots of uncertainty and suffering, but among the calamity comes a calmness from God because ALL His words are true and He has amazing things in store for those who belong to His flock. Everything is happening just as He said it would and we are most blessed to be living in this time; to witness the greatest show on earth. All glory to God on high.
    His love and peace be with us all.


  15. james says:

    While the USA has record heat and wildfires..ireland is like a monsoon season..rain rain and more rain..plus in the united kingdom they had over 100mms of rain in less than 24 hours some had 200mms..Not sure what is going on with the weather but some big catastrophe is on the cards from july to august…


  16. jeremy says:

    ok so everbody knows our planet depends on a certin balance. and if that is disrupeted in anyway then it will cause big problems so what i wanna know is what happens when you have alot of things working together to tip the balance such as solar max. heat waves earthquakes atmosphear coming apart ettc.


  17. Christine C. says:

    We had an amazing spring here in NJ–it was cool, sunny and glorious–lacked rain, tho–now, it’s too hot and humid for the end of June, with bad thunderstorms–need the rain, tho, so I don’t complain–I grew up in SF East Bay Area, and temps up in the 105 degree F. range were normal–sometimes it would get that hot during spring–so was a lack of rain normal in summer–we used to cheer when the temps would reach 105 degrees F.–silly kids!–but, the air was never humid–here, it’s very humid most of the summer, so if it goes up into the 100’s, it really will be a crisis, since the power drain is almost more than the local utilities can handle during a normal summer–is our heavenly Father sending our country a little message by allowing all of this weather oddity to take place?–I think so–I think He’s letting us know we’d better wake up, return to Him, and pray for His help once we tell Him how sorry we are for our failures and sins, then wait on the Lord–stay cool everyone–I loved living in Dodge City way back in 1971–I hope and pray the temps begin coming down there in Kansas!


  18. Pauly says:

    Say goodbye to the corny crop of corn.


    • hilly7 says:

      Here in East TN, say goodbye to cows too if this drought and heat continues, not to mention hay and hay prices. We broke heat records for a 2nd day, maybe 3rd, but 2 for sure.


  19. Julie Neal says:

    I just wanted to let you know I found this site several months ago and LOVE it… My husband and I start our day reading and catching up with what’s happening in the world and read it before we go to bed at night and for ‘fun’ even started keeping track on a world map we have on our wall. We live in St Louis and it was 108 here yesterday, but I want to say thanks and prayers to people like my husband Wes who is an AC technician and has been VERY, VERY busy these last couple of days and nights, trying to help people stay cool. We even had one trip to the ER, he wasn’t drinking enough and had to get some fluids into his system. Bless you Alvin and thanks for keeping us informed.


    • Thank you, Julie. I thank God for what He has done though the site and through us all. I think I speak for all us who write, read, share, and contribute by saying thanks for being apart of the process which allows us to tell the planet’s unfolding story.

      God bless you and the husband,


  20. mick says:

    the weather down here in lea county nm has been way to warm two weeks back we had a hell of hail storm lasted an hour i had to stand out under the eve of the house dont like being in the house when something like that happens here is an example years back ago ran out of gas in a 67 cougar and the vehicle is all metal roof and banging from the hail sort of demoralized to the bit cant stand it then it was one inch in size now it was 2.5 inch size the last time like 2005
    the hail was 3 inches or less lasted a half hour and think a mesh on a satellite dish safe no it was not drove through at angle of trajectroy like being fired up close by a large bulllet the speed is getting very intense for these hail stones not round more or les concave in shape


  21. Elizabeth says:

    Alvin… I have an observation that I made over a year ago I’d like to share and see if anyone else has experienced or noticed this. I’ve been telling my significant other that the seasons are off. I’ve been noticing a 2-4 week *advancement* in the seasons as if time (relatively speaking) has sped up. This being said, this kind of heat is not unusual for mid to late July in my part of NC (the temps are becoming more extreme though from previous years, however). The sun has looked *off* in color, position and brightness since about mid-April, early May. I woke up one morning and looked outside. I thought it was much earlier in the day than it actually was. The shadows reminded me of early Fall and it all happened in the course of 24 hours time. I have been getting scorched just about every time I walk out of the house since March or so and actually for the first time in my life have a sunburn on a daily basis over the last month. The Sun actually makes your skin tingle like a tanning bed to be honest. I bought my first bottle of sunblock the other day as a result.

    Something is happening to the Earth. You can feel it all around you like a low hum and it is getting louder. There seems to be a weird vibration for lack of a better term. I’m sure that somewhere, someone knows something that we won’t know until the event is upon us. Just a feeling.


    • The Earth always displays warning signs before drastic changes ensue. How wonderful that you are awake and attuned enough to understand that change is here!
      I, for one, share your feeling that we are on the precipice of something stupendous.


    • Dennis E. says:

      I agree. Had a weird spring this year. Effected some plants from blooming on time or their season was shorter or not at all.


    • hilly7 says:

      This is going to sound crazy, but creeks here moved by 5 ft last year. I told my cousin after a few months of keeping quiet about it. He said he stopped bush hogging an area that we joint at for the same reason. This year neither of us mow the areas where that creek is. I’ve lived here over 50 years and he has been here all his life. Before this heat wave there was a day that felt and smelled like Fall. I also noticed I burnt the last cool day we had while picking beans, and I don’t burn. Something ain’t right.


      • Elizabeth says:

        Hilly7, the creeks moving doesn’t sound crazy to me. The Pamlico River looks like it has risen a good foot and a half in the last month. I’ve noticed it twice and am aware of the tidal times. Just read a story about how the water levels on the East Coast are rising quicker than predicted and *they don’t know why*. I see a lot of *we don’t know why* lately when I am searching the interwebs. I have an apple tree and they are already ripening. The roadways in eastern NC… the weeds along the roadside looked like we were in August instead of late May/early June a few weeks back. I honestly think there is some weird cosmic particle that we are being bombarded with and it is sending things out of whack (well… to the state of what we consider abnormal). Ever since CERN cranked up that machine to produce the Higgs Boson particle, things have been accelerating on Earth. The timing is the same. I’m not blaming it, just saying the timing is odd. You can’t play with the basic building blocks of the universe without consequences. We are not God. And that is exactly what they are attempting to do, imo. They are supposed to be announcing something soon.


  22. pagan66 says:

    Those are pretty high temps, especially if it is a prolonged event. We normally have temps like that in Australia during Summer, I remember during the awful Summer of ’09 lying on my lounge almost stupefied by the heat because we lost power due to overloads & nearby bushfires during a month long heatstorm of temps over 45c.This is not something to play around with, hyperthermia is a very real danger to people. Many, many people & animals die from heat stress each year in conditions such as these. Try to stay out of the heat, keep physical activity to a minimum, keep hydrated & have cool showers or baths when needed. Take extra care of the young & elderly & don’t forget that your pets need care also.



  23. Helen Parks says:

    To Margaret from Nostradamus
    1 16
    Faulx à l’estang joint vers le Sagitaire,
    En son hault AUGE de l’exaltation, AUGE Latin = increase
    Peste, famine, mort de main militaire,
    La siecle approche de renouvation.

    A scythe (Leonines) joined with a pond (Orphiucus) in Sagittarius
    at its highest (furtherest) CHANNEL (orbit?) ascended
    Ascending (when) at its highest AGUE
    Plague, famine, death from military hands; (by trains)
    The cycle near(approaching) renewal.

    The GREAT CYCLE of PRECESSION 2012 near renewal
    1 16 AUGE – codes within codes = AGUE a fit of shivering following high temperature, which is a good description of a solar flare followed by tectonic plate activity… then being moved off the current orbit to its highest orbit. (The Earth)
    Da Vinci used the word TORRENT which means the orbits in relation to the same subject.

    Why has no one correlated the sun’s activity with the “heating year” (as Nostradamus put it)?
    I can understand why “scientists” would be loathe to go on record stating this heat is a result of the sun doing unusual things – to know the enemy is to pre empt the enemy…
    The Hidden Texts have been saying for some time that the “GRAND PULSE” will repeat – and do so in CANCER!
    Just for those who have not read the hidden texts – according to what they have been saying – the “heating year” will have a “Yule” with a “POE” effect from the sun. This indicates a C.M.E. which will require good planning to survive.
    THat is just what humans are good at – thinking ahead. It is called LOGISTICS


  24. Helen Parks says:

    The AGUE description I see I have it the wrong way round – the fit of shivering would be earthquakes – followed by high temperatures… Nostradamus being a doctor has found a good metaphor for what has been happening to Earth


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