15 Responses to Boots on the ground? Unconfirmed reports say British SAS forces already in Syria

  1. Greg says:

    I believe the date of the incursion should be June 26th. Otherwise, this doesn’t make any sense. An oversite for sure


  2. Carla Burgers says:

    I hope these reports are true, it’s soo time for intervention. I wish them luck and success.


    • Carla Burgers says:

      You’re kidding, right?


    • Garret says:

      Carla, unfortunately what John is saying is very much true. The West has been planning after taking out Syria that it would get them much closer to take out Iran. This means the West will have almost ALL influence of the Middle East. You may think it sounds like a conspiracy, but a few years back a general in the U.S. military revealed plans to invade topple the Middle East. Look up General Wesley Clark, and like John said, do NOT believe the media.

      Remember this saying, if you don’t listen to the news you’re uninformed, if you do listen to the news, you’re misinformed.


  3. Frank says:

    If this is true the tables are set and no going back.


  4. Roger Aak says:

    If it’s true, it’s end of story. Russia, China are opposing intervention with all their common might, as prophesiest (Dan 11:44). But USA doesn’t care. They press on with catastophic result, as prophesiest. It’s World War III.


  5. Deb Killips says:

    The exact timing of this, and it being leaked to the press, suggests to me that it’s intent was to make Israel look bad. And, the Brititsh?? please, when do they do anything without the US involved???…..sounds like an underhanded BO operation to me – another slap at Israel.


  6. ELFINSONG says:

    Now Country Joe and the Fish have to do a rewrite………..
    Whoopie we’re all gonna die


  7. Irene C says:

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a bad feeling about this. Is this leaked information or a false flag? And where will the United States fit into all of this, if they do (or care)? Then we can’t forget Russia and China. Ugh, too much thinking about the players involved is hard on the brain. Besides, the sand feels good around my head. (Whoops, sorry, sarcasm slipped in there once again.)



  8. Sam Beckett says:

    Of course there are British special forces & American special forces in Syria. They have been there over a year. It is no secret that these forces get deployed before any “official” military involvement begins or there will be no “official” military involvement


  9. Debbie says:

    Not saying its unbelievable but im not sure if debka file is the most reliable source….


  10. Maranatha says:

    for anyone who is a prophecy watcher, Damascus is about to become a crater where no one will ever live again, all the muslims will fall to the brotherhood and then they will attack Israel……’Look up’ then……..it’s the sign…….anyone see it shaping up?


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