5.9 magnitude earthquake causes tall buildings to sway in Indonesian capital

June 4, 2012JAKARTA, IndonesiaA strong earthquake off Indonesia’s coast caused tall buildings to sway in the capital Monday afternoon, but officials said there was no threat of a tsunami. Office workers said the swaying was felt for about 10 seconds in high-rise buildings around the city of 9 million people. Even two-story residential homes shook strongly. No damage or casualties were immediately reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 5.9-magnitude quake hit 100 kilometers (62 miles) southwest of Sukabumi, a town in West Java province. It was about 171 kilometers (106 miles) from Jakarta and 67 kilometers (41 miles) beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean. Indonesia’s Meteorology and Geophysics Agency had the preliminary magnitude at 6.1. Slight discrepancies are common in the initial measurements. Indonesia has frequent earthquakes due to its location on the Pacific “Ring of Fire,’” an arc of volcanoes and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin, but it is uncommon for tremors to be felt in Jakarta. –Daily Reporter
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3 Responses to 5.9 magnitude earthquake causes tall buildings to sway in Indonesian capital

  1. Mike says:

    Wow, 41 miles deep,106 miles away and 2 story houses swayed, thats power. Quake must have been reflected off bedrock or I must have missed some other findings indicating people noticing quakes this deep and far away.


  2. Dennis E. says:

    Earthquake here and at least two 6.0 plus near Panama today.
    I would like to point out the Tonga Trench has really been quiet with the exception of the incident last month. I say that because for the longest time ( one year at least) i was receiving daily email alerts of occurrence of activity here of at least at times 5.0.


  3. Talitha says:

    In 2009 we had to leave our appartment in Jakarta on the 22st floor – all the way down the stairs…Now we live near the border of South Jakarta and we didn’t feel anything of the quake!


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