Venus not scheduled to make rare transit past the Sun again for 105 years

May 26, 2012SPACEA NASA Sun-watching spacecraft will have an unbeatable view of June’s historic Venus transit, but some of the probe’s scientists are taking measures to get a great look for themselves here on Earth, too. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite will watch from space as Venus crosses the sun’s face on June 5 (June 6 in the Eastern Hemisphere) — the last such Venus transit until December 2117. Not content to live vicariously through their spacecraft, some SDO scientists are headed to Alaska to watch the seven-hour event in its entirety. “For the United States, only Hawaii and Alaska will see the entire transit,” said SDO project scientist Dean Pesnell, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “There’s a solar physics meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, the week after the transit. So we said, ‘Well, let’s go to Alaska and see the transit.’” Venus transits occur in pairs that are eight years apart, but these dual events take place less than once per century. The last transit happened in 2004, and the next won’t come until 2117. So next month’s transit is the last chance for skywatchers to see Earth’s so-called sister planet trek across the solar disk. –Mother Nature Network
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12 Responses to Venus not scheduled to make rare transit past the Sun again for 105 years

  1. Ali says:

    Amazing, would you happen to know viewing times from the uk?


  2. St.chillian says:

    And in 105 years time Christians will be looking at this event and rattling off the same verses to prove that the second coming is right around the corner.


    • Dennis E. says:

      We do not have 105 years.
      We may not have 10 years.
      But definitely not 105 years .
      Based on what is occurring regarding forth coming earth land mass changes,
      we may wish somebody would rattle off something for comfort.


  3. Sue says:

    And in the endtimes there will be scoffers. Just as in the times of Noah, and look what happened to those who laughed at Noah. Signs are all around us that we are drawing near to the end of this age. I have come to understand the difference between being scared about what is going on in our world, and denying what is going on in our world, and denying it is a far more dangerous position. You ain’t no saint, St.chillian.


    • St.chillian says:

      Like I said, people will rattle off the same verses just like you did. There is nothing new under the sun. Solomon was right.


  4. cammac says:

    The Transit of Venus across the Sun happens every 121.5 yrs then at 105.5yrs each having a second transit within 8yrs… This one being the second transit (1st was on June 8th 2004) and gap of 105.5 till the next…
    “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today” MalcX


  5. michael b says:

    With all the turmoil that’s swirling around it makes you wonder if “man” will be around to see it in 105.5 years… Just a thought.


    • St.chillian says:

      My grandfather said the same thing Michael about our times, but we are all still here. Every generation for the last 2000 years thought it was the last, and every generation has had all the signs of the Olivet sermon taking place. The truth is, we have been in the last days since Christ ascended.


  6. Hi Alvin this is very interesting-Strange Sphere Deflects Solar Eruption!
    Thought you might be interested I hope its the hand of God
    in Christ, Caroline


  7. Wiseguy says:

    Electric universe… Venus will interfere on our electromagnetic link with the sun, so expect quakes, volcanoes and climate anomalies increasing after this event.


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