Researcher at infectious disease laboratory in San Francisco dies of rare bacterial infection

May 4, 2012(CBS/AP) SAN FRANCISCO A researcher at an infectious diseases laboratory in San Francisco has died of a rare bacteria strain, California health officials said, raising fears the man’s friends and fellow researchers may too have been infected.  The 25-year-old man who worked at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, who has not been named, died over the weekend shortly after asking friends to take him to a hospital, the San Jose Mercury News reported Wednesday. –CBS
contribution Julissa
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25 Responses to Researcher at infectious disease laboratory in San Francisco dies of rare bacterial infection

  1. Ryan says:

    oh great, its going to start there and then unfold into something like contagion.


  2. elijahsmom3 says:



    • pagan66 says:

      Ronni, funny you say that, I thought exactly the same thing. People used to laugh when I said King was more of a prophet than was realized. It’s closer than we think.

      “Dear man”, the pirate said, “it is the end. The very end”.

      Chapter 73 – The Stand – Stephen King


      • elijahsmom3 says:

        “We need help, the Poet reckoned.”
        – Edward Dorn
        The Circle Closes – The Stand – Stephen King


  3. M C says:

    I was telling my wife that this is how a movie starts where a contagion of some sort gets loose and many die.

    its just a matter of time or maybe our time is up.

    scary stuff…..all I can do is bury my head in my life and ignore it because “ignorance is bliss”


  4. Marshallrn says:

    Man this is almost right out of The Rise of The Planet of The Apes movie. Minus the monkey buisness of course. Crazy.


  5. James says:

    I do not think this is a coincidence. Well I am happy I logged in one last time before we left for our trip, thank you for sharing this.


  6. Melissa says:

    Contagion or … The Stand!


  7. This stuff happens. Hopefully it wasn’t terribly contagious. With everything we’re exposed to every day, the researcher might not have picked it up in the lab. Or may have…


  8. Ron says:

    The Stand – Captain Trips!


  9. Mel says:

    I am a professional clinical microbiologist with over 20 years in the lab. This bacteria, Neisseria meningiditis, is highly contagious, but very rare. Too many lab workers think that the safety precautions required are too cumbersome. In short, this is an organism that causes inflammation of the meninges, there is a vaccine (lab workers and children under 18 receive this, if they want it), and the root cause here is break of basic safety precaution. NO NEED FOR WORRY on this one. Another contagion I might be concerned, but this individual and the bacteria involved, are of no concern as far as an “outbreak”. Close contacts are given a simple one dose antibiotic. My sympathy to his family, and a warning for those who are too cavalier in the laboratory.


  10. Mel T. says:

    Nothing to worry about, at least from this incident. I am a clinical microbiologist, and I can reassure you that this organism is contagious. Also, too many labortorians are so cavalier they refuse to use safety precautions. One dose of an antibiotic will prevent infection in those with whom he had close contact. Neisseria is very rare, there is a vaccine to prevent infection.


    • apparently according to what I’ve now read the particular strain he had is one with no vaccine – though the lab is working on one. And though the virus is in his blood they have not stated if its a lab match. Therefore a lot of ‘unknowns’ exist.


      • Mel says:

        Most vaccines have fairly high failure rates. There are subtypes of Nessiera meningitis, but all that I stated above is factual and reliable. I would tell you if I thought it worrisome. The bioterrorist labs around the country are what keep me up sometimes. They have every pathogen known stored and these labs are all over the country. In fact, one was hit by Hurricane Katrina, and no one knows what happened to all the “cooties”. Don’t lose sleep over this one man who probably didn’t take the precautions he should have. I have seen co workers come down with infections by not following proper technique. I am much more concerned about the whooping cough outbreak.


  11. Debbie says:

    This just sounds like the beginning of a horror movie. Captain Trips is actually what I thought of. Crazy eh? Thank you so much for sharing the events of the world on your site. I am a devoted follower.


  12. hmmmm and the rare bacteria strain is?


  13. Candi Bishop-Knowlton says:

    Now it begins. I fear for all mankind. This is just unbelievable, and scary!


  14. m c says:

    And I thought working at a WWTP was dangerous i cant even imagine whats in those “special” labs.

    i hope it turns out to be nothing but I know how lax things can get at work and it is scary.


  15. Rob says:

    WHOOOOOAAA! Mel just answered a BIG one guys! Remember the “secret morgue” last year? CNN did a report about it because people were outraged that they weren’t being allowed to see Family members who had died(some after only having sustained relatively minor wounds) & they showed Police blocking a Public Road & telling them they had to shut off the cameras & leave. It makes sense IF you look at what Mel said!


  16. Rob says:

    “Most vaccines have a fairly high failure rate”. Thank You for confirming that. I’ve said for years that it’s more about getting people used to submitting to TPTB(why else do we need to get yearly vaccines for the same damn thing?), about getting the Mercury into us &, more recently, as good ol’ Uncle BillyGates said in his TED presentation, ‘working to reduce the worldwide population through more effective vaccines'(please note I did NOT use quates as I was paraphrasing what he said but he DID say it very close, if more verbose, to this).


    • Mel says:

      Vaccines have up to 50% failure rates, depending on the vaccine. If you were a monster, anything could be delivered in that so-called vaccination for your “protection”. I heard BillyBoy myself, and all one needs to do is to look at all the HIV cases in Africa. These people aren’t savages, and there is NO known reason for the extremely high rate of aids infection. Maybe this puts all that assistance and BillyBoy’s love for vaccines and depopulation into perspective.


  17. Catherine says:

    From the story?
    The 25-year-old man who worked at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center

    MSF to Begin Meningitis Vaccination Campaign in West Africa
    Meningitis, a disease responsible for thousands of deaths in Africa, is currently spreading in several West African countries.
    Amuru District health department has stepped up surveillance following suspected outbreak of meningitis that has left two people dead and 14 others diagnosed with similar conditions
    via RSOE EDIS – Epidemic Hazard in Uganda on Friday, 16 March, 2012 at 04:49 (04:49 AM) UTC. EDIS CODE: EH-20120316-34541-UGA.
    might want to read
    Alert: Hundreds dead this year in Africa’s ‘meningitis belt’
    Early 2012 has seen significant outbreaks of meningococcal disease in five African countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) said in an alert today. Suspected cases and deaths from Jan 1 through Mar 11 have been reported in Benin (381/38), Burkina Faso (1,966/212), Chad (1,043/67), Ivory Coast (281/39), and Ghana (369/37), for a total of 4,040 cases and 393 deaths. These countries are all within Africa’s “meningitis belt,” a group of 14 countries with enhanced surveillance for the disease. The main cause of the recent outbreaks is the W135 serogroup of Neisseria meningitidis, but N meningitidis A has been the predominant pathogen in Chad. The supply of vaccines against N meningitidis W135 is limited. The affected countries are responding with increased surveillance, reinforced treatment of patients, and mass vaccination campaigns. In total this year, 6,685 suspected cases with 639 deaths have been reported from the meningitis belt.
    Mar 23 WHO alert

    Yes we have people in Africa so it makes since we would work on making sure they don’t get sick or if they do we can make them well.



    • Thanks Catherine. Nice information you amassed.


    • Mel says:

      Catherine, Please understand I had my tongue firmly in cheek when I was referring to the “humanitarian aid” given to the people of Africa by those who espouse vaccines and depopulation in the same sentence. The fact that there are those who believe they have the right to decide who lives and who dies infuriates me.
      I have family members who have spent literally years of their life in Africa and the Middle East on medical and humanitarian missions.
      When someone is already starving, has no clean water, no shelter, and precious little of anything else, vaccinations can be just as deadly as the disease they were meant to prevent due to the already immuno-comprimised state.


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