Activity increases at Nicaragua’s Masaya Volcano- making noise like a jet engine

April 29, 2012 MANAGUANicaraguan Experts reported Sunday more seismic activity at Masaya volcano, about 20 kilometers south of Managua, with an increase in expulsions of sulfur gases, which keeps the disaster warning system in high alert. According to the report, a crack in the main crater causes higher emissions and a sound similar to a jet engine. Specialists of the National System for Prevention, Mitigation and Attention to Disasters (SINAPRED) and the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (INETER), told the press that they detected this unusual behavior several days ago, but for now there is no reason for alarm. The INETER geophysics director, Angelica Munoz, told the site El 19 Digital they monitor the situation closely because of rising emissions and temperature above the normal range.  Technical teams assess the seismic tremor, but there is no emergency declared and the gates of Masaya Volcano National Park remain open to the public, said the director of INETER, Jorge Castro, and the executive secretary of SINAPRED, Guillermo Gonzalez. –Prensa Latina
Last eruption was in 2008
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30 Responses to Activity increases at Nicaragua’s Masaya Volcano- making noise like a jet engine

  1. TexasRedNeck says:

    Activity has increased and its making noise like a jet engine, but its still open to the public.
    Sure come on in and BE part of the eruption folks, get your tickets here.


    • mrsotto says:

      LOVE IT, you said what many were thinking!!
      Like the Bible says, they will tell everything if fine and peaceful,nothing to worry about…and the correct response should be RUN RUN RUN!!! ITS A VOLCANO!!!


  2. Dennis E. says:

    Alvin, the sound of the jet engine is being reported worldwide at some of these volancoes and other locations. Is this the sound of pressure being released and would this pressure contain methane gas?


  3. Mary says:

    I want to hear the sound. Why was it not recorded? I even checked the sourse of this article and there is no proof of the sound either. Just said it sounded like a jet engine.


    • Brandon says:

      Mary, I trust these people who heard this sound are not lying. Plus it doesn’t matter. This is yet another volcanic eruption. The birth pangs Jesus spoke of.


    • Louise says:

      Here’s a video dated 2008 of an eruption at the Masaya volcanoe with the sound of a jet engine.

      For of these purposes, make sure to visit or or


    • Dennis E. says:

      Mary: Dennis E. here: There is a web site, you can google it.
      A woman from Oregon made a recording of a sound that has consistently bothered them and this happened Jan 2012- April 2012 and on this recording, there is a sound(s) that sounds like a multi-engine heavy jet sitting on the tarmac. Mary, it is the roaring that sounds like a jet. If you would google “strange noises in the sky, 2012 Oregon (MP4). The sound also morphs to what sounds like the vibration from a struck musical symbol.
      Have a nice day………….


  4. Victor Tomas says:

    There are signs posted about the crater and at the parking lot warning folks to take cover under their cars when a sudden eruption starts. The crater “tosses” frequent “bombs/rocks” so the posted signs. The crater does “event” without warning. vt


  5. Bryan says:

    I don’t know you name to the person who writes this blog in which i am very grateful for i just wanted to know if these things have been happening alot just lately past 5 yrs or more or even more recent? becouse i personally believe we are living in the times before the rapture and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ..Thank you again for all you find and write about 🙂


    • Things have definitely escalated and I think most of the readers here have become astute scientific researchers and readers in their own right; following the trail of incidents in the general direction of escalation.

      glad you found us and thanks


  6. Gen says:

    Seismological Bureau of Thailand
    29/4 at 20.07.16 UTC 4.7 Carlsberg Ridge 16 km depth

    Not up on USGS.


  7. Brandon says:

    We’re still at 51 eruptions. It looks like everything is returning back to normal. Eruptions, quakes, etc


    • IMG

      Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a normal planet, Brandon. At best; its controlled ‘chaos and entropy‘ under very dynamic geological extremes and the spectrum of planets can tilt towards disorder with little or no warning. We can’t see inside the Earth; therefore we can’t diagnose the problems or measure the fluctuations taking place within the outer core. By the time, the changes manifest themselves on the surface- the process is already critical. Remember 2010 was a high year for volcanoes eruptions and then it fell back to 50-56 or so in 2011- indicating while there appeared to be a recess of activity; things were actually getting much worst as a set-up for 2012. All we can do is prepare ourselves and love ones in body, mind and spirit for what lies ahead but the last thing I would try to do is predict what the Earth or volcanoes will or won’t do. It’s pure guess work and most oft proves wrong. Most scientists know this because they have studied the Lorenz attractor and other chaotic models. Like I said, entropic processes are irreversible as the model is moving forward along the arrow of time to assume a new dynamic state of equilibrium through chaotic processes.


      • pagan66 says:

        You are so right Alvin & again, as usual, explained in a most easy to understand way. I’ve noticed a lull in significant events during the last week or so, no huge quakes or weather in extremes & I guess it’s quite easy for people to slip into complacency & forget how violent & unforgiving our pretty blue planet really is & to conveniently ignore the perils that are staring us right in the face. There is a storm coming, the likes that Mankind has never witnessed before – well maybe the people who survived the ancient floods did – & yes, right again, all we can do is prepare ourselves & our loved ones the best that we can.

        Love & Light as always


      • Emanni says:


        We’re at 51 visible active volcanoes, what is your estimation of the volcanoes we cannot see – under the seas.


      • The estimated number including vents, arcs and trenches, I would put between 3 and 4 million. There is no way to tell how many are erupting but most are active and more quakes will probably start happening under the oceans as things progressively worsen.


  8. sealed says:

    I’ve been to this volcano several times last year and have never heard this sound. This is certainly a new development.


  9. Gen says:

    Geoscience Australia

    Nieu Basin – different co-ordinates to one on USGS.

    5.2 29 April 2012 @ 22:34:54 UTC -29.048 -169.095 0 depth
    Southeast of Niue, Pacific Basin. Not significant

    2.3 29 April 2012 @ 14:34:55 UTC -33.399 117.852 13 km
    Near Dumbleyung, WA. Yes significant


  10. Columbine says:

    Sounds a lot like how gysers sound at Yellowstone National Park.


  11. nanoduck says:

    Is there a link to a graph or at least data that shows the number of volcanoes that erupted by the year? Thanks!


  12. sealed says:

    New update on Masaya Volcano at the following link. It appears it has become a little more angry.


  13. Pedro Reza says:

    Earthquakes, volcano eruptions, even polar shifts have been occurring on this planet since its existence! Get used to it.


  14. gman4721 says:

    just came from Masaya 7-21.All that was happening was heavy smoke billowing out,no noise!


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