Jellyfish-like organisms shut down California power plant

April 27, 2012 CALIFORNIAThe workers of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant received a very slimy surprise this week when they discovered hoards of jellyfish-like creatures clinging to the structure, leading to the shutdown of the plant. The organisms, called salp, are small sea creatures with a consistency similar to jellyfish. The influx of salp was discovered as part of the plant’s routine monitoring system, according to Tom Cuddy, the senior manager of external and nuclear communications for the plant’s operator, Pacific Gas & Electric. “We then made the conservative decision to ramp down the affected unit to 20 percent and continued to monitor the situation,” Cuddy said. “When the problem continued, we made another conservative decision that it would be safest to curtail the power of the unit.” The salp were clogging the traveling screens in the intake structure, which are meant to keep marine life out and to keep the unit cool. “Safety is the highest priority,” Cuddy said. “We will not restart the unit until the salp moves on and conditions improve. No priority is more important than the safe operation of our facility.” The plant consists of two units. Unit 1 was shut down previously because of refueling and maintenance work and will not be functional for several weeks. Now that Unit 2 has been shut down because of the influx of salp, the plant has ceased all production. Even with the Diablo Canyon plant out of commission, PG&E has pledged to continue production using other sources of power so that customers are unaffected by the closure. “We’ve had salp cling to the intake structure before, but nothing to this extent,” Cuddy said. –ABC
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8 Responses to Jellyfish-like organisms shut down California power plant

  1. Marshallrn says:

    What is the cause of the Salp coming to close to the coast. Is there a relation to underwater volcanism or possible radiation leaks front the plant that is being worked on.

    Wiki link for Salp says they like cold waters but also have been possibly growing in population:


  2. Elisa Kankus says:

    wonderful to read, that nature reacts to these power plants. It is said, that the West Coast of America is going to collapse to the sea. Maybe this is the natural way to make it clear, that they really should shut all these plants down, at least on very dangerous areas. Poor jellyfish!


  3. James says:

    I personally found this story amusing. I imagined the sea creatures forming an Occupy Nuclear Power Plant Protest. Just my quirky sense of humor though…


  4. SylvianKnolls says:

    All that you thought you understood about life here on this planet doesn’t matter anymore. Everything is soon to be turned on it’s head. Watch as the forces of nature move against Mankind’s follies. The Soul of this planet can, and will, move the mountains that mankind is unable to do. She will make the way for the forces of humanity to flood in and win the war against this ancient tyrannical evil that has the grip of death on all things in this place. Diablo Canyon indeed. The very name invites destruction. Take heed if you live in similarly named sites.


  5. joey says:

    Happened in Japan too. The Japanese have a problem with insane amounts jellyfish in their seas their fishing industry is suffering


  6. nickk0 says:

    Do Marine biologists or ecologists have any possible explanation, to explain the sudden influx of salp ?


    • ole says:

      I’m in no way an expert on the subject, but remember reading about the sea slowly turning back to “primordial sludge” through pollution, causing the rise of simple organisms like jellyfish who thrive in these environments.


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