7 Responses to Israel preparing country for apocalyptic doomsday scenario- unveils new advanced bomb shelter

  1. John Durango says:

    Why would Israel want to strike first and bring about a potential Mid east disaster???


  2. nickk0 says:

    Why don’t they attack and just get it over with already. I can’t wait. 😡


  3. Quebec, Canada says:

    1,600 is not many – I suppose it will be composed solely of the ELITE.


  4. Yakov says:

    This is just a normal day in Israel. All apartments have either an apartment building bomb shelter for the building, your own bomb shelter in the basement, or the newer buildings require a sealed bombproof, gas proof sealed room in the apartment. Remember you have just 15 seconds to get to safety in a Color Red Alert. Think about how fast 15 to 20 seconds is, then BOOM!. Try that 5 or 6 times a day. Like at 4:30 A.M.
    If this was New York or Los Angeles, most of the building would be totally destroyed from a small GRAD missile attack. Here in Israel all the buildings are steel reinforced concrete.


  5. Festus Koech says:

    The Holy and Most Most High God, the Lord of Hosts, the true God of Israel, is with you and fighting for you, O Israel.


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