Phivolcs quells panic about 5.9 Philippine earthquake setting off volcanic chain, after 70 aftershocks rattle sea-floor

February 5, 2012MANILA, PhilippinesThe Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) denied under water volcanoes caused the series of earthquakes in the Eastern Visayas starting Saturday night. This, as Phivolcs Director Renato Solidum Jr. pacified fears that volcanoes there would erupt anytime soon. Text messages started spreading last night that an underwater volcano is on the verge of erupting. This will supposedly cause a large tsunami. Local radio stations have already denied the information. Authorities there also said the information is untrue. A total of 70 aftershocks were recorded in the area ever since a magnitude 5.9 was recorded in the southeastern part of San Policarpio in Eastern Samar. Solidum told that the cause of the earthquake was due to subduction. According to the US Geological Survey, subduction is the process of the oceanic lithosphere colliding with and descending beneath the continental lithosphere. No casualties have been recorded so far. – with a report from Geron Ponferra, ABS-CBN News Eastern Visayas. –ABS
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16 Responses to Phivolcs quells panic about 5.9 Philippine earthquake setting off volcanic chain, after 70 aftershocks rattle sea-floor

  1. Wiseguy says:

    OMG, doesn’t look good, 6.0 Vanuatu and 5.5 Phillipines, looking at the quakes map, the southern hemisphere is tearing apart. Major movements on the faults. What’s next…


  2. NiNzrez says:

    there was just a new 5.5

    5.5 2012/02/05 16:46:45 5.945 124.149 504.8 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES


  3. AWM says:

    Dang, less than an hour ago (Mindanao)!
    Talk about the pace quickening!

    Can’t wait for your input, Alvin.


  4. radiogirl says:

    Alvin….what is going on down there?Thanks in advance,R


  5. Irene C says:

    That whole area is a ticking time bomb, ready to explode. Not only could it trigger a tsunami, it could also help destabilize the Cascadia fault, which in turn could help destabilize New Madrid.



  6. Christine says:

    Thats the plan Irene…They have the biggest drill about to begin and it will affect the world in regards to martial law, fema and other law bodies that will round you up, put you into camps and body bags.. the earth quakes are just to get the ball rolling. They need a population cull and they are running behind time so watch carefully and you’ll all start to see the patterns I’ve been seeing for the past 3 /10 years. Have a bug out bag ready thats the only advice I can give anyone. Ps Its not fear mongering its common sense when all the signs are smacking you in head to wake up. cheers and have a fantastic journey.


  7. atut says:

    The island in the image/picture, where is it? Very beautiful, I like it.


  8. Garth Colin Whelan says:

    We just had a 7.0 quake here in the Philippines, very close to Dumaguete, and could be felt in Iligan and Antique. I was expecting a new post about this. There was a tsunami warning which turned out to be false, but people panicked and drove upland to higher ground.


  9. David says:

    I had read something about an earthquake drill this week also.
    Here is a link I found tonight about it.
    Thanks for all the info!!!


  10. Anne says:

    Dear Garth, if Christine is like me, the sources are somewhere in our heads. For one reliable resource is Alex Jones,, and each piece of information contributes to the overall PUZZLE!
    Depopulation, Sun’s CME’s going into Solar Max, Famine, HAARP, Weather abnormalities from the Magnetic North Pole moving to western tip of Siberia, Nuclear reactors built over active faultlines, World currency destabilization, WW3 – you know – what we are seeing before our eyes.
    Garth, you’re on the right road reading Alvin’s picks of the day.
    Time for some serious praying for all those suffering and for our pitiful leaders.


    • Larry Fairall says:

      Anne, Your link did not work, this one will. You put a( .) at the end instead of a(/)
      God Bless


  11. This is an unexpected tragedy; there are many people who are victims of this tragedy. We hope and pray that they cannot happen again.


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