Mystery foam engulfs seaside town in northwest England

December 30, 2011UNITED KINGDOMA thick white blanket settled gently on the seaside town of Cleveleys near Blackpool on Wednesday, but this was no seasonal dusting of snow from above. The Environment Agency dispatched officers to Princess Promenade to gather evidence as gobs of foam blew in from the sea and smothered streets, cars and houses. The foam is whipped up by strong winds once or twice a year along the town’s seafront and vanishes soon after, a spokeswoman for the agency told the Guardian. Lab tests on samples collected in earlier years have found no signs of pollution. Decomposing algal matter is the prime suspect for the mysterious lather. “It appears to be naturally occurring. When the tides and winds combine to churn dead algal matter up from the bottom of the sea, it produces this foam, which is quite dramatic,” the spokeswoman said. Officers visited Cleveleys on Wednesday and again on Thursday to collect more specimens to analyze. The results of the tests are expected to confirm the foam is natural and not caused by detergent in seawater or other pollution. By studying the foam, the agency hopes to learn how and why it forms and so predict when the froth will return. “If we can understand what conditions cause it, that will help us predict it and help local authorities involved in the cleanup operations,” the spokeswoman said. –Guardian
contribution Mahati
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10 Responses to Mystery foam engulfs seaside town in northwest England

  1. tellthetruth1 says:

    I’ve seen a video about this before, probably about a year ago. I don’t think it’s strange to see it again. It looks like ice being formed on the other vid, quite funny actually. Probably not funny if you’ve never seen it before!


  2. Tom says:

    I have seen sea foam before come up on the beaches along the oceanfront, but only up onto the beaches, not much further than that. If it’s windy then it may blow further uphill into the non-sandy areas, but it would have to be an awful lot of sea foam and an awful lot of wind to push it way up into cities and towns further inland. But I have seen it, in its worst, maybe up to one’s knees deep, then it all eventually turns back into water and goes away after a day or two. I think it’s mainly on the windiest parts of the year that it happens, as a natural event.


  3. Happy New Year One and All……..
    The media is hyped with doom and gloom scenarios. They forecast a future looming with disaster scenarios . But for me and my house, we will look to the Lord for strength and answers. I would rather have God’s promises than those of meteorologists and vulcanologists and climatologists. They only work with computer simulations; God works and speaks from foreknowledge and truth.

    Let us stand on the Word of God for 2012.
    Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name.

    New Year Promises Worth Having

    From Clare in Tassie


  4. jenjen44 says:

    Clare I agree with you 100%… This song comes to my mind..He’s Got the whole world in His hands”.Trust Him!…drawing nearer to Him every day, not leaning on our own understanding what will take place in the coming year 2012.

    Wishing you all God’s blessings for the New Year.


  5. I have my Doubts! says:

    I live in the area & have my suspicions. Sewerage is pumped into the sea in this vicinity. The sea water & beach are not clean. And why should such a “natural event” not happen in other areas close by?


  6. kieran walsh says:

    We see this phenomena several times a year on the coast of Oregon. It is a naturally occurring part of nature. When the winds whip up the sea and channel salt water into a narrow inlet the winds act like an egg beater with whipping cream and produce this froth. Very pretty to see as it floats in the air.


  7. Marc says:



  8. L.Venter says:

    In Australia many years ago when Cyclone Colin (?) crossed the northern NSW coast near Ballina and Lennox Head the waters’s edge was covered in a foam like this and the waves were made from it . It was well over waist high and big slabs were breaking away and blowing up the beach everywhere…..the water was very warm … considerably higher than normal.


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