Scientists mystified how Comet Lovejoy survived 2 million degree K temperature pass through Sun’s corona

December 19, 2011SPACEA small comet survived what astronomers figured would be a sure death when it danced uncomfortably close to the broiling Sun. Comet Lovejoy, which was only discovered a couple of weeks ago, was supposed to melt Thursday night when it came close to where temperatures hit several million degrees. Astronomers had tracked 2,000 other sun-grazing comets make the same suicidal trip. None had ever survived. But astronomers watching live with NASA telescopes first saw the Sun’s corona wiggle as Lovejoy went close to the Sun. They were then shocked when a bright spot emerged on the Sun’s other side. Lovejoy lived. “I was delighted when I saw it go into the Sun and I was astounded when I saw something re-emerge,” said U.S. Navy solar researcher Karl Battams. Lovejoy didn’t exactly come out of its hellish adventure unscathed. Only 10 per cent of the comet — which was probably millions of tons — survived the encounter, said W. Dean Pesnell, project scientist for NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, which tracked Lovejoy’s death-defying plunge. And the comet lost something pretty important: its tail. “It looks like the tail broke off and is stuck” in the Sun’s magnetic field, Pesnell said. Comets circle the Sun and sometimes get too close. Lovejoy came within 121,000 kilometers of the Sun’s surface, Battams said. For a small object often described as a dirty snowball comprised of ice and dust, that brush with the Sun should have been fatal. Astronomers say it probably didn’t melt completely because the comet was larger than they thought. The frozen comet was evaporating as it made the trip toward the Sun, “just like you’re sweating on a hot day,” Pesnell said. “It’s like an ice cube going by a barbecue grill,” he said. Pesnell said the comet, although only discovered at the end of November by an Australian observer, probably is related to a comet that came by Earth on the way to the Sun in 1106. As Comet Lovejoy makes its big circle through the solar system, it will be another 800 or 900 years before it nears the Sun again, astronomers say. –CBC
Unraveling an enigma: Not only did Comet Lovejoy survive it’s swish through the Sun’s corona where temperatures can reach as high as 2,000,000 K- it appeared to have also possessed a force that caused the Sun’s massive corona to move- indicating physical matter may not be interacting so much with corporeal matter as we may be witnessing   instead a quantum interaction model between two energies – Sun and comet. The nature of some comets has long been theorized by some scientists as representing more than just debris or mere stray chunks of ice streaking through the solar system. Some comets may carry an electromagnetic force which appears capable of igniting a plasma reaction from the Sun, particularly by elevating the proton density count in the Sun’s solar winds as was certainly the case with the ill-fated Comet Lovejoy.The Extinction Protocol
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15 Responses to Scientists mystified how Comet Lovejoy survived 2 million degree K temperature pass through Sun’s corona

  1. nickk0 says:

    I take it that you are familiar with the ‘Electric Theory’ of forces in the Universe ??

    Absolutely FASCINATING website, with some absolutely ASTOUNDING theories.

    I do not understand why some scientists see these theories, as being so ‘controversial’.
    Someday, these theories, may become more mainstream.

    – Nick


  2. Christian soldier says:

    Back in the late ’90s / early 2000’s there was an obscure scientific website that put forth the idea that comets are not balls of rock and ice, but rather, are of plasma. If the crew of that website are still around, they’d probably be quite intrigued by ol’ Lovejoy.


  3. Christian soldier says:

    Speaking of comets and plasma –

    Comets (Extended ver) Plasma Cosmology Electric Universe


  4. Courtney says:

    “And these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13


  5. Mellisonomoi says:

    Well Love and Joy survive…a good sign in bad times.


  6. carolyn says:

    nickko…..fascinating link, thanks.


  7. Judith B. says:

    “ill-fated” — ??? Seems as tho what actually did ‘happen’ to Comet Lovejoy is not known information. Might be the luckiest comet ever, who knows?


  8. Irene C says:

    Fascinating link nickko and fascinating video Christian soldier.



  9. I guess they’re not dirty balls of ice, huh? This guy, along with Velikovsky are worth reading. James McCanney has a downloadable and/or streaming radio program on Thursdays.


  10. vreebe says:

    90% weight loss and undiminished velocity. Amazing!


  11. Chronicnerd says:

    Comets are exactly what they claim to be, however the one thing that most do not expect is that the ionized particles already excited in the coma become “radically” charged. Lovejoy is a mystery indeed, as the comet *should* have created several tail disconnection events that *should* have resulted in forms of coronal mass ejections that could be monitored via X-Ray and UV radiation.
    A comet’s coma, as it gets closer to the gravity well, will compress/pressurize the coma as well the already ionized particles in the coma become “super charged” to a point of creating a form of “plasma”. The charges of the particles in the coma form types of “bi-pole” relationships that create a form of heavily charged ionosphere. Recent tests from Harvard and Stanford had a discovery recently that shed some light on this type of sun/ionized particle relationship currently thought to be related to the amount of UV radiation. Neutron emissions will be the next step in finding the relationship between highly excited particles and the resultant formations due to exposure to freely floating/traveling neutrons.

    Lovejoy is a mystery due to the fact that it did not disrupt the Sun’s magnetic fields, which means that something is very unique about Lovejoy or the Sun has another large mass body/magnetic influence preventing the fields from collapsing…which is the most likely scenario due to the most recent flat line of the Sun’s activities.


  12. nicholas fowler says:

    why are these tier two scientists so completely stupid and ignorant? comets are not dirty snowballs, there is no snow on a comet. they are lumps of hard rock, why do they cling to these myths treating then as facts? bring back Jim Macceny for heavens sake , some rationality please.


  13. Kasim Ratlamwala says:

    How can a small comet defy the law of gravity. Scientists are convinced that sun holds the entire solar system in its strong grip. Now this comet is not even a peanut, it approaches so close to sun that flare itself is strong enough to wipe it out. Now if God is not there then please give some foolproof explanation


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