Researchers shocked to find thousands of spewing methane fountains in Arctic region

Methane bubbles seen rising below the ice in the Siberian Ice shelf

December 14, 2011ARCTICThe Russian research vessel Academician Lavrentiev conducted a survey of 10,000 square miles of sea off the coast of eastern Siberia. They made a terrifying discovery – huge plumes of methane bubbles rising to the surface from the seabed. “He found more than 100 fountains, some more than a kilometer across,’ said Dr Igor Semiletov, “These are methane fields on a scale not seen before. The emissions went directly into the atmosphere. This is the first time that we’ve found continuous, powerful and impressive seeping structures, more than 1,000 meters in diameter. It’s amazing. Earlier we found torch or fountain-like structures like this,” Semiletov told the Independent. “Over a relatively small area, we found more than 100, but over a wider area, there should be thousands of them.” Semiletov’s team used seismic and acoustic monitors to detect methane bubbles rising to the surface. Scientists estimate that the methane trapped under the ice shelf could lead to extremely rapid climate change. Current average methane concentrations in the Arctic average about 1.85 parts per million, the highest in 400,000 years. Concentrations above the East Siberian Arctic Shelf are even higher. The shelf is shallow, 50 meters or less in depth, which means it has been alternately submerged or above water, depending on sea levels throughout Earth’s history. During Earth’s coldest periods, it is a frozen arctic coastal plain, and does not release methane. As the planet warms and sea levels rise, it is inundated with seawater, which is 12-15 degrees warmer than the average air temperature. In deep water, methane gas oxidizes into carbon dioxide before it reaches the surface. In the shallows of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, methane simply doesn’t have enough time to oxidize, which means more of it escapes into the atmosphere. That, combined with the sheer amount of methane in the region, could add a previously uncalculated variable to climate models. –Daily Mail
Methane rupture: “Methane trapped under the Siberian Ice sheet is also a combustible catastrophe waiting to happen. In the air, directly above the ocean surface near Siberia, methane levels were elevated overall and the patchy seascape was dotted with more than 100 hotspots spewing the dangerous gas.” –The Extinction Protocol, page 188
contribution by Ernestisms
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27 Responses to Researchers shocked to find thousands of spewing methane fountains in Arctic region

  1. notsrei says:

    QUICK! Someone call Al Gore!!!!!!!


  2. All of these articles are putting pay to “man made climate change”. I find it very interesting that there is a carbon dioxide release occurring that they never knew about.

    I have noticed in recent months that the man-made climate change is getting quieter and quieter. They’re probably realizing that there are much bigger problems in this solar system and planet causing these catastrophes…about time.


    • ELD says:

      Actually the articles on AGW are proliferating out there – in scientific circles. Scientists have pretty much given up on sending out warnings – because of the billions the petroleum/gas/coal industries are dumping into creating doubt in the broad populace. Also the major media relies heavily on carbon fuels industry ad funding.
      But the scientists are preparing themselves, families, etc as best they can.
      The rapid heating from global warming that is melting the permafrost at record levels will release this methane. This will cause a doubling or tripling of the problem at best.
      It is like a man kicking a rock down a snowy slope that results in an avalanche. Made by man- enhanced by nature.


  3. Irene C says:

    Wow. The first think I had to think of is, yes, it is highly combustible. One spark could set off a massive explosion, combined with a chain reaction. Now I’m wondering what really cause the Tunguska event in 1908. I’ve always believed it was an asteroid or comet, but is there a possibility that it could have been a methane gas explosion?



    • Paula says:

      that Tunguska event is an amazing mystery. Your comment is sending back to explore that story. Thanks Irene!


    • Elizabeth says:

      That’s a good point, Irene. I also had always thought it was an asteroid exploding at the optimum height, but this does bring a new possibility into it. Scary stuff.


  4. Rick says:


    What’s the possibility of all these “leaks” and earthquakes being somehow related to the recent experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider? I read in more than one article how the scientists were stating that mini black holes could be created with these collisions.

    Keep up the great work! Your site informs us of things not mentioned in the “news”.


    • Wob

      I’ve been recording and warning of impending destabilization issues in the Arctic from the adjunct of submarine volcanism that can be traced back to an unprecedented series of explosive submarine volcanic eruptions in the Arctic regions of Siberia, Steigen Norway in 1992, and Gakkel Ridge in 1999 long before there was a CERN. The ice is being perturbed from beneath by excessive seismicity, thermal variation, and volcanism and will become increasingly moreso as the northern pole is stressed more by the planet’s erratic wobble and planetary angular momentum. All this is happening as the planet’s magnetic field continues to weaken and the magnetic north pole races toward Siberia at the rate of 50 meters a day. Earth is now a dangerously-flawed model and it’s processes will conform more and more to chaotic geologic and catastrophic dynamism through its feed-back loops.


  5. LA says:

    This is scarier than most people realize. It just goes to show that we are now on a positive feedback loop and there is no way that humans can “reverse” this trend. Mother Nature will just have to do the work of balancing herself out… which means we are in for a long and very bumpy ride… if we survive as a species.


  6. Karl says:

    When they say rapid change, how fast are we talking? Scary stuff.


  7. Tevin Boss says:

    Hey Cheif, I hink we got a bigger problem then we might think. You know how revelations speaks of A third of the fowls of the earth and of the beasts and creatures of the sea… well i think we’ve found the culprite.
    so theres a diagram i want to post, i guess i cant, but you might want to create a whole new post, or an addendum to this one.


  8. randog says:

    Alvin could you explain what methane does to the atmosphere please. ty.


    • ATMOS

      It traps about 25 times more of the Sun’s heat than CO2 does. If CO2 was the canary in the coal mine- methane is the equivalent of the apocalypse. It can stay in the atmosphere for up to 7 years. I believe it’s responsible for extraordinary mesopshere cooling, particularly over the Arctic.

      Cooling temperatures in the middle atmosphere or mesophere cause the thermosphere to become less dense and its composition to change. With fewer particles in the thermosphere, there’s less drag on satellites in space, which affects how long spacecraft and space debris stay in orbit. Between 2008 and 2009, NASA scientists discovered that during this solar minimum, the thermosphere had collapsed by as much as 43%. So, more methane is entered the planet’s atmosphere- especially over the polar regions and this is causing more storm and wind velocity turbulence as stability of the planet’s atmosphere is maintained by what’s known as the stratification of gradient temperature. Storms systems descending from the polar region, particularly in the winter, will become stronger, and colder.


  9. randog says:

    one more question Alvin,,there is about 50 to 55 volcanos going off and since sulfur adheres to water molecules in the atmosphere and reflects sunlight back to space would that mean that earth will cool or heat up.ty.


  10. George says:

    What is the possibility that it may be due to either (or both) seismic movement or volcanism; with the increasing disturbance of the tectonic plates these past months there may be other repercussions. How well has this area been geologically surveyed?


  11. Lisa Varley says:

    Thanks Alivin that helps


  12. Paul Demorest says:

    well that’s it then…no wait we still have the “permafrost to release its methane as well”


  13. Alyssha says:

    Pockets of methane are probably what has been causing mass animal deaths all over the world!!!


  14. Tim says:

    Methane ‘Plumes of Doom’ from Arctic Ice, the end of the world, or what?


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