69 Responses to As Fiat Matrix begins crashing- investors look for an exit

  1. NickK0 says:

    Excellent article.
    This is as good as any ‘analysis’ as any I have *ever* read, of the *current ‘investing’ environment* on Wal-Street.

    The Governments have refused to fix Wal-Street….. Now, Wal-Street, will ‘fix’ THEM instead. 😡

    – Nick


  2. Luke says:

    How am i going to pay by bills ??? how ?


  3. Does this mean even one’s checking account with a credit union is under siege?


  4. john says:

    http://www.zerohedge.com/news/showing-you-money-all-it A must see on zerohedge.Click on chart and you can expand and look around. Is this off topic? I dont know,but found this mind boggling,


  5. dannrivera says:

    abandon ship!


  6. Martalien says:

    Sh+* begins hitting the fan- the events unfolding in the world are escalading at fast pace. it’s insane and scary at the same time! peoples who are still asleep will be hit by a tons of brick


  7. RainMan says:

    I guess we saw it coming and are prepared personaly in some way.
    (sarc)..I hope this dosen’t interfere with the cricket.


  8. elijahsmom3 says:

    Doesn’t this type of article just fuel the fire? I don’t know. I just know that as I’m reading it, I feel panicked, and I want to stop my husband’s direct deposit, and keep everything that we manage to earn in my hand (or mattress). I want my girls to cash out their savings bonds, and I want to close my checking account. What’s to keep everyone from feeling this way, and reacting in the same way? Then the dominoes not only fall, but they fall FAST. Maybe faster than if we didn’t have all the hype, no? Because once the widespread panic begins, there ain’t no stoppin’ it.


    • Pyramid scheme

      Secrets of the Temple

      Well, once you understand how the system works- you know it’s all been an elaborate ponzi scheme to take your money and turn it over 100 times and pay you $.04 for the pleasure. People don’t make money on money- they make money on credit services and the financial transactions of money. The problem, as I said before, is there is now more debt than liquidity. Banks are over-leveraged and unregulated and the train goes around the track each morning based only on the confidence that the track is still there. If people made a run on their banks or cashed out their insurances polices en masse they would discover the same somber truth of what bankers know and what Bernie Madoff investors found- there’s no money in these institutions to meet those asset obligations. Global debt exceeds global GDP by about 10.5 times. So let’s say for the sake of argument is that there is about $1100 dollars in debt outstanding for every actual $1 real dollar that is in the world’s banks, funds, and policies and that the debt bill is coming due in the mail. Now it’s just a question of who can pull their money out of the system first before the mailman arrives with the bill and the system crashes – you or the bankers? The reality is the bankers have already divested, liquidated, stolen tons of money and converted it to bullion as it has never been a question of the system crashing it has always been about realizing its crashing now rather than later. In the game of musical chairs, the object was to get to the chairs before the music stops but in this game; the bankers have all the chairs. So it’s just a question of making smarter financial choices from this point forward. Some of those choices will now be about how stealthily we can move to protect assets before the world discovers what’s really behind door number 3. In the long run, I don’t see how any currency anywhere can survive this because there is so much debt outstanding and monetary devaluation appears to be the only option central banks are facing to prevent a financial doomsday of the entire system. Everything in this world is built on the same corruption of power in all these satanic pyramid schemes:

      Corporation: people at the bottom do all the work – Officers at the top get all the compensation
      Ecclesiastical: people at the bottom pay all the tithe – Clery at the top play god
      Financial: people at the bottom assume all the risk- Officers at the top get all the reward

      Before the revolution in France in 1789, the three spheres were known as the Estates of the Realm or First, Second and Third Estates or Nobility, Clergy and the bourgeoisie.


      • elijahsmom3 says:

        Right. Got it. And I’m not by any means referring to the fact that you posted it here. I think everybody coming here knows what’s going on. My reaction after reading it was, “wow, people that read this are going to panic, and that is going to hasten the negative outcome.” Just an observation. I haven’t ever questioned what or why something is posted on this site.


      • rita says:

        Whenever people talk about getting into ‘gold’ it amazes me. What can they do with it when there is no water to drink, for example? Also, i agree, it will become about bartering. When i was a very young child, i would ponder the idea that pieces of paper had value. It seemed so intuitively bizarre to me that i couldn’t wrap my mind around it.

        Actually, for the past five to ten years, i had an image of ‘deflation’. That there would be tons of gadgets and products,etc., and no one to purchase them. GMOs, frankenfood, and so much more that continues on ad infinitum. I know this is off topic, but. I have had this thought. It isn’t about making more money for the earthly ‘powers that be’. They are playing God – or, as a friend said to me recently – to ‘them’, God is nothing but the competition.


      • Kathie says:

        Alvin you are bang on! It is a mathematical certainty that ANY AND ALL PAPER ‘ASSETS’ WILL VANISH IN SHORT ORDER. The only way for the average joe to protect himself is to immediately convert any paper (USD, 401K, bonds, stocks etc.) to physical gold/silver, food storage and agricultural land or, at the very least, rip up your backyard and learn to grow a garden. Otherwise, you will be wiped out by the banksters as they have the tacit consent of our governments to fleece the sheeple.


      • Somebody should consider themselves lucky to have you around…


      • nickk0 says:

        “…..they have the tacit consent of our governments to fleece the sheeple.”

        It would appear that they actually do, isn’t that the case ?? 😦

        – Nick


  9. Bree says:

    Just finished your book and I want to say thank you for such an amazing “gift”. And I thank God for sending me to this website.



  10. SC says:

    Goodness, I was hoping to hold off until January 2012 to liquidate my assets. Should I be doing this sooner?


    • I would watch these events very closely. As you know of course, by law, we can tender financial advise but watch these events that unfold attentively and I think you’ll get a pretty good barometer of when to act. I’ll post as much relevant subject information as soon as I get it.

      peace and blessings,


      • SC says:

        I greatly appreciate your guidance, and I completely respect that this is not forum to tender financial advice. Making financial decisions are always an individual choice. All one can do is to take in the information and use that to guide their decision-making process. Please know that I am extremely grateful for your dilligence in providing your readers with timely and accurate information about the state of our world. Thank you so much for your knowledge and insights – for that I am truly blessed.


      • As I am blessed by you…one rule of thumb is if you going to jump out of an airplane with a parachute- making sure you do it when the plane is highest from the ground.


  11. Mark T. says:

    The references to barter and small community are true, but its the tremendous pain that will be suffered transitioning to that. Most Americans have no other means other than what’s at the local, corner store. Food, clothes and all means of survival.

    A crash of the financial system/currency would see mass rioting, starvation in the streets and horrific crimes in the name of survival. When the herd thins, then order would be restored along those small community/barter lines described above, but not after a lot of people perished.


    • Bone Idle says:

      Food is the key. Western countries’ cities no longer have access to “local” farmers or food producers who are no further than a few days horse journey. The big Supermarket chains have taken over the whole food production lines. “Just in time” logistics have seen supermarket shelves only filled with one to two days food supplies.
      Many third world countries have gone well above the limits where they can feed themselves and totally rely on imported basic foodstuffs.


  12. Pat says:

    What do you do then? Take you savings out and hide the money under a mattress? The barter idea is great…for young people. What do the elderly do?


  13. watching from NZ says:

    the world needs to get a move along, the transition movemment was create years ago but it has yet to become main stream



  14. Irene C says:

    Wow!! There will be many who have their heads in the sand who will have no idea what hit them.

    Matthew 6:19
    Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

    James 5:3
    Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.



  15. Tyler says:

    So clearly the obvious immediate solution is to give to each person what they need to live a dignified life in the form of a basic income grant. This is how we can avoid the panic/rioting/crime/massive human causalities: by giving everyone enough.

    This can be financed, easily, through a tax on financial transactions (like buying/selling currency to make a profit)- this is not only realistic but was presented by Bill Gates himself at the recent G20 meeting as a feasible method for raising revenue to combat problems i.e. poverty.

    By my calculations, if we were to give all 325 million people in the United States enough to survive- say, $2000 per month- the cost would be $7.8 trillion per year. Considering the global financial derivatives market alone is $600 trillion, it is clear that the money can be raised.

    If anyone would like to discuss either the threats of the financial-military-information complex that taxing corporations will bring about system failure (is unworkable) or a basic income grant, I’m all ears. But from from my perspective, the only question is: when the time comes, will you support a representative to vote for this tax and if your representative should refuse to comply with the constituency’s demand for equality will you do your part to elect a new representative that will?

    A final thought: “I am now convinced that the simplest solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.”

    If you can tell me who said this, you win the game.


  16. pagan66 says:

    Good point Mark – I so agree & yes it’s going to be horrific.To a modern mind, having to exist without all the creature comforts is an abhorrent & totally alien thought & the majority of people living in first world countries are totally ill prepared for a catastrophe such as this. People living in under developed countries should fare a little better for awhile barring any major Earth Changes – they have to live like that every day so the shockwave will not impact them to the same extent. After the culling, only a bare minimum of people will have the knowledge or goods & skills to eventually barter with & people with medical, agriculture or mechanical skills or stockpiles of food, seeds, medical supplies – in fact, any of the basic commodities needed to survive – will either be lauded, exploited or held to ransom. It will not be a pleasant world for a long time, if ever again.

    Eventually society will coalesce again per se – but into what?This consumer driven, gluttenous, disposable society Man has created for himself will end up eating itself. It has already started.



    • Amy P. says:

      Also, many can’t cook from scratch. Some people are used to food coming out of a box or carton… It will be panic on many levels.


    • Bone Idle says:

      Many of those under developed countries now have massive populations which are centred around the cities. The agrarian component populations of these countries are now sliding backwards at very large rate. The cities populations are often dependent on large commercial farms rather than small producers.
      In the event of an economic catastrophe those living in the cities will rush to invade the food producing areas resulting in devastation throughout.


      • pagan66 says:

        I understand that Bone Idle, that’s why I stressed that they will fare better than developed countries just for awhile. They will not have the major immediate panic that developed countries will have. They don’t have mortages, assets & bank accounts, so what you do not have you do not miss. We will start to see what sociologists call “Natural Death” – what happens after a catastrophe, cataclysm or conflagration – disease, starvation, anarchy etc. In a Darwinian sense this is the cruellest cut of all.

        Nobody in any country is going to do well out of this coming storm – apart from the elites who have planned it all along. Global economic catastrophe on top of Earth Changes & the looming threat of war? A deadly mix.



  17. Dan Sherwood says:

    Mark T, that lot of people “Biblically speaking” would be about 1/4 of the population. The only thing you can do is not just talk about being prepared but rather get prepared. If you are in a position that you have a large investment that you can pull out and put into something safer than consider investing in property away from the city. Make sure it has it’s own source of water, good soil for growing, and plenty of room for family and close friends. (you will need a small community to survive). If if you are not as fortunate as the above mentioned situation. Then just start putting together a few what if plans that may include friends or family away from the city. Meanwhile start stocking up on staples. (nonperishable food that does not require refrigeration) and have a plan for a no running water and no electricity situation.
    I’m sorry if this sounds fatalistic or glum, but it is the reality the world is facing right now and being prepared just makes you a good steward of the resources God has blessed you with.


  18. Dennis E. says:

    At various times posted on this site and those who have been coming to this site for at least 6 months have heard the warnings and had/have been advised by bloggers to prepare fo rsuch a time and i mean the stock piling of essential needs such as personal hygiene items,canned food,
    batteries. communication, personal protection and family consolidation.

    I still believe, what is yours now, that you own, paid for, will be yours after the fall. It is your decision to decide what to do with your 401K, savings bonds and stock assets.
    Just a thought…………….


  19. luisport says:

    The focus in Europe is on France this morning, with investors questioning France’s AAA credit rating even without the prodding of ratings agencies.

    Yields on 10 year French bonds have been rising steadily all day, hitting 3.55% around 6:45 AM ET.

    Fears that France’s rating will soon be slashed are not unwarranted—Moody’s recently warned France that it could soon be put on downgrade review if economic conditions continue to deteriorate. At the same time, government spending is set to rise to €1.6 billion ($2.17 billion) in 2012 and the government says it won’t cut jobs, which doesn’t bode well for assessments of its fiscal policy.

    Elsewhere in Europe:

    – The debate between Germany and the rest of the eurozone is intensifying, with Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker backing consideration of controversial eurobonds. He joins a chorus of scholars, investors, and EU leaders demanding that the EU leaders move forward with that idea.

    – Former European Central Bank member and new Greek PM Lukas Papademos has jumped on board the eurobond bandwagon (via ForexLive). That’s a big deal, since the ECB has been highly opposed to such measures.

    – Greece will probably default in 20 days if it doesn’t receive the next tranche of troika aid, according to Dow Jones. That disbursement is contingent on a successful vote on its 2012 budget, scheduled to take place next month.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-freak-out-du-jour-is-all-about-france-2011-11#ixzz1eRCJaTDO


  20. luisport says:

    EUROBONDS: The REAL Euro Endgame You Should Be Watching

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/eurobonds-new-euro-endgame-2011-11#ixzz1eRD14nao


  21. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    But they just had an election: Spain’s 2-Yr and 5-Yr Yields Approaching Record Highs
    há 1 minuto


  22. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    há 1 minuto


  23. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    The louder the calls for ECB to print, the louder Germany will tell Europe countries they need to be annexed for their own good.
    há 56 segundos » zerohedge zerohedge
    há 1 minuto


  24. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Commerzbank Monkeyhammered On Insolvency Concerns http://t.co/GewEvh0P
    há 1 minuto


  25. Rick says:

    There is a widely accepted economic theory of 80-year cycles. Some hone it to exactly 83 years. If you calculate from the year of the worst crash, 1929, and add 83, you get (ready for this?)…2012!


    • Carole says:

      Thank you for that information. Makes sense to me. One only needs to read what the Bible says about the end times and we’re getting closer.


  26. Cris says:


    Thanks for the above explanation and revelation.
    As I often say, God help us all.


  27. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Spain CDS at record 482. Move along
    há 3 minutos


  28. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    El-Erian Says U.S. Economic Conditions Are ‘Terrifying’
    há 1 minuto » zerohedge zerohedge
    Belgium’s AA rating is irrelevant for the EFSF. Austria’s AAA is much more important
    há 3 minutos


  29. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Belgium downgrade rumor
    há 12 minutos


  30. luisport says:

    LONDON (MarketWatch) — Shares of Commerzbank AG /quotes/zigman/144405 DE:CBK -14.49% slumped more than 16% on Tuesday after Reuters reported, citing unnamed people close to the bank, that Commerzbank may need much more capital than previously expected to meet a 9% core capital buffer by the middle of 2012 as required by the European Banking Authority. Commerzbank could need around 5 billion euros ($6.7 billion) compared to previous expectations of 2.9 billion euros if the EBA further tightens capital requirements, according to Reuters. A spokesperson for Commerzbank declined to comment on the Reuters report.


  31. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Fillon says period 2008-2012 will mark the end of the period of Western supremacy
    há 4 minutos


  32. Bee says:

    Perhaps the bartering people are speaking of here, the bartering of old times, and that since of community, is really just another word for slavery. Or if you want to soften it you could say indentured servitude. Read some history books. What since of community with bartering was there? Was it a good thing? Really? Even if you could find some good examples of it working well for the majority it was not in this day and age and it certainly was not with this many people. No, people have gone after wall street instead of the federal reserve the real criminals and that is exactly what they wanted to have happen. I say they as in they who are the federal reserve the real slave holders not share holders. Crash the market, let there be riots, let people start starving, and when the time is right we will become slaves to real assets such as food, shelter, and utilities. The elderly and disabled those who can’t be much use as slaves will be the first victims to this new since of community using “bargaining.”


    • Bone Idle says:

      The bartering system will only work in a society with a “limited” population. It won’t work with the massive populations that countries now support.


  33. Nico (Belgium) says:

    This is more of the same , very interesting and realistic
    “BCM Has Ceased Operations (Part 1) & (Part2)”


  34. K.J. says:

    Paper money in our respective countries is not going to just disappear overnight due to a global economic crash. All preps aside, you will still need to be able to pay for things with cash as the barter system is not going to work in all areas for all things or with most businesses in the beginning.

    As one poster said, how do you pay your bills? Well with cash initially. You can’t offer the power company a couple of fat hogs every year for your power bill. So unless it is a global disaster where all that we know ceases to exist………. no stores, electricity, fuel stations, banks of any kind, etc. You still will have a currency requirement.

    Initially the best way to protect yourself is to just leave enough in the bank to pay bills and take everything else out in cash and stick it in a safe. The whole system has so many screwed because they never see a paycheck and it is direct deposit. Many have signed for auto withdrawal for various bills and such. You need to rethink how you do this and protect yourself as much as possible. If your financial institution/all institutions suffer a run and things are shut down, doors closed and bank machines don’t operate……… what are you going to do when you cannot access your money?

    If you don’t keep at least enough cash at home to get by for a few months without needing access to banks, you are potentially making a big mistake. Maybe nothing will happen, but if it does and you have no physical, hold in your hand cash reserves………… you are screwed. The people and corporations/gov’t services that you owe money to for one thing or another are not going to play nice when you cannot pay. They do not care about you or your problems.


    • If anyone thinks they are going to micro-manange this crisis with any kind of a paper money monetary policy when the ECB, the Federal Reserve and the Japanese printing presses have been unable to do it- they’re in for a rude awakening. This fire will burn everything to the ground and leave nothing standing in its wake.

      How bad will it get? “They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it, for it has made them stumble into sin.” Ezekiel 7:19 NIV


    • Bone Idle says:

      Western countries will revert to the same sort of organization such as the British used during the second world war.
      Emergency powers enacted
      A ration coupon system will need to set up. Basic facilitates such as electricity and public transportation will need to be kept going on a needs basis.
      Food production and distribution will be taken over by the government. (A black market system will also be in operation).

      Interesting to note that my wife was born in an Asian Country that was invaded by the Japanese during the second world war. There was a complete breakdown in normal economic and living conditions. The Japanese had no idea how to run an invaded country.
      The locals were left to cope by themselves.
      My wife’s family had been previously working for the countries colonial powers. The family survived on their gold and silver reserves.


      • pagan66 says:

        Society has changed drastically since WWII – what worked then will not necessarily work now. There are more people now than ever before on this planet all with different values, beliefs & mind sets. Anarchy & lawlessness will rein. This will be nothing like England during the Blitz, yes, governments will most likely try to implement austere emergency measures but people will by then as a whole have gone way beyond obeying those same governments who they believe got them into dire straights in the first place. That era will be Nirvana compared to what is most certainly coming.

        Earth Changes on top of the economic collapse we are facing have changed the equasion in such a paradoxical way. Where will the food be grown which is to be distributed after this planet is ravaged? Who will grow, protect & then deliver it? Who will keep the power running so we can have decent medical care, communications or even just rocks in our scotch & a bright light to read by? Who will upkeep general order & how will they do it when the centre dosent hold anymore & things have fallen apart & people are shellshocked, hungry, dying & refusing to listen?

        My partner & I & several close, like-minded & trusted friends have been preparing for over two years now. We have good stores of seeds, food, water, medicines & medical supplies, generators, fuel, weapons for both protection & hunting, batteries, clothing, portable shelters, manuals etc. We all bring different perspectives & skills, such as nursing, both natural & hydroponic agriculture, mechanics & electrical knowledge. This will be our planets new society – small enclaves trying to survive a harsh & unyielding future.



  35. luisport says:

    The IMF will offer a new credit line program to allow sovereigns to “break the chain of contagion.”

    A new “Precautionary Credit Line” would allow governments with sound financials who have made prior agreements with the IMF to access liquidity of 1000% of a member’s quota for 1-2 years. It would also allow them to access up to 500% of their quota in liquidity on a 6-month basis.

    The funds would be offered to sovereigns suffering from “exogenous shocks.”

    Markets and the euro spiked immediately on the news.

    There are, however, a few big problems with this new proposal.

    First, it is unclear whether the IMF actually has access to the amount of funds that would be necessary to bail out a sovereign like Italy.

    Italy currently has $2.2 trillion in gross external debt, far exceeding the IMF’s current available resources of about $540 billion. While that would significantly add to the resources the eurozone bailout fund—the European Financial Stability Facility—has available, this still falls short of the estimates for funding necessary to truly stem the crisis. Citi’s Willem Buiter recently suggested about €3 trillion ($4 trillion).

    This suggests that the IMF might have to rapidly expand its funding resources to act as an effective bulwark against contagion. But that’s not likely to happen either.

    The United States—which provides the largest percentage (17.7%) of IMF funds of any individual country—will also have to approve the plan. Previous bids to expand the IMF’s funding have hit a wall with U.S. opposition, primarily led by the GOP.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/cnbc-imf-will-offer-huge-liquidity-program-to-stem-contagion-2011-11#ixzz1eSRRHGOA


  36. Carole says:

    Thanks for that information. One only has to read the Bible which tells of the end time events of the world . It’s here.


  37. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Exactly. 21% haircut first RT @sokinca: @zerohedge Next step according to the Greek timeline is a Portuguese PSI.
    há 20 minutos » zerohedge zerohedge
    Here we go: Portuguese Rescue fund may need further €20-25 billion
    há 25 minutos


  38. Kathie says:

    I hear you Rita but we all still have lives to live and hope for the best otherwise there would be mass bridge jumping as people would have lost all hope. It’s important that every individual that has the means and skills should cover all bases – remember the boyscouts – ‘be prepared’. One of those areas is having a currency that has an historical track record as a medium of exchange (silver & gold). So if you aren’t fortunate to have a source of water and your neighbour has a water well but no pre-1965 US coinage and you do then it’s a ‘win win’. We have a global sovereign debt crisis and people are waking up to the fact that paper has no intrinsic value hence, the silver/gold bull market. But to focus on this alone is linear. Storing food, water, silver/gold, bullets, seeds, mastering gardening indoors & out, securing your building structures from the elements and marauders is crucial for the long term; however, for the interim, it also provides one with some peace of mind. If the worst case scenario shakes out then one will have a better chance at navigating either the man made or earth changes chaos. Overall, the ones that will thrive are those that stay healthy mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. That aside, the handful of morally/spiritually bankrupt psychopaths who seemingly rule over all the rest of us have to bow down to Mother Nature just like you & I and if she says it’s ‘lights out folks’ then there is nothing we can do about it. This would be divine justice and if I had to go down with these lunatics then so be it…at least the earth can rest until a more deserving civilization re-populates!


    • Marie says:

      Well said. ALL of us have been slowly tied up in this trap. Decades of being wrapped in the ropes of a corrupt system disguised as ‘convenience’ and ‘cutting edge’ have made the majority of people unable to sew a shirt or grow a tomato. We fell for the big lie, partially because our parents/teachers/media told us that this is ‘just the way it is’. They didnt mean to lie (except the media), they just didnt know any better. Many of us will pay for that now. It has been quite a creepy game played upon us. I too, as a child, looked at money and tried to figure out how it worked, and what hell all those ‘weird’ symbols had to do with the United States of America. I kind of hope the ‘end’ of this horrific game comes soon. Then maybe we can rebuild this Earth putting PEOPLE ahead of PROFITS. And I agree, if Mother Earth wants to bronco buck our butts right off of her, she has every right.


  39. Gen says:

    Elijahsmom3, Going back to Alvin’s reply to you; I don’t know about overseas and I am not familiar with all Australian banks. But here in Australia there is at least one bank which will let you withdraw $10,000 over the counter. Other or others let you withdraw $4,000 to $5,000. Above those amounts you have to give them at least one days notice you want to withdraw an amount higher than that. And this is normal bank accounts not term deposits.

    This shows that your larger amounts of money are not sitting in the bank’s free for all account waiting for you to take it as and when you like.

    I expect that when the camel falls over, many people will rush to ATMs to find them out of order.


    • elijahsmom3 says:

      Gen – yes, I completely agree. It’s terrifying. I can remember even back when I was a child, my dad trying to explain to me that if everyone decided to withdraw all their money at the same time, it would not all be there. And this was probably 20 or 30 years ago. I can’t imagine what it’s really like now inside those banks.


  40. As you said, Alvin (I think that is your name?) the Bible says that money will be worthless and people will “throw silver into the street.”

    Pagan66, the Bible says that the “elites” will not come out well. You say only they will do well. If you believe the Bible they will not. The rich men of the earth will hide in the earth and beg the “rocks to fall on them” to hide them from the world.

    the Elites may be elite now, but not forever, as they have fouled their own nests. I saw this on Maui, where the planters poisoned their own children as well as those of their workers by harvesting cane in a toxic way….of course many of them moved away, and were absentee landlords, but in the long run you cannot more all the way off of the earth, whatever scifi says.
    No one’s going to live on Mars or the Moon in the coming generation. Maybe way down the Pike, if God decrees. Not by our scientific efforts which are failing: witness the incredible disaster in the making called CERN.


    • pagan66 says:

      Mariel – I am as Pagan as my name implies & not of the Harry Potter garden type variety either, I am of an alternative Religion just as ancient & important as yours. I respect the Christian Bible as a historical document of immense valuable worth & parts of it I both respect & reference in a purely prophetic sense but I do not revere it & would never ever place either my Belief or Faith in it Much of what the early Roman Church founders left Man of the True word & Message of Jesus Christ after editing, contradicts itself & much of it was either deleted or twisted throughout the centuries for me to believe in it in any kind of literal sense whatsoever. If this makes me a heretic, a witch & damned to the pits of hell – well so be it, I do not believe in satan or hell anyway.

      Casting Religion aside, this global economic quandry that Man now finds himself in has been orchestrated by the elites for the sole purpose of unholy power & greed. They will do just fine until the centre falls apart & then, yes, you are right, they too are just as doomed as the rest of us.



  41. elijahsmom3 says:

    Pagan, I am coming to Australia to live with you!!
    Much love,


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