Report finds earthquakes killed 780,000 in past decade

November 4, 2011TURKEYEarthquakes claimed more than 780,000 lives in the past decade, accounting for nearly 60 per cent of all disaster-related deaths, according to a study published in The Lancet today. In addition to these deaths, earthquakes have directly affected another two billion people in this period,” it added. The deadliest quake was the January 12 2010 7.0-magnitude event in Haiti which killed 316,000 people. This was followed by the December 26 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, generated by a 9.1-magnitude tremor, in which 227,000 people died. Third-ranked was the May 12 2008 7.9-magnitude quake in south-western China’s Sichuan province, which inflicted a death toll of 87,500. The review study seeks to give emergency responders and policymakers a snapshot of the scale of earthquakes as a health priority, and to warn doctors about the kind of injuries they are likely to confront. “Massive earthquakes can result in casualty rates ranging from one to eight per cent of the at-risk population,” it said. “The reported ratios of death-to-injury vary, but across many studies seems to be about 1-to-3.” The death toll unfurls in waves, starting with immediate fatalities from falling buildings, which is followed several hours later as people die from catastrophic injuries to internal organs, says the investigation. A third wave occurs in the days to weeks afterwards among people with sepsis and multiple organ failure. Among survivors, the main injuries are crush-related damage to the kidneys, liver and spleen, followed by spinal damage, bone fractures and lacerations. Children are the most vulnerable group, accounting for between 25 and 53 per cent of earthquake patients. –
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2 Responses to Report finds earthquakes killed 780,000 in past decade

  1. Wow. This is terrible. But I wonder – are these deaths due to the fact that more people are living in densely packed, below-par housing, or are these earthquakes just getting stronger?



  2. nickk0 says:

    Hi, Irene,

    ‘Statistically speaking’, the more people there are = the more potential victims of earthquakes.

    It has nothing to do with intensity – However, increasing frequency & intensity, sure won’t help make things better.

    – Nick


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