Object falling from the sky reported source of Texas grass fire- Argentina reports similar incident

September 26, 2011SAN LEON, Tx — An object falling from the sky could be to blame for a Saturday grass fire. “When the call came in to the dispatcher, the person said that something fell from the sky and started the fire,” Jeff Pittman, chief of the San Leon Fire Department, said. The chief said an investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the blaze at 18th Street and Broadway. “It could be awhile before we figure out what happened,” he said. “It could be (today) because of the lighting.” The call came in at 5:36 p.m. Saturday and the fire was under control by 7 p.m. Along with San Leon, firefighters from Texas City, Dickinson, League City and Kemah responded to the call. Galveston County sheriff’s deputies and Galveston Area Emergency Medical Services personnel also were on the scene. Pittman said about 60 acres of grass and brush burned. After the fire was out, firefighters conducted a grid patrol using metal detectors to determine if something did fall from the sky, according assistant fire Chief Scott Lyons. “There was no property damage,” he said. “It was an unimproved field. There were no injuries, either, just a lot of tired firemen.” –Galveston Daily News 
Argentina: One woman died and six others were injured in the incident. A neighbor told Radio 10 that the outbreak was caused by a burning object that fell from the sky and completely destroyed a house and several cars. “It was a tremor,” said one witness. The incident occurred minutes before 2 am, in a building located on the intersection of Luis Vernet and Los Andes, a town of Monte Grande, of Esteban Echeverría. The causes of the explosion are still unknown, but locals say they witnessed the fact that “a ball of fire fell from heaven. It began to feel and smell like gunpowder,” recalled one person who lives in the area told C5N. “There is no explanation for what happened,” said Cayetano, a local resident, told Radio 10, then adding, “a neighbor ran because he saw a fireball falling blue.” The commander of the local fire department, Guillermo Pérez, remarked that he still do not know the cause of the incident, but acknowledged that the first version is aimed at an “object that fell from heaven.” Perez did confirmed that two trade houses ” were completely destroyed.” In fact, a woman who was trapped under the rubble was killed while six others were rescued and were taken for care at a local hospital, said a C5N firefighters who was on site. The victim is one of the people who lived in the building where the explosion was generated. As for the wounded, three belong to that house and three adjoining the house, hit by the blast. According to the story of neighbors, the explosion was felt even in adjoining towns as Ezeiza and Temperley, south of Buenos Aires. –Infobae.com 
contribution Luisport – Juan
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Fireballs, Meteor or Asteroid, Unsolved Mystery, Wildfires. Bookmark the permalink.

28 Responses to Object falling from the sky reported source of Texas grass fire- Argentina reports similar incident

  1. Aaron says:

    This was probably a part of UARS. I’m interested to find out more about this.


  2. Dan says:

    Another object falling from the sky today but this time near Buenos Aires city, hitting in a town, killing a woman and destroying several houses around.


  3. NickK0 says:

    Alvin – Please keep us updated on what they might find.

    – Nick


  4. J Guffey says:

    Wonder if it was debris for UARS.


  5. Kike Pinto says:

    What about the “fire ball” that caused a big explosion in Argentina? By the way, a Peruvian woman died!
    This is Kike Pinto, from Cusco, Peru (The capital city of the Inkas)


  6. Shawnta says:

    hmmm, I wondered if it was any part of the satellite that supposedly went into the ocean this weekend…like everyone else, very strange.


  7. P.Hilda Diaz GascogneMichaelsen says:

    A few minutes ago the police stopped in Argentina to the person who showed photos of the “meteor”. All fake photos.


  8. FWJ says:

    this is sure indication in this video that whatever came outa the sky-wasnt any space junk-more lika fiery meteorite chunk-coz this is 1 big impact site-space junk gona just go straight down and crater itself-this impacted on site-look foeward to follow up on this report


  9. Kim says:

    I’m really curious to see what they say this is scary and my prayers are with the woman’s family who died and all those injured. Bless their souls that is very frightening. I went on google after I saw this and just typed in meteorite sightings in 2011 and a bunch of people posted on a website on September 25 2011 about seeing something in the sky in Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Texas. So I wonder if that was what fell in Texas.


  10. Kaos says:

    Alvin, i have just read this an its been removed, should i be worried??


  11. Ann says:

    I would like to “hear” the news report in spanish but its switched of. The images don’t show any signs of something other than a huge explosion and no real signs of heat or burning.” would like to dig deeper.


  12. I am also interested in hearing more about this, but for some reason, I don’t believe we’ll be hearing much from our official sources. Thank you Alvin.



  13. Tina Marie says:

    Maybe I missed it but did both events take place on the same day? I’m sure they will try to explain it away or say it was debris from the satellite, but I for one don’t buy it. The events taking place seem to be getting weirder and weirder. People are getting wise to these bogus explainations the Government comes up with when these things happen. The majority might still buy it but it’s nice to know everyone isn’t “drinking the koolaid”. Alvin, thanks for keeping us posted on the real events unfolding and thanks also to all the people who post comments and share links. It’s good to know I’m not alone seeking knowledge and insight from this site. Blessings to each of you.


  14. Kike Pinto says:

    It seems it could have been a gas leak… Anyway, Internet is just a tool. Maybe we will never know the truth of thingas that happen so far away. I keep on seeking the truth closer to my personal experience. That’s a very big enough job. Isn’t it?


  15. acta non verba says:

    If i should guess, then i think it`s small sattelites falling because of the solar flar


  16. Hi-every-one says:

    So why is there no offical response as to what this was is that not common procedure in these types of matters?


  17. John Smith says:

    Wow that is kinda major! We are having a lot of random accidents with no explanation!


  18. The reports are something definitely fell from the sky. An amateur video captured this. I can’t vouch for its veracity but it’s is allegedly connected with the Argentina event and supposedly filmed there.


  19. amy erlandson says:

    About 9 mo ago, I was driveing home late at night. I saw a glowing blue ball with a long blue tail falling to the ground. i noticed it when it was about 10 ft above power lines. I know where it fell, behind trees of the road. way too freaky for me to go looking. I told my bestfriend about it. 2 nights later the same thing happen to her. talk about freaky. and no metior showers.–central florida.


  20. amy erlandson says:

    My best friend and I each saw a huge glowing blue ball with a long tail, fall to the ground, a few feet away. we noticed it falling at about 10 feet above phone lines. neither of us were goinmg to get out and go see what it was!lol we were both driving (sepearte days-alone) late at night after dark. about 5 miles or less apart from each other (the blue fre balls) so…idk. -central fla.


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