United Kingdom has its coolest summer since 1993

August 31, 2011LONDON – This summer has been the UK’s coolest since 1993, provisional Met Office figures indicate. The data covers the three months from 1 June to 29 August and may confirm what many have already been thinking: it hasn’t been the best of seasons. The temperature during August has been 1C below average in most parts of the country. The UK has also received 126 per cent of the average monthly rainfall for August. But while this summer has been wetter than last year, it has not been as wet as those in 2007, 2008 or 2009. The amount of sunshine in Britain in August has also been below average, standing at 76 per cent of usual levels. Full summer statistics will be published by the Met Office on Thursday. Forecaster Brian Gaze, of  The Weather Outlook, said that 2011 was likely to be remembered for the wrong reasons. “Since the last real heatwave in July 2006 we’ve had a run of average or poor summers in Britain, but 2011 will probably be remembered as the worst of them,” he said. “During the 1990s and 2000s, summer heat-waves were more frequent than usual, and perhaps some people began to think this was the norm. During the last few years the run of poor summers has coincided with colder weather during the winter months.” –Telegraph
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9 Responses to United Kingdom has its coolest summer since 1993

  1. Penny says:

    Yep soo true havent been beach once!!!!


  2. siskinbob says:

    Global Warming strikes again.


  3. Alex says:

    Summer we had a summer when LOL been terrible


  4. Tracey says:

    I live at the beach and its been gloomy , bought a tent earlier this year hoping for a couple of nights away camping with my 8 year old son but inconsistent weather put a stop to that…oh well, it will soon be Christmas!!!!


  5. The UK has had one of it’s coolest and the US has had one of it’s warmest. Just an observation I found interesting.

    Be blessed and Maranatha


  6. E says:

    That is wierd statistic. And i would say that last summer was way too high comparing to this one.
    This was most balanced and worm summer ever. No burning, like a few years before: which has been indicated to be way too hot for the geographic position of England. So this suggestion of cooling is exagerated, and we are only returning back to normal after last 3 years, which were burning hot as concenquences of global worming. Things are finally stabilising back to normal.
    It was quite a beautiful summer.


  7. Ian says:

    Summer, what summer? we had an early warm spring then an apology for summer, now autumn has started early. Just wondering what kind of winter is in store for us, and when it will start!


  8. nickk0 says:

    THIS makes sense to me, folks.

    Try looking up the ‘Gulf Stream Current’ which flows out of the Gulf Of Mexico, up towards Great Britain.
    It works like a conveyor belt, carrying warmer waters, up into the colder waters of the North Atlantic.
    Without this ‘conveyor belt’ of warm water flowing northward, Climatologists state that Britain and Northern Europe would be a heck of a lot cooler.

    Scientists claim that the ‘Gulf Stream Current’ flow, has gotten 30% weaker, since the ’90s.

    – Nick


  9. Clive says:

    Most of the UK has had five poor summers since 2006 surely this cannot carry on. The last time this happen was after the famous hot summer of 1976. The UK had to wait until 1983 for the next really decent summer.


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