26 Responses to Debt Wars: IMF and international banking policies a root cause behind social chaos

  1. luisport says:

    BreakingNews Breaking News
    Dow Jones industrial average falls 500 points on worriesabout slowing global economy – AP
    há 14 minutos


  2. luisport says:

    The huge crash we’re seeing today is prompting, once again, a huge flight into US Treasuries.

    For the first time ever, the yield on the 10-year is below 2%.

    The sharp move came right after that dismal Philly Fed report.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/10-year-yield-falls-below-2-2011-8#ixzz1VOHyc1nh


  3. Golfdad641 says:

    From Ice Age to hyper-inflation with SocGen bear

    So far, Edwards — who predicted the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, the U.S. housing implosion and who sees China’s economy suffering a hard landing — has been closer than most on his debt call. Last week, yields tested their record low of 2.04 percent.

    Investors, however, should hope he’s not as accurate on his next call: Edwards sees Treasury yields falling further because, he says, the economy will weaken. He is targeting benchmark rates at around 1.50 percent in the next six months.

    Edwards’ Ice Age is marked by a period when bond yields gradually decline as equity yields, as measured by averaging earnings and dividends, cheapen from the lows offered during the stock boom.

    The next phase, however, will be rapid inflation that hurts bond and equity positions alike.

    Read More at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/18/us-edwards-socgen-idUSTRE77H31320110818


  4. Stephen says:

    I expect global stocks to crash further. Economic fundamentals in the West are weak and shaky. Since th West forms an enormous part of the world economy, even the East will be dragged down to the pit. We’re only in 2011, and we see these really BIG things happening. Never has this been as hellish as before. Never has this been as heavy and daunting as before. The world is sitted on a melting pile of worthless financial instruments. No wonder protests and and riots are spreading.


  5. Star1111Seed says:

    But is the IMF helping member nations or actually contributing to their collapse with a monetary policy that is designed to increase sovereign debt, enrich corrupt bureaucrats, speculators and international bankers?

    In my opinion Joseph Stiglitz asked the question and I truly believe he answered it. Game over!!!


  6. luisport says:

    Perfect storm of activity hits markets
    August 18, 2011, 10:50 AM.A perfect storm of disturbing data and general market skittishness deepened the losses on markets during the first hour of trading Thursday.

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA plunged by as many as 524 points, or 4.6%, shortly after 10 a.m. Eastern before recovering slightly in recent action. At last check, the Dow was down 467 points, roughly 4%.

    Other indexes fared worse. The S&P 500 SPX tumbled by more than 5% at one point and was down 4% recently. The Nasdaq Composite Index COMP lost nearly 5.4% before it regained some ground. The Nasdaq was off 4.4% at last check.

    And if all that wasn’t enough, the yield on 10-year Treasury notes 10_year slipped to a record low of 2% as investors rushed to the safety of the notes and pushed prices higher.

    A sell-off of the shares of major financial institutions was one culprit. All the big names were down sharply, including Bank of America Corp. BAC, Citigroup Inc. C, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM and Morgan Stanley MS slid by 2% to 5%. U.S. banks seemed to have caught a cold from European institutions, which also were hammered in Thursday trading.

    The Philadelphia Federal Reserve reported that manufacturing activity for the region has weakened markedly. The bank said its business condition index plunged to a negative 30.7 in August from 3.2 in July, reaching its lowest level since March 2009.

    Sales of existing homes fell to an eight-month low in July, dropping 3.5%. The National Association of Realtors said a high cancellation rate was part of the problem. The sales figure stood at a seasonally adjusted rate of 4.67 million, down sharply from the 4.99 million expected by economists polled by MarketWatch. See story.

    And the number of those who applied for unemployment benefits rose back above the 400,000 level last week, according to the Labor Department. Claims climbed by 9,000 to a seasonally adjusted 408,000 for the week ended Aug. 13. The MarketWatch poll of economists expected 400,000.

    – Russ Britt http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2011/08/18/perfect-storm-of-activity-hits-markets/


  7. c/o Luisport

    Over the course of a news-packed summer, Europe has gone from bad to worse.

    What was being addressed as a Greek problem three months ago has now turned into a European problem of epic proportions — in fact, since the Greek bailout in late July, we’ve been talking far more about Italy and Spain as the major trouble spots in the eurozone equation.

    How did things escalate so fast, and what implications does this have for the continuing crisis?

    The truth of the matter is that there’s little new information. Some people did see this coming — like this one in February 2010. The fact that European leaders and the European Central Bank have been able to stave off this formidable problem may even be oddly comforting.

    Let’s return to May 2011. All eyes were on Greece’s new austerity measures and the riots raging against them. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was publicly talking about how Greek default would be inevitable, while analysts predicted that this could spell the end of the euro.

    The agreement on a Greek bailout and “selective default” took place in late July and the euro has still not gone to bust. Neither Germany nor Greece has backed out of the agreement — though talk about Greece being forced out has become popular in recent days — and the euro is still plugging along, albeit dejectedly.

    Now, however, no one really cares about Greece (or Portugal or Ireland). It has become clear that Europe’s problems extend beyond two or three profligate peripheral states. In fact Italy and its 120% debt-to-GDP ratio — barely discussed in the spring — now appears to be the big rotten egg in the basket, and more signs are emerging that an unthinkable default may soon descend upon the land of pasta and pepperoni. Meanwhile, European lawmakers toy with eurobonds and major changes to taxation and governance in the eurozone may soon become a reality.

    The course of events this summer teaches us a handful of things:

    – Germany is the strong man of Europe. Proposals Merkel suggests have this funny way of coming true, despite mounting domestic opposition. If her coalition falls apart, we could see a huge policy shift from Berlin, but this seems less than likely, particularly with Merkel’s CDU ever more accepting of radical measures like eurobonds.

    – The sovereign debt crisis is rapidly turning into a credit crunch, which could be disastrous for global markets.

    – Germany and France will do whatever it takes to keep the euro alive, because not doing so is simply not an option.

    – That said, no one is going to take strong definitive action until there is no alternative. Leaders will continue to kick the can down the road because the answers are difficult and often politically damaging. This is going to make getting out of this mess a lot more painful for everyone involved.

    – We are NEVER going to get a breakthrough announcement about how to fix this crisis. Markets seem to wait on EU meetings with bated breath, but the truth is there’s just never going to be a happy announcement. Case in point: this week’s Merkozy meeting actually produced a lot more tangible data and results than should have been expected, and the fact that eurobonds were even mentioned as an eventual possibility was a panacea. Yet directly afterwards markets tanked.

    – What doesn’t break Europe will only make it stronger. The EU will emerge from this crisis a lot more integrated with far more stringent financial rules. Lots of European countries share the same problems — high debt, high unemployment, and low growth — that are simply not going to be acceptable anymore. Expect EU countries to look a lot more like Germany (or else).

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/in-one-summer-europe-goes-from-bailout-to-fending-off-bust-2011-8#ixzz1VNzxMZQM


  8. Golfdad641 says:

    CANADA STOCKS-TSX tumbles as economic and European fears rise

    TORONTO, Aug 18 (Reuters) – Toronto’s main stock market index sold off nearly 3 percent on Thursday morning as mounting worries about a sluggish global economic recovery and fears
    that the European debt crisis might spread to the U.S. banking sector shook confidence. All 10 index sectors were down sharply, but weighty safe-haven gold miners edged up 0.6 percent as bullion prices hit a record high, helping the TSX index outperform its U.S. counterparts.

    “You’ve got the continuing worries over the European debt situation and its effect on the European banking and credit but at the same time, what you’re having is continued reinforcement of the weakness of the U.S. economy.”

    Read More at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/18/markets-canada-stocks-idUSN1E77H0P920110818


  9. Becky says:

    Thank you Alvin for such a good explanation as to what is going on!


  10. idiotbox says:

    As the puppet masters pull the strings we all sit at the side of the table waiting for scraps, they laugh as we fight over crumbs, ever conspiring ways to take more and give less, as people we sit idly, begging, we allow this, we appease the masters while they beat us into mental and financial oppression, they will continue to rape our pockets and then blame -us- for their greed, but soon things will change, they will see the end of their oppression, and because they know this, they will take every last penny from us all before it’s over, and we will hand it over willingly, but remember this fellow slaves, when the house has burned down and they emerge from the rubble remember their faces and names, give no shelter and share no bread with them, because they would use your empathy against you, and once again steal everthing you hold dear.


  11. Now I really wish I would have bought gold way back when it first came on the market for private citizens. If I remember correctly, it was only $100/ounce.

    Now here is my feelings on watching the stock market. I’m on a roller coaster, front seat, on top of the big hill. So I’m going to throw my arms in the air and yell Wheeee!!!! all the way down.

    On that note, time to buy more food and staples.



  12. Star1111Seed says:

    I was telling people about this 10 years ago and I was laughed at as a nut. Once they disarm America, we will be screwed and they are on their way to setting this up as you can very well see.


    The consequences were very visible at various stages since the end of WWII. Since then people have been coxed if not beaten into submission.

    The biggest loss in this discussion is who are the owners of IMF, FED, CEB, World Bank. If people actually knew and paid attention to the reason behind their existence all “he-double hockey sticks” would break loose.

    The time for a milquetoast Constitutionalist is long gone. Even John Adams warned that our Constitution is fit only for a ‘moral and righteous people.’

    And as you can see America is a fallen multi-ethnic mess.

    It will take a mighty strong person or persons with a “nation-rebuilding agenda” to lead. America needs a repeat of DeGaulle’s 4th French Republic to rebuild and a Juan Peron to add on and protect the fruits of those labors.

    One wonders is it to late?


  13. S.S.S. says:

    If you read Daniel 2 and discover that the legs of Iron correspond to the dual natures of Rome (pagan and Papal) the ten toes represent the 10 “barbarian ” tribes that overthrew pagan rome (the Goths, Farnks, Bergundians Vandals et al) notice the toes were made of iron mixed with clay ….they would not adhere to one another. Europe has had many attempts at unification, Alexander, Charlemagne, Napolean, the Kaiser, Hitler, now the EU. IT TOO WILL FAIL! GOD’s word is true and accurate. Europe will not cleave together no matter how bad someone wants it too.

    Having said that, watch for a rise of the power of the Papacy, whose deadly wound has been healed. She is the only “country” in Europe who has lots of Gold and other treasure with which to bail out those who will obey her.


  14. Dennis E. says:

    CNN has posted a quick vote asking if you have lost confidence in world leaders ability to tackle
    economic problems. 87 per cent say yes. Not a scientific poll, but my question is, if these world leaders can’t solve the problem who are they going to get?
    Ponder the thought.


  15. Lisa says:

    Yet, the only one who has seriously attacked the FED is Ron Paul, and somehow I believe the others just started because finally people were understanding what Paul was trying to say about the FED.


  16. genomega1 says:

    Millions living on the dole for the last three decades could not be a problem, or could they?


  17. luisport says:

    Panic, rinse, repeat.

    Everything’s getting killed in Europe.

    We’re already anticipating a busy weekend of emergency telephone meetings.

    France is off 3%.

    Italy is off 2.6%.

    Germany is off 3.5%!

    US futures are all off over 1.5%

    Gold is up to $1863. $1900 today?

    Meanwhile, Europe is clearly facing endgame, as in there’s little to no tame for half-measures at this point.

    See some observations on it here.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/morning-markets-august-19-2011-8#ixzz1VTT3bv5x


  18. luisport says:

    El-Erian Warns Of Cascading European Bank Failures, Says Weak Countries Could Take A “Sabbatical” From The Eurozone



  19. luisport says:

    Bank of America Tower gets zapped by lightning!

    Is this a bad sign for Bank of America?

    Zzzzzt!  Bank of America Tower gets zapped by lightning with the Empire State Building looking on


  20. luisport says:

    The good news: It’s the weekend.

    But first, the scoreboard:

    Dow: -182.47
    NASDAQ: -39.83
    S&P 500: -18.06

    And now the top stories:

    A miserable week — that saw record up-moves in gold and Treasuries — ended on another bout of heavy selling.
    Yesterday, of course, was total carnage, with Europe having its worst day in two years, and big 4%+ decline in US markets. That continued in Asia, where everyone lost (Korea down 6.2%!), and then in Europe, where ongoing sovereign debt worries and concerns about bank funding are bringing everyone lower. There’s still no signs of any kind of Eurozone “solution” (something big, on the order of TARP), and if anything there are signs that existing mechanisms are falling apart (see: Finland’s demand for Greek collateral).
    One source of concern: A report that came out Thursday night about a forex swap line being opened up between the Fed and the Swiss National Bank. In the early going, both UBS and Credit Suisse rushed out statements to the effect that they were fine liquidity-wise.
    US futures were sharply lower in the early going, down around 2%. However by the time the open came around, things were actually looking better, and then there was actually a sharp 1% rally. But that didn’t last. Slowly and slowly the rally ground away, and then it straight-up ended in a hard selloff.
    There was no data today, and not much corporate news. The one huge loser was Hewlett-Packard, which lost 20% of its value today. Not surprisingly, the big US banks were all lower, though mostly within the general range of the overall indices. Citi stood out to the downside, however, losing over 3.5%.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/closing-bell-august-19-2011-8#ixzz1VVWQHC5U


  21. luisport says:

    MOODY’S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption, And Greed

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/moodys-analyst-conflicts-corruption-and-greed-2011-8#ixzz1VVYxGbji


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