Conditions morph on solar surface for potentially damaging CME blast

August 18, 2011DELICATO: With two big sunspots turning toward Earth and a variety of prominences dancing around the solar limb, the sun is attracting the attention of amateur astronomers. Alan Friedman sends this report from Buffalo, New York: “The activity on the Sun today was so diverse in intensity and character I was reminded of movements in a symphony. This very massive prominence (pictured below) was so very faint–almost invisible when others circling the limb were properly exposed. It’s delicate tendrils inspired the name Delicato.” Sunspot 1271 has developed a “beta-gamma-delta” magnetic field that harbors energy for Xclass solar flares. –Space Weather
We also now have directional coronal holes on the Sun which could aid in the propagation of a proton particle storm. Chances of an X-Class flare 1%  —-  Chances of an M-Class flare 20%
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Solar Event, Space Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

24 Responses to Conditions morph on solar surface for potentially damaging CME blast

  1. Dennis E. says:

    Well, how much trouble will this cause?


  2. Anthony says:

    Finally… F sports! This is the real game to watch!


    • NickK0 says:

      X-class Solar flares making a direct hit on Earth ?? Who cares ??
      I am much more worried, about who wins NASCAR this weekend, and watching football. 😛

      – Nick


  3. Thank you Alvin for getting all of this information together. I used to be able to keep up with a lot of it, but I couldn’t do it anymore.

    So let’s see what we have: we have CMEs possibly coming our way, social unrest all over the world, volcanoes waking up, Comet Elinin out there some where, deadly diseases randomly appearing, financial chaos, plus whatever else I left out.

    Have a nice day. Maybe I will find some nice warm sand to stick my head into. 🙂



  4. Jameson says:

    Forgive my ignorance, but what are the potential consequences in the worst-case scenario? Total disruption of electronics. Everyone dies?


    • In a worst case, worst case, which may be more likely from conditions in 2012 to 2013 as opposed to now, a large enough sun spot X-flare CME could fry grids, satelittes, ect. It’s hard to imagine a world without power and just how long it would be before everything breaks down, including civilizations. While humanity has lived without electricity before, it is the disruption of those cruical urban services related to health that are of primary concern. Food storage, maintaining temperature-controlled medicine and blood supplies, water treatment and sanitation plants, data processing centers, nuclear power plants cooling facilites, inability to treat a disease outbreak, ect that are the cause for concern. The worst part of a global black out from a massive solar storm could be the estimated time for recovery which could be anywhere from 1 to 7 years. Today’s events may pass without incident. I suggest no one lose any sleep over worrying what might be. All the conditions have to fall in-line on this and NASA is saying there is only a 5% of an X-class flare happening over the next 48 hours.


      • whatchagonnado? says:

        Thanks again Alvin… and enjoying the book, I just rec’d it last week and can’t put it down.
        However concerning the solar issue, one day NASA says everything is going quite, the next we have new sun spots or solar flares, I won’t loose any sleep mainly because there isn’t anything we can do about it. But I’m just not so sure I will rely on what NASA says…
        And they say women change their minds alot, well they must not know NASA’s!


      • Thanks Whatchagonnado…please stay in touch.

        Grace in Christ,


    • Hi Jameson,
      Here is an article about what happened on earth in 1859:
      They haven’t categorized its size from what I can see – but it looks to be in the vicinity of a X45 Class flare.
      It was so big it could be seen with the naked up and only took 18 hours to reach earth instead of the usual 72-96 hours.

      In a nutshell, it set Telegraph poles alight and Auroras were seen all over the world…


  5. Bundy says:

    It’s what the scientists and alternative sites have been predicting will happen.Does make you wonder what is happening in space.


  6. Obadiah said (v.4) ‘Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest (Space Station??) among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.’
    do you think ‘they’ will bring in the ‘chip’ as the global financial solution the world bank is seemingly announcing? If so, it must be very close to the end ..’..for the sake of the elect, or no flesh would be saved.


  7. NASA just increased the chances of an X-Class flare erupting from sunspot 1271 from 5% to 10%. And the chances of an M-Class flare (the 2nd strongest type) has gone up to 45%. I think the risks has just doubled in the NASA forecast. Stay tuned…we’ll keep everyone updated.


  8. Rozee says:

    Greetings all. Is our solar system still inside the photon cloud? If there is a previous post, please cite. May the blessings of faith, hope & love be enjoyed by all. Namaste.


  9. zorar says:

    Nasa stands for never a straight answer.they have been caught red handed altering earthqtake data and they recently altered jpl orbit of I wouldnt trust them.maybe carl calleman was right about the oct 28th end date of this year and not dec 21 next year.get this my brother passed on march tenth,he has come to me showin me earth and solar changes 3 different times.he showed me huge meteors coming to earth in one dream,the next was 3 suns, and the last was volcanoes going off or smokin in neighbor hoods.not to mentiion my own dreams of countless tusunami dreams and even earth getting scortched by this white beam of light that rolled over the who really knows but the signs are there for an apocolypse this year and not next year.i think 2012 date is all propaganda,the real date could be this year as ii was told in 2002 that time would have to be sped up.heads up….


  10. Dennis E. says:

    Ok, somebody help me here. On January 2nd, 2008, a paper labeled SSRC 1-2008(Space and Science Research Center in Orlando, FLA) and it is a long paper and basically what it says that NASA knows that a solar cycle having 50 or less sunspots is heading our way which means, according to this paper, an intense cold climate and we can expect to see warmer temperatures before the bottom falls out and we could enter a period of 20-30 years of lasting and possibly dangerous cold. The last time this happened, it was called the bi-centennial cycle, solar cycle 1793 to 1830. The paper also said we could see climate change in regard to Colder weather as early as Solar cycle # 24?
    Results could be famine, crop loss, social, economic disruption, riots, and disease. One big difference cited by this paper that at the time it was published, there are 7 billion mouths to feed on the earth. The last time of such an event, there were only one billion mouths to feed.
    In this paper, it is affirmed that the goverment (Bush Administration)has been/was informed. It further more reads that changes in the sun has begun and they are unstoppable. The thesis seems to focus on a solar cycle that has less than 50 as a key indicator.
    The paper indicated that other sources around the world had been consulted.

    Alvin, I don’t have your book right handy and I can’t remember if you covered this.

    I just thought it would be interesting for posting. I don’t have the ability to email it to you from here.


  11. zorar says:

    Dennis the whole planet will not freeze that were tropical either wont be or will be more warmer and parts that are cool will become colder such as europe which is probably going to have a ice age. dont believe me,check it out. the core is heating up not down.


    • Dennis E. says:

      I thank you for your comment and I am not the type who has to be right all the time; I can look at another point of view and your posting is a good one and I believe what you wrote. I have heard about the future ice age in europe, but this paper that I referenced/paraphrased, I’ve had on my computer since 2008 and I went to the web site prior to posting and they still seem to believe that the earth is going to go through a period of dangerous cold and they did not say the entire earth would freeze or which parts and I should have been more clear I guess. Sorry if Imislead anyone

      Thanks, have a nice day.


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