Pandora’s Box: Researchers create first animal with artificial genetic code

August 11, 2011LONDON – Researchers say they have created the first ever animal with artificial information in its genetic code. The technique, they say, could give biologists “atom-by-atom control” over the molecules in living organisms. One expert the BBC spoke to agrees, saying the technique would be seized upon by “the entire biology community.” The work by a Cambridge University team, which used nematode worms, appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The worms – from the species Caenorhabditis elegans – are 1mm long, with just a thousand cells in their transparent bodies. What makes the newly created animals different is that their genetic code has been extended to create biological molecules not known in the natural world. Genes are the DNA blueprints that enable living organisms to construct their biological machinery, protein molecules, out of strings of simpler building blocks called amino acids. Just 20 amino acids are used in natural living organisms, assembled in different combinations to make the tens of thousands of different proteins needed to sustain life. But Sebastian Greiss and Jason Chin have re-engineered the nematode worm’s gene-reading machinery to include a 21st amino acid, not found in nature. Dr Chin of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology (where Francis Crick and James Watson first cracked the structure of DNA) describes the technique as “potentially transformational”: designer proteins could be created that are entirely under the researchers’ control. –BBC
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54 Responses to Pandora’s Box: Researchers create first animal with artificial genetic code

  1. nitewarlok says:

    not good..,the start of the creating of the smaller forms of life to inflict torment on humans commanded by the Lord.simply not good.


    • Tomwe says:

      Which lord are you referring to? Shiva, Texcatlipoca, Mbona, or Ahura-

      Shiva, taking on the many-armed form said, “I am become death, shatterer of worlds!”


    • Star1111Seed says:

      No, nitewarlok………….I agree this news is not at all good due in part to the fact that mankind was perviously warned about something such as this.


  2. A_lad says:

    This is insane. Man playing God usually has painful consequences. Even if mans intent is for the good it inevitably ends up used for evil.

    I wonder if a Human being is actually the scientist behind all the Genetically modified science out there. Whenever I read articles like this it brings to mind Genesis 6. An attempt to create a species above God and without God.

    The enemy seems to be working overtime in these Last Days….


  3. Ernest says:

    What could possibly go wrong? (sarc)


  4. Luca says:

    I don’t like the sound of this at all.


  5. Julie says:

    I see zombies in our future.

    Ok – seriously . . . why?


    • Star1111Seed says:

      :)) zombies already exist. What I see is danger. But then too we must remember that ultimately the Creator is watching and keeping a close eye on things.


  6. MatthewB says:

    Julie, I thought the same exact thing! Ppl may call me crazy for thinking it, but ”Chance favors the prepared mind”.


  7. sophia carlson says:

    Oh Hell!


  8. Jake says:

    That this sort of thing is allowed to happen under the sun, is yet another example that God is the perfect frame of reference for mercy and long-suffering.


  9. Genesis 6 all over again…I will be watching developments closely!!!


  10. cathiiannii says:

    genetically modified food was a disaster…this has greater implications. what is the point?? why go there?? we will be all exterminated by the “genius” of science..


  11. Rick says:

    We are repeating what the Atlanteans did and it was an ugly ending for them.


  12. idiotbox says:

    As the end closes in the elite still find the time to manipulate nature, irony, soon nature will be doing all of the manipulation and the species that they are so set on enhancing will cease to exist.


  13. sinoed says:

    Here we go again…will we never learn!


  14. Dennis E. says:

    This seems to be very troublesome. Why? Man has/is moved into a area that is as wrong for our physical/spiritual self as was the partaking of the tree of knowledge in the garden of eden.
    Therefore, crossing this threshold, I believe we can expect future visual horrors and dangers never seen since the dawn of time and no doubt, divine intervention of some kind.

    No doubt there has been supernatural assistance in this process.
    Is it possible that Satan who has always wanted to be worshiped like the most high is working to develop a creation of his own to show he is equal with God and therefore worthy of worship and also perhaps create a resistance to the second coming?

    That may sound strange, but who would have guessed all the chaos this year would bring.

    Just a thought


    • Dakota says:

      Dennis not so strange at all you are probably closer to the truth than you realize.


    • nitewarlok says:

      well if u think of each time a person goes into a trance or each time a person reaches that trance like state to tune into their ancestors it has often caused me to wonder just who they are contacting considering what the Word teaches us about doing such things and exactly who we would be contacting if we were to do such is not the souls of the dearly departed who are being contacted nor is it any angel of lights.even Satan and his minions can appear as angels of light.those who dabble in the dark would also know this as well,tho the naive perhaps would not.


  15. TTB says:

    I don’t see why people freak out…’oh it will cause the end.’ 99% of species ever to live on this planet are extinct….we will one day follow…might as well have fun while we’re here. lol


  16. Megan says:

    Just saw the movie Captain America and how they took a scrawny 90# guy and made him into superman in WWII. Also on Germany’s side an occult obsessed military man becomes like a superevil demon. Now the movie was pretty clean as far as language, but this is getting people ready to accept these supermen. Just like in the time of Noah. It is amazing when you look at all the Hollywood movies how they are preparing the sheeple to accept all this insanity as if it were normal.


    • A_lad says:

      Great words and very true….


    • Dakota says:

      Megan, movie makers have been doing that for quite some time. Only over the last 10 years or so have they hyped things up. As far as the military is concerned they have the know how and they’ve already used specific soldiers and marine’s to do specific tasks…..since 1963.


      • nitewarlok says:

        go back a little further even perhaps to the philadelphia experiment.not sure if this fits Dakota if not i apologise.


  17. What scares me, is the reductionist approach of mainstream scientists who have no clue of how a body works holistically.


  18. saxxonblack says:

    Cut the tail off a worm and the head still survives. The tail writhes in agony to distract predator. Thus ‘Worm Head’ burrows into ground and grows new tail.

    If our human nature is to destroy and create ergo being the meaning of existence then just burrow your head away from the destruction and grow a new tail.

    Its a simple metaphor.


  19. RainMan says:

    The movies have been touching on this for years, Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein, then theirs Freaks, the list goes on, but the reality of this genetic tampering is what will be the outcome and who will control it?….. I can still remember Christian Barnard and the first heart transplant, there was huge moral uproar but the consensus changed over time as it has saved many lives and furthered the field of organ transplants for the good. Changing genetic codes with artifcial information…the worry is, the ‘controllers’.


    • Dakota says:

      Bingo………………….. RainMain there you have it.

      There is so much more on the table. This is just the tip of the iceberg.


    • Tomwe says:

      Agreed. Science is neutral. Knowledge is good. Unfortunately, some humans are ethically-challenged whether or not they have a religious background. Throughout history opportunists, flim-flam artists, dictators, and scoundrels have used knowledge and science to further their own personal agendas as H. G. Wells showed us in “The Shape of Things to Come.” These individuals can create catastropic problems, but eventually the human spirit can use the knowledge to overcome the problems. It is scary that in the infancy of humanity we have the information to change the genetic code, but in the end, it will improve the world and our species as we move on to the next step in evolution.


  20. RainMan says:

    Just one more scary hint, ‘designer protiens created entirely under the researchers control’….who controls the researchers? Not hard to guess.


    • Dakota says:

      RainMan that all depend what you mean by control.

      It could be a number of people, (mortals) or it could be TWO different and Specific Entities not of this world.


  21. jewels says:

    Anybody heard of Steven Quayle? Check him out on youtube to go in depth regarding Transhumanism and how all of this is in the scripture. I check this site many times everyday unless I am camping or trying to unplug from all the turmoil. Thank you for all the latest important information. I think I enjoy reading the comments as much as the articles.


  22. LindaG says:

    We should not be messing around with Mother Nature!

    These scientists need to read the novel “Dust” by Charles Pellegrino (sp?). Not that intentional genetic manipulation had anything to do with what happened in the novel, but I’m a firm believer in unintended consequences. I find this type of genetic manipulation to be very scary, indeed.


    • Dakota says:

      Yes it’s a bit scary Linda………………… and it’s been done before. You can find a magnitude of information on Transhumanism.

      Our creator has been so good to mankind/humans but they always want to one up the one who made them. And again humans in the end will get slapped down and take many of us with them – when will man learn?


  23. Mike Swayze says:

    That movie ‘TREMORS’ and all of its sequels comes to mind- not to mention GM combatants from Go knows what starting point- cross between elephant and rhino- so to speak or maybe predator/alien….


  24. novusanima says:

    I found this site to be really informative, and I will be coming back to look further. Thanks for your work on creating this blog.
    I found this article to be really frightening: Oh, the arrogance of man trying to Be GOD; the same lie as in Genesis: you would think man would learn, but I guess it’s always got to be the ‘hard way’ i.e. the coming Great Trib.



  25. SSS says:

    Tomwe: There is only One LORD. The LORD Jesus Christ..King of Kings and LORD of Lords!


    • Tomwe says:

      How do you know? A book written by people that thought the sun went around the earth? What about all the other religious texts? Just because you were educated into one faith does not make it right. Other people think differently and it would be arrogant of me to say they are wrong just because someone indoctrinated me in one faith. What about Buddha, Vishnu, Amun-Ra, Texcatlipoca, Zeus? All these gods like the one in the Bible were attempts of man to make sense of the universe and give a hope against death. I hope your faith gives you comfort, but, please, I don’t need a feudal “lord” to be my dad in the sky.


  26. rob alder says:

    terrifying…google Morgellons syndrome…there are already people who are expressing the effects of transgenic horizontal gene transfer..


  27. will says:



  28. NickK0 says:

    Although the scientists and geneticists involved in this research are probably quite benign, we can’t dismiss the possibility, that some rogue elements or dictator ( or a corporation, etc.) will not use this technology, to their own evil ends, for the purpose of dominating others.

    It may be a smart thing, to outlaw this kind of genetic ‘re-engineering’, until Mankind gets his own moral implications, sorted out.

    – Nick


    • Tomwe says:

      I agree with your sentiments. Unfortunately, I don’t know how this could be outlawed. If outlawed in this country, other countries might not do so. Could be a kind of “arms race” all over again if it was thought this technology could give one nation a military edge.


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