Massive undersea volcanic eruption found off Oregon Coast

August 9, 2011PORTLAND –  Oregon State University scientists say they’ve discovered an eruption of an undersea volcano about 250 miles off the Oregon Coast. The April 6 eruption produced a lava flow at least 1.2 miles wide, scientists say, and there were hundreds of tiny earthquakes during the eruption. The volcano, named Axial Seamount, last erupted in 1998, and the team of OSU scientists forecasted it would erupt again before 2014. Oregon State scientists say this marks the first-ever successful forecast of an undersea volcano. The new eruption was discovered July 28 when scientists used a robot to find a new lava flow on the seafloor that was not present a year ago. Because only a handful of the earthquakes were detected from land, scientists did not initially believe there was an eruption. Bill Chadwick, an OSU geologist, says the team of scientists thought they were in the wrong place because the seafloor looked so different. “We couldn’t find our markers or monitoring instruments or other distinctive features on the bottom,” he says. “Once we figured out that an eruption had happened, we were pretty excited.” When they recovered seafloor instruments and recorders, the scientists learned the volcanic eruption took place April 6. “So far, it is hard to tell the full scope of the eruption because we discovered it near the end of the expedition,” Chadwick says. “But it looks like it might be at least three times bigger than the 1998 eruption.” –Fox 12 News
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17 Responses to Massive undersea volcanic eruption found off Oregon Coast

  1. luisport says:

    WOW!!! This is a BIG DISCOVERY!!!


    • PansPermia says:

      On this one I am speechless other than to say one cans almost see where the land may break away and separate.

      luisport………thanks for sharing.

      Sending love out to one and all.


  2. luisport says:

    ENENEWS Energy News
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    há 9 minutos MY GOD A NEW EXPLOSION!!!


  3. Yasmine says:

    I never thought undersea volcanoes are possible? I mean lava under water, how is it possible?

    I had a dream a little while ago of water volcanoes in the oceans and lakes. I wonder if that is possible?


    • The vast majority of volcanoes are under the ocean. 71% of the planet’s surface is covered by water. There are an estimated 3 million volcanoes under the oceans- perhaps more. In 2008, scientists discovered undersea volcanic eruptions so powerful in the Arctic Circle that the magma was practically producing glass. Powerful undersea volcanic eruptions have also been seen in Kavachi in the Solomon Islands and the Tonga trench.


  4. Bundy says:

    Alvin when did the eruption in the Tonga trench occur please,also the Solomons?


  5. zemi says:

    Alvin, you have been working overtime, double time, all the time…. There hasn’t been a day, in my recent memory, where you have taken recuperative time for yourself since you became a blogaholic. Your message is so important and very appreciated always, but God created the world…. and on the seventh day….rested… Would it not be fun to do an TEP field trip to Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino or heck, gulp, Humboldt (it is sublimely beautiful there) to discuss….our and our children’s future


  6. Marcel says:

    Questions are more important than anserws. So we can think beyond subject.
    Is Jesus a cristian?
    Does his message point to himself ore beyond?
    What is universal?
    Did he say he was good or did he say what he testified for was good?


  7. Yasmine says:

    Alvin thank you for all that info!! Wow how amazing mother Earth is.

    After you return from your break and may it be blessed with peace and serenity. In my dream I saw water volcanoes, water erupting rather then lava. I saw crystal clear water inside the volcano then lots of bubbles of different sizes began to
    form and then the water erupted sending a whirl great big whirl on the surface of the ocean formed because of it. I sometimes have the most peculiar and quite fantastic dreams.


  8. Yasmine says:

    The video link is amazing.


  9. Susan D. says:

    Just wondering if this had anything to do with the recent Vancouver Island Earthquake . . .


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